During the downward adjustment of Bitcoin, we need to observe the subsequent layout of strong coins.

During this round of downward adjustment, these companies have been very resilient. Once Bitcoin stops falling and stabilizes and rebounds, they will be the first to charge upward, such as: BOME, YGG, JTO, AEVO, MKR, and JUP.

I personally recommend subsequent layouts: BOME, YGG, JTO, AEVO.

Let me ask you, ETHFI, 6-7-8 is chasing it vigorously. The current price is 5.2. Do you want to buy it?  #ETHFI

In the year of staking, there will be ETFs passing the narrative next month, I think I can allocate some!

Please tell me where to buy it. If you want to buy it, you can start buying it in batches now. If you don’t buy it, I will tell you the expected location, and you won’t buy it either🐍 skirt + Wei 1742540051. It’s just asking, it’s a waste of your time!

As the saying goes, sow seeds in the first half of the year and harvest in the second half of the year~

Don’t spend the second half of the year trying to make money by taking out a few orders of monoclonal antibodies~ Then... #Meme #WIF #sui #SHIB