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Let the data speak: Comparison of last Friday's data and capital changes The current market data has not changed much compared to last Friday, whether it is market value, transactions or funds. First of all, in terms of market value, although Ethereum has not successfully driven the overall upward trend of the market, the data performance is still temporarily strong, while the altcoin is in a weak position following the trend of Bitcoin. The market share of Ethereum has eaten up the share of altcoins and Bitcoin. The transaction volume has increased slightly, and the market liquidity is still insufficient. In the stage of sideways fluctuations, the lower liquidity represents the market sentiment brewing. By observing the weekend data, the transaction volume slowly resumed growth with Monday. In terms of funds, Monday is not optimistic at present. The on-site funds increased by 100 million, and the net inflow of off-site funds was 76 million US dollars. In terms of off-site funds, although it was a net inflow compared to last Friday, according to the capital data we observed over the weekend, in fact, Asian and American funds flowed in over the weekend, while according to the capital data on Monday, funds were flowing out slightly. Especially US funds, they have returned to the state of capital outflow on the eve of the opening of the US stock market. Now we just hope that funds can flow back after the US stock market closes. If the funds do not flow back, the help that the US stock market currently brings to the crypto market will be weakened, and it will instead suck money from the crypto market. Because it is Monday, the data has not fully started. Tomorrow we will focus again on data changes, especially changes in funds. Tonight, the US stock market opened well. The only thing we need to determine now is whether the US stock market has played a positive role in driving the crypto market, or whether it has formed a short-term capital sucking. #大盘走势

Let the data speak: Comparison of last Friday's data and capital changes

The current market data has not changed much compared to last Friday, whether it is market value, transactions or funds.

First of all, in terms of market value, although Ethereum has not successfully driven the overall upward trend of the market, the data performance is still temporarily strong, while the altcoin is in a weak position following the trend of Bitcoin. The market share of Ethereum has eaten up the share of altcoins and Bitcoin.

The transaction volume has increased slightly, and the market liquidity is still insufficient. In the stage of sideways fluctuations, the lower liquidity represents the market sentiment brewing. By observing the weekend data, the transaction volume slowly resumed growth with Monday.

In terms of funds, Monday is not optimistic at present. The on-site funds increased by 100 million, and the net inflow of off-site funds was 76 million US dollars. In terms of off-site funds, although it was a net inflow compared to last Friday, according to the capital data we observed over the weekend, in fact, Asian and American funds flowed in over the weekend, while according to the capital data on Monday, funds were flowing out slightly. Especially US funds, they have returned to the state of capital outflow on the eve of the opening of the US stock market. Now we just hope that funds can flow back after the US stock market closes. If the funds do not flow back, the help that the US stock market currently brings to the crypto market will be weakened, and it will instead suck money from the crypto market.

Because it is Monday, the data has not fully started. Tomorrow we will focus again on data changes, especially changes in funds. Tonight, the US stock market opened well. The only thing we need to determine now is whether the US stock market has played a positive role in driving the crypto market, or whether it has formed a short-term capital sucking.


Analysis of Bitcoin market:

For the current Bitcoin market, with the shock and decline, the market is not optimistic. The short-term stabilization is only driven by emotions.

First, let's look at the short-term rebound resistance level, 64,000 monthly resistance level, 64,800 daily resistance level. As the daily resistance level has been moving down since last week, it also proves that the daily trend has become a downward trend. The advantage of the downward movement of the resistance level is that it is conducive to the rebound distance of short-term prices, but the disadvantage is also very obvious. As the resistance moves down, once it coincides with the monthly resistance level, this stage will lead to stronger resistance to short-term price rebound. At present, 64,000-64,800 needs stronger strength in the rebound breakthrough.

The support below is actually less optimistic. At present, the effective support below the technical level is only around 61,200 in the short term. I have mentioned this support many times before. It is the gold support level. At the same time, the support of the three-day Bollinger band lower line has been added. If this position is broken, the so-called integer support around 60,000 below is still relatively weak, and there may be a short-term rebound in the sentiment of the integer level, but if it is really broken effectively, it will be a drop in the bucket.

The more pessimistic view is that the real effective support below is around 55,000-56,000, that is, once it falls below 60,000, there will still be a lot of room below.

Of course, the space for the decline below I mentioned is cyclical, not that it will fall directly to this position in the short term, so seeing this, many friends don’t need to panic, and we can make adjustments at any time with the decline in each stage.

At present, the only thing we can rely on for the rise of Bitcoin is the positive effects brought by the US stock market. We hope that the rise of the US stock market can bring positive optimism and help the price of Bitcoin rebound. Of course, if every rebound of Bitcoin cannot effectively break through and stand firm at the key resistance level, the bullish sentiment will gradually be weakened, thus forming a legitimate rebound and decline trend.

The RSI relative strength index has fallen to around 30 points, basically reaching the oversold rebound sentiment. With the rise of US stocks tonight, pay attention to the rebound sentiment of Bitcoin and the key resistance level.

We will use data to speak later.
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BTC/ETH 盘面解析: 注意一个关键区间与一个支撑 今天公布的PCE数据,理论上数据带来了利好,情绪上并未有太多的作用。周末大盘基本依旧是保持低流动性横盘。不过在横盘之前,市场是要消化一下抛压的。因为沉寂了一周的横盘,PCE数据虽然小利好,但是比特币价格并未达到某些群体的预期,他们可能会短期抛售一波。 就如周四我的帖子中提到的一样,如果PCE利空也就是测试一下支撑而已,目前数据利好,但是作用不大的前提下,最坏的结果也是周末测试支撑而已。 比特币: 65,000-67,200,支撑区间,介于比特币价格非常接近67,200,考虑到会有抛压需要消化,所以以下方65,000的密集支撑区作为一个缓冲支撑形成一个支撑区间,周末这个区间基本会形成有效防守,不跌破,就不会有太大问题。 以太坊: 月线3560,依旧是关键位置。这个位置虽然距离现价有一定的距离,但是这个支撑是要考虑到下周没有太多有效数据加上美联储讲话的空窗期,所以价格只要保持在该位置之上,基本就问题不大。同时,以太坊的短期的波动以及后续的震荡,是有助于日线布林带的调整收缩。而真正会造成以太坊突破或者下跌的具体因素,依旧是要看6月份是否会出现 ETF S-1文件的更新情况。当然,如果文件审核预期过长,短期市场也会自然下跌,毕竟市场中还是有不少人过于心急。 稍后我们关注市场数据,看看在大盘暂时稳定阶段,山寨周末是否有更多机会。 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件
宏观经济观全球: PCE的利好情绪并未得到巩固与延续,市场下跌。 美股 本周重要的美国4月份PCE数据已经公布,可以说既超出了很多人的预期,也符合预期。数据表明,美联储通胀有所减缓,但是依旧不够乐观。美联储没有理由提前谈及降息问题。 数据公布之后,美股涨跌不一,这里很多人不太理解,数据明明有利好但是为何美股加密市场不涨反而跌。 其实这里要说明一下,首先昨天调整的第一季度GDP数据,从1.6到1.3,数据修弱,说明美国经济虽然保持增长,但是已经在缓慢降低热度。而GDP的修正降低也导致美股投资者对于企业未来的预期降低,这是其一。 其二,今天的PCE数据中,商品,服务涨价,但是PCE数值保持持平,说明居民的消费意愿逐渐降低,而消费意愿的降低再次加深了企业未来盈利预期的降低效果。 而今晚PCE数据虽然月率是利好,但是没有后续的发酵,也就是说PCE虽然减弱,但是依旧没有太过乐观。如果伴随着美联储官员鸽派讲话,可能有用,但是目前并没有,所以美股在科技股走衰的大环境下开始小幅度下跌。 而下周是美联储讲话的空窗期,所以PCE的小幅度利好基本在无人巩固解读的前提下,本周五估计是要以跌幅收盘。 美元与美债 虽然说PCE的利好并未在风险市场体现出来,但是却让美指进一步下跌,不过因为欧洲方面的降息,美元指数并未跌破104反而出现反弹继续回归104.65附近。 不过10年期美债收益率跌破4.5%,目前保持在4.499%附近,如果收益率继续下跌,这可能是短期对风险市场最好的利好方式。 黄金与原油 在PCE数据公布之后,黄金与原油价格出现短期大幅度下跌,下跌有部分原因是PCE导致降息预期逐渐乐观造成,不过也是有部分周五市场休盘前的资金外流避险的情绪因素在。不过目前黄金的2300与原油的80附近,依旧有明显的支撑情绪,尤其是在地缘方面持续酝酿的前提下。 BTC期货 现货 CME比特币期货指数目前报价在67,800附近,在今天完成了周与月级别的期货期权交割之后,PCE数据之下期货市场的多头情绪逐渐增加,目前与现货保持400点正溢价。多头情绪还算不错。 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件
深度解读美国4月份PCE数据解读: 刚才重点看了一下美国商务部经济分析局的PCE相关数据,本次4月核心PCE的年率继续保持高位的原因来自服务业消费的增加。 看数据: 4月份个人收入增加653亿(月率增长0.3%),对比3月份月率增长0.5%有所减缓, 个人可支配DPI  增加402亿,(月率增长0.2%),对比3月份增长也是0.5%,所有减缓。 个人消费支出391亿美元(月率0.2%),对比3月份增长0.7%,大幅减少 但是PCE价格指数上涨了0.3%,核心PCE上涨0.2%,而4月份实际的DPI是下降了0.1%,商品下降0.4%,服务增长0.1%。 这里要重点解释一下,PCE数据中包含了现价PCE指数与实际PCE指数,现价PCE是根据各项数值的每月价格浮动的变化计算,计算也是根据当前经过变动后的数据来比较DPI做出结果。而实际PCE则是在假设数据价格不变的情况下进行比对。 简单来说,现价PCE是当前考虑到所有变数的数值,变量较大,并且不稳定。而实际PCE则是在固定值的情况下真实展现居民的消费水平以及经济强弱。 4月份的现价PCE指数中,个人支出391亿,服务包含了491亿,该数据贡献最大的就是住房与公共事业,尤其是以住房为主,同时包含医疗保健以及金融服务(保险,手续费,佣金),不过其中的航运运输下降抵消了部分增长。 而商品支出减少了100亿,其中贡献最大的是娱乐用品与车辆。 综合4月份得到个人支出为391亿,491亿服务增长减去100亿商品下降。 以上的现价PCE指数是包含了商品服务的变价,其中4月份发生主要变价的是: 4月份的PCE指数增长0.3%,其中商品价格上涨了0.2%,服务上涨0.3,食品下降0.2%,能源价格上涨1.2%。核心PCE指数上涨0.2%(排除能源与食品) 通过4月份的价格变化以及现价PCE的数据变化,我们可以看出,商品价格上涨的前提下,4月份的支出依然减少了100亿,说明居民的消费意愿下降,这是对未来收入担忧造成的表现之一。而服务方面,本身出现价格上涨,加上居民依赖服务业的消费导致服务业数据居高不下。 与去年同期相比,也就是与2023年4月份相比,PCE指数增加了2.7%,价格上涨0.1,服务上涨3.9%,食品价格上涨1.3%,能源上涨3.0%。核心PCE指数增长2.8%, 虽然数据与去年同期相比相同,但是这是在商品服务价格上涨的前提下,尤其是在服务业大幅增长下,整体说明居民的消费意愿开始降低。 4月份实际的PCE,也就是对比在商品,服务等价格不变的前提下,居民的消费情况数据对比。 实际的PCE下降了0.1%,反映出商品消费下降0.4%,服务增加0.1%。其中对指数下降帮助最大的是汽油以及其他能源(汽油,润滑油等液体为主),娱乐用品与车辆以及其他非耐用性。 而其中服务增长贡献最大的是医疗保健(门诊服务为主)。 总结: 我们综合来看4月份的PCE数据来看,考虑到商品服务的变价前提下,美国的通胀压力依旧是明显的,因为随着个人支出增长的减少但是商品服务价格上升,需求并未明显下降导致。而数据上浮压力最大的最为重点的依旧是服务,甚至可以具体到房租。 反观实际PCE数据,如果不考虑商品服务变价,整体的数据是走低的,不过目前实际PCE数据的压力也是在于服务,本月的服务压力重点来自医疗方面。(谁再说美国动不动免费医疗的,慕洋犬拉出去打断腿) 续: 解读完PCE数据得出的结论,美国通胀整体依旧是有不少的压力,不过短期来看,调控下的通胀控制工作有效,起码个人收入方面递减。 这不就是鲍威尔想说的话吗? 其实本期核心PCE月率,可以看出明显的认为调整市场预期的结果,原本月率的预期是0.2%结果本周变成了0.3%,而根据目前的公布结果,预期结果的变化,给市场带来的结果有何不同,可想而知。如果之后的PCE依旧是这么玩,那么慢慢PCE的公信力度也会下降,大家可能只能靠猜了。 #PCE数据 #BTC走势分析

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