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ORDI and SATS can really fall. The whole world is waiting for Binance’s wbe3.0 wallet to go online. They wait week after week, always the next week! The short positions of ORDI and SATS are currently half-full. The main reason is that I am also afraid that the inscription of Binance Wallet will suddenly go online and ORDI will explode directly. It seems that I am overthinking and my will is still not strong enough! Today I will close some of my short orders, and wait for the rebound to continue to be short.
ORDI and SATS can really fall. The whole world is waiting for Binance’s wbe3.0 wallet to go online. They wait week after week, always the next week! The short positions of ORDI and SATS are currently half-full. The main reason is that I am also afraid that the inscription of Binance Wallet will suddenly go online and ORDI will explode directly. It seems that I am overthinking and my will is still not strong enough! Today I will close some of my short orders, and wait for the rebound to continue to be short.
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"How to ambush lottery tickets in the secondary market to win in danger" - mainly includes the following contents: 1. Track determination, how to choose small-cap projects in the track; 2. How to judge whether there are dealers absorbing funds and ambush at the right time; 3. The logic of lottery ticket delivery points; 4. The main sources of secondary market information; and related bloggers' recommendations, how to judge the positive, how to screen information and improve judgment; 5. How to allocate positions for small lottery tickets, and long-term spot position configuration; 1. First of all, what is a lottery ticket? It is a coin with low market value and low daily trading volume in the secondary market, but it may be pulled by wild dealers and hot money; so wild dealers and hot money prefer Binance for secondary spot exchanges with large trading volume and high depth, which is convenient for pulling and shipping; based on this, how do we judge the track? First of all, the track is determined based on major positive factors in the currency circle, relevant major policies, important project coin issuance, and major US technology companies and market trends; for example, chatgpt's explosion determines the ai track, Shanghai upgrades + Cancun determines the lsd track, Apple holds a VR conference and Meta , Sony launched a new VR product to determine the VR track, Blur issued a coin to determine the NFTFI track, Lens issued a coin to determine the SocialFi track, ZKSync issued a coin to determine the ZK track, BTC's NFT chain determined the BTC ecological track, Hong Kong policy determined the Hong Kong concept, and so on, but there are long narratives and short narratives; How to distinguish long narratives from short narratives, for example, the Shanghai upgrade in June is a long narrative, because the time period is long, the hype is expected to be large, and it can drive market sentiment very well, because this long narrative has time to ferment, and slowly many people will know the LSD sector, so there will be more leeks, and it is also convenient for the dealer to pull the plate and ship. There is no lack of band shocks during the period, commonly known as shaking the warehouse to wash away unstable paper hands, which is convenient for the final breakthrough period to pull the plate; But the HK concept is a bit special, it is considered a short-term narrative (some friends asked "Hong Kong policy was clearly implemented on June 1st, why is it a short-term narrative?"), so it is a bit special, why? Because everyone knows that due to domestic policy reasons, the main market is not in China now, and the introduction of Hong Kong policy did not receive everyone's attention at the beginning, but because $cfx cooperated with telecommunications, this king bomb came out, driven by $cfx alone The whole HK concept is a bit dangerous, because this narrative is not driven by the sector, but by the sharp rise of a single currency. This is the home of hot money. Because most of the coins in this sector are old coins left over from the ICO in 2017 and 2018. Many people are stuck at high points, and the related coins cannot keep up with the technical iteration of the currency circle. The related tweets have not been active for a long time, so this is to quickly pull and smash to make hot money, and you can't keep it; There are also short-term narratives like Blur's coin issuance on 2.14, because the landing of good news is the biggest bad news, so I cleared the NFTFI coins on the 13th, so you must know how to distinguish between long narratives and short narratives when ambushing, instead of blindly holding them. Once the short-term narrative hot spots are exhausted, you will face the risk of being trapped. 2. Now that we have determined how to find small-cap lottery tickets, first we click on coinmarketcap to search for the track label you have determined. For example, if you choose AI, search for the AI ​​label, which will list the relevant tokens and linkage concepts for you. If you can't find it, you can directly search for the sector leader, such as LSD, you can search for $ldo and you will get information about $ldo You can find small market capitalization from the labels of related concepts, preferably less than 5000w market capitalization; Secondly, it is best to choose the currency listed on Binance, after all, wild dealers and hot money are all on Binance. Well, at this time, we have to start screening. First, click on the official website of the small market capitalization currency to check its investors and partners, and then see if the official Twitter is active, whether there are relevant technical updates, join its telegram, discord to see the community activity, generally speaking, the more active the better, and then gradually filter out lottery tickets from small market capitalization; After screening, how do we judge whether there is a dealer absorbing funds (I am not very professional in this part because it involves professional knowledge, and friends who understand can supplement it) First, you look at the daily trading volume. If the daily trading volume is in the hundreds of thousands for a long time, but suddenly there are pins up and down for a few days and there is a bottom cross star, there is a high probability that there is a wild dealer testing the market. If the coin rises for two consecutive days, and the trading volume of the two-day increase is around 5 million, it means that the volume is increasing. If you are not sure whether there is a dealer and dare not ambush when the daily trading volume is low, you can wait for it to appear a bottom cross star. Make sure it is in an upward trend. In layman's terms, this coin has not risen sharply, but has risen slowly bit by bit. This is in the rising area, so there is no need to worry about being trapped, unless you encounter a black swan event like 519. Regarding the lottery delivery point, generally it starts at 20 points, so I start to deliver one-fifth of the total position at around 25 points, and then deliver one-quarter of the total position every 15 points or so. If its 15-minute level line has reached the third wave, I will sell it all, because when it reaches the third wave, it often starts to fall and deliver. We need to find the kind of small-cap currency that meets the track expectations, is in the rising cycle but has not risen sharply. #Megadrop #比特币减半 #ETH #BTC #BNB
"How to ambush lottery tickets in the secondary market to win in danger" - mainly includes the following contents: 1. Track determination, how to choose small-cap projects in the track; 2. How to judge whether there are dealers absorbing funds and ambush at the right time; 3. The logic of lottery ticket delivery points; 4. The main sources of secondary market information; and related bloggers' recommendations, how to judge the positive, how to screen information and improve judgment; 5. How to allocate positions for small lottery tickets, and long-term spot position configuration; 1. First of all, what is a lottery ticket? It is a coin with low market value and low daily trading volume in the secondary market, but it may be pulled by wild dealers and hot money; so wild dealers and hot money prefer Binance for secondary spot exchanges with large trading volume and high depth, which is convenient for pulling and shipping; based on this, how do we judge the track? First of all, the track is determined based on major positive factors in the currency circle, relevant major policies, important project coin issuance, and major US technology companies and market trends; for example, chatgpt's explosion determines the ai track, Shanghai upgrades + Cancun determines the lsd track, Apple holds a VR conference and Meta , Sony launched a new VR product to determine the VR track, Blur issued a coin to determine the NFTFI track, Lens issued a coin to determine the SocialFi track, ZKSync issued a coin to determine the ZK track, BTC's NFT chain determined the BTC ecological track, Hong Kong policy determined the Hong Kong concept, and so on, but there are long narratives and short narratives;

How to distinguish long narratives from short narratives, for example, the Shanghai upgrade in June is a long narrative, because the time period is long, the hype is expected to be large, and it can drive market sentiment very well, because this long narrative has time to ferment, and slowly many people will know the LSD sector, so there will be more leeks, and it is also convenient for the dealer to pull the plate and ship. There is no lack of band shocks during the period, commonly known as shaking the warehouse to wash away unstable paper hands, which is convenient for the final breakthrough period to pull the plate;

But the HK concept is a bit special, it is considered a short-term narrative (some friends asked "Hong Kong policy was clearly implemented on June 1st, why is it a short-term narrative?"), so it is a bit special, why? Because everyone knows that due to domestic policy reasons, the main market is not in China now, and the introduction of Hong Kong policy did not receive everyone's attention at the beginning, but because $cfx cooperated with telecommunications, this king bomb came out, driven by $cfx alone

The whole HK concept is a bit dangerous, because this narrative is not driven by the sector, but by the sharp rise of a single currency. This is the home of hot money. Because most of the coins in this sector are old coins left over from the ICO in 2017 and 2018. Many people are stuck at high points, and the related coins cannot keep up with the technical iteration of the currency circle. The related tweets have not been active for a long time, so this is to quickly pull and smash to make hot money, and you can't keep it;
There are also short-term narratives like Blur's coin issuance on 2.14, because the landing of good news is the biggest bad news, so I cleared the NFTFI coins on the 13th, so you must know how to distinguish between long narratives and short narratives when ambushing, instead of blindly holding them. Once the short-term narrative hot spots are exhausted, you will face the risk of being trapped.

2. Now that we have determined how to find small-cap lottery tickets, first we click on coinmarketcap to search for the track label you have determined. For example, if you choose AI, search for the AI ​​label, which will list the relevant tokens and linkage concepts for you. If you can't find it, you can directly search for the sector leader, such as LSD, you can search for $ldo and you will get information about $ldo You can find small market capitalization from the labels of related concepts, preferably less than 5000w market capitalization;

Secondly, it is best to choose the currency listed on Binance, after all, wild dealers and hot money are all on Binance. Well, at this time, we have to start screening. First, click on the official website of the small market capitalization currency to check its investors and partners, and then see if the official Twitter is active, whether there are relevant technical updates, join its telegram, discord to see the community activity, generally speaking, the more active the better, and then gradually filter out lottery tickets from small market capitalization;

After screening, how do we judge whether there is a dealer absorbing funds (I am not very professional in this part because it involves professional knowledge, and friends who understand can supplement it) First, you look at the daily trading volume. If the daily trading volume is in the hundreds of thousands for a long time, but suddenly there are pins up and down for a few days and there is a bottom cross star, there is a high probability that there is a wild dealer testing the market. If the coin rises for two consecutive days, and the trading volume of the two-day increase is around 5 million, it means that the volume is increasing. If you are not sure whether there is a dealer and dare not ambush when the daily trading volume is low, you can wait for it to appear a bottom cross star. Make sure it is in an upward trend. In layman's terms, this coin has not risen sharply, but has risen slowly bit by bit. This is in the rising area, so there is no need to worry about being trapped, unless you encounter a black swan event like 519.
Regarding the lottery delivery point, generally it starts at 20 points, so I start to deliver one-fifth of the total position at around 25 points, and then deliver one-quarter of the total position every 15 points or so. If its 15-minute level line has reached the third wave, I will sell it all, because when it reaches the third wave, it often starts to fall and deliver.
We need to find the kind of small-cap currency that meets the track expectations, is in the rising cycle but has not risen sharply. #Megadrop #比特币减半 #ETH #BTC #BNB
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There is no liquidity in the market of Shanzhai, and even dogs shake their heads when they see it. The most terrible thing is to cut meat with a slow knife. It is better to plummet. At least there will be a good rebound. Recently, friends who are long are bleeding every day. In the second half of the bull market, the guaranteed principal will be multiplied by 5 times, so stop it. Don't always think about getting rich overnight, don't envy others, and those who don't stop will end up with a mess🪶 I can say without exaggeration that only 10% of retail investors can make money in this bull market, and the rest are all lost by their wives' capital, credit cards, and loans. Many people around me were in this situation in the last bull market. In 2021, everyone has hundreds of w in their hands, and credit cards are tossed back and forth in 2022. In 2023, there is no money to speculate in coins. In 2024, all the money earned will be used to pay off loans, and the interest on loans for three years will exceed 40% of the loan principal. #Megadrop #大盘走势 #ETH #BTC #BNB
There is no liquidity in the market of Shanzhai, and even dogs shake their heads when they see it. The most terrible thing is to cut meat with a slow knife.
It is better to plummet.
At least there will be a good rebound. Recently, friends who are long are bleeding every day. In the second half of the bull market, the guaranteed principal will be multiplied by 5 times, so stop it. Don't always think about getting rich overnight, don't envy others, and those who don't stop will end up with a mess🪶
I can say without exaggeration that only 10% of retail investors can make money in this bull market, and the rest are all lost by their wives' capital, credit cards, and loans. Many people around me were in this situation in the last bull market.
In 2021, everyone has hundreds of w in their hands, and credit cards are tossed back and forth in 2022. In 2023, there is no money to speculate in coins.
In 2024, all the money earned will be used to pay off loans, and the interest on loans for three years will exceed 40% of the loan principal.

#Megadrop #大盘走势 #ETH #BTC #BNB
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Let me give you an evaluation of the performance of the projects in this round of bull market so far in my mind: Best project: Solana; the predicament has been reversed, proving that an ecosystem can be built without the support of FTX, and it has driven the Meme craze, which is the biggest narrative of this round; alternative BTC, spot ETF has entered the mainstream financial market, and Bitcoin ecosystem projects and new assets continue to prosper. Most innovative project: Ethena; among the new projects that appeared in this round, it is neither a meme nor a pure storytelling project, and it is the most impressive project. The innovative product design plus the large track of stablecoins have a promising future. The most unexpected project: Pendle; a typical case of an old tree blooming with new flowers. The interest rate trading market seems to have a high threshold and a small market audience. Who would have thought that restaking would appear, and combined with the points trading, it has become the favorite of whales and mathematicians. Best Chinese project: CKB; the team has been working hard for six years, and Bitcoin's UTXO isomorphic expansion plan is quite innovative, and the issuance of new assets has also gathered market heat. So far, in addition to public chains and memes, the new popular project types are still mainly new DeFi types that meet the asset management needs of large investors. Perhaps due to insufficient entry users, retail investors have not seen new hot products such as games and social networking. #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #ETH #BTC #BNB
Let me give you an evaluation of the performance of the projects in this round of bull market so far in my mind:
Best project: Solana; the predicament has been reversed, proving that an ecosystem can be built without the support of FTX, and it has driven the Meme craze, which is the biggest narrative of this round; alternative BTC, spot ETF has entered the mainstream financial market, and Bitcoin ecosystem projects and new assets continue to prosper.

Most innovative project: Ethena; among the new projects that appeared in this round, it is neither a meme nor a pure storytelling project, and it is the most impressive project. The innovative product design plus the large track of stablecoins have a promising future.

The most unexpected project: Pendle; a typical case of an old tree blooming with new flowers. The interest rate trading market seems to have a high threshold and a small market audience. Who would have thought that restaking would appear, and combined with the points trading, it has become the favorite of whales and mathematicians.

Best Chinese project: CKB; the team has been working hard for six years, and Bitcoin's UTXO isomorphic expansion plan is quite innovative, and the issuance of new assets has also gathered market heat.

So far, in addition to public chains and memes, the new popular project types are still mainly new DeFi types that meet the asset management needs of large investors. Perhaps due to insufficient entry users, retail investors have not seen new hot products such as games and social networking.

#比特币减半 #大盘走势 #ETH #BTC #BNB
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A new day begins, and the countdown to April 2024 is 3 days away. April may be the bleakest month for the crypto market so far. Although Bitcoin broke through the historical high in 2021 and hit a new high of $73,787.1 so far, the global locked-in positions were completely released at the moment Bitcoin broke through the historical high of $69,000. At the same time as the historical high of $73,787.1 was hit, the market predicted that Bitcoin would break through $100,000, and even the voice of $1 million sounded again. With the completion of Bitcoin halving, Bitcoin fell to a minimum of $59,587. 2 US dollars, a new locked-in disk appears again. The key reason is that you did not ambush in advance. At this moment, the trend of Bitcoin gives people the impression that the rebound height is constantly decreasing, and the support position is constantly moving down. There is also a voice saying that long-term holders of Bitcoin have started selling since January, but there is no exact data. However, the latest on-chain monitoring data shows that whales and institutions are constantly increasing their holdings of Bitcoin. In the past 24 hours, 4744.62 BTC have flowed out of exchange wallets, 1599.22 BTC have flowed out of exchange wallets in the past 7 days, and 53931.38 BTC have flowed out of exchange wallets in the past 30 days. As of press time, the balance of exchange wallets totaled 1,729,622.32 BTC. 7% of the Bitcoin supply is locked in the price range of 60,000 to 65,000 US dollars. WBIT holds 8,900 BTC in 134 wallets. Let's take a look at the changes in the data of Bitcoin spot ETFs in the United States: On April 26, 9 Bitcoin spot ETFs (including Grayscale) had a net reduction of 2,987 BTC, with a net outflow of approximately US$190.26 million. Among them, Grayscale reduced its holdings by 2,051 BTC, with a net outflow of approximately US$130,660, and currently holds 300,613 BTC, equivalent to approximately US$19.15 billion. BlackRock has not increased or reduced its holdings of BTC for two consecutive days. In fact, judging from the current trend of Bitcoin and changes in data, the bull market pattern has not changed, and the bull market after Bitcoin halving has not been reflected. Institutional analysts believe that the bull market after Bitcoin halving will be reflected in the upcoming Red May. Pay attention to changes in the news and pay attention to Dongge Speed ​​​​Entering the Planet to configure a reasonable position for you. #Megadrop #比特币减半 #ETH #BTC #BNB
A new day begins, and the countdown to April 2024 is 3 days away. April may be the bleakest month for the crypto market so far. Although Bitcoin broke through the historical high in 2021 and hit a new high of $73,787.1 so far, the global locked-in positions were completely released at the moment Bitcoin broke through the historical high of $69,000. At the same time as the historical high of $73,787.1 was hit, the market predicted that Bitcoin would break through $100,000, and even the voice of $1 million sounded again. With the completion of Bitcoin halving, Bitcoin fell to a minimum of $59,587. 2 US dollars, a new locked-in disk appears again. The key reason is that you did not ambush in advance. At this moment, the trend of Bitcoin gives people the impression that the rebound height is constantly decreasing, and the support position is constantly moving down. There is also a voice saying that long-term holders of Bitcoin have started selling since January, but there is no exact data. However, the latest on-chain monitoring data shows that whales and institutions are constantly increasing their holdings of Bitcoin. In the past 24 hours, 4744.62 BTC have flowed out of exchange wallets, 1599.22 BTC have flowed out of exchange wallets in the past 7 days, and 53931.38 BTC have flowed out of exchange wallets in the past 30 days. As of press time, the balance of exchange wallets totaled 1,729,622.32 BTC. 7% of the Bitcoin supply is locked in the price range of 60,000 to 65,000 US dollars. WBIT holds 8,900 BTC in 134 wallets.
Let's take a look at the changes in the data of Bitcoin spot ETFs in the United States: On April 26, 9 Bitcoin spot ETFs (including Grayscale) had a net reduction of 2,987 BTC, with a net outflow of approximately US$190.26 million. Among them, Grayscale reduced its holdings by 2,051 BTC, with a net outflow of approximately US$130,660, and currently holds 300,613 BTC, equivalent to approximately US$19.15 billion. BlackRock has not increased or reduced its holdings of BTC for two consecutive days. In fact, judging from the current trend of Bitcoin and changes in data, the bull market pattern has not changed, and the bull market after Bitcoin halving has not been reflected. Institutional analysts believe that the bull market after Bitcoin halving will be reflected in the upcoming Red May. Pay attention to changes in the news and pay attention to Dongge Speed ​​​​Entering the Planet to configure a reasonable position for you. #Megadrop #比特币减半 #ETH #BTC #BNB
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As the price rose and fell in late trading, the price of Bitcoin once again moved closer to the support of 63300. Yesterday, it rose and fell, resulting in a tie. The ones who make the most money in the market are often those who don’t turn to the bullish side after coming out of a decline, but have to follow the short-term trend and go short. Do you agree? If you are stuck in the short-term market every day, it will be difficult to achieve big results, because you will definitely make wrong decisions due to the impact of account fluctuations every day. When the market ended and I looked back, I felt that if I was given a chance, I could make money by buying at the bottom and selling at the top. It would be too simple. But how many people can identify where the bottom is and where the top is? When trading, you will eventually find that the simpler your mentality, the easier it is to make money, and those who lose money are smart people. Again, although the adjustment cycle is lengthened again, as long as the correction is completed, the pullback will continue to be bullish. Bitcoin supports 63300, strong support 62500, Ethereum supports 3100, strong support 3070! #Megadrop #新币挖矿 #ETH #BTC #BNB
As the price rose and fell in late trading, the price of Bitcoin once again moved closer to the support of 63300. Yesterday, it rose and fell, resulting in a tie.
The ones who make the most money in the market are often those who don’t turn to the bullish side after coming out of a decline, but have to follow the short-term trend and go short. Do you agree?

If you are stuck in the short-term market every day, it will be difficult to achieve big results, because you will definitely make wrong decisions due to the impact of account fluctuations every day.

When the market ended and I looked back, I felt that if I was given a chance, I could make money by buying at the bottom and selling at the top. It would be too simple. But how many people can identify where the bottom is and where the top is? When trading, you will eventually find that the simpler your mentality, the easier it is to make money, and those who lose money are smart people.
Again, although the adjustment cycle is lengthened again, as long as the correction is completed, the pullback will continue to be bullish. Bitcoin supports 63300, strong support 62500, Ethereum supports 3100, strong support 3070! #Megadrop #新币挖矿 #ETH #BTC #BNB
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I just finished chatting with a friend at noon. Today's Bitcoin trend is worth pondering. The news of Israel's bombing of Iran caused a wave of sell-offs and then quickly pulled back. On the one hand, the decline this week was too fierce. Yesterday, there was a bottom divergence in the 4-hour chart. Then, the market is expected to have some expectations for the halving tomorrow. We have also talked about the sell-offs when Iran bombed Israel last Saturday night. Small coins were very powerful. It feels that many small coins have arrived before Bitcoin. Some people say that if the US stock market has not adjusted in place, will the Bitcoin continue to fall? In fact, the Bitcoin has a characteristic that it will fall quickly. The adjustment in the third quarter of 23 is: in late July 23, the Bitcoin and the US stock market adjusted at the same time, the Bitcoin was in place in mid-August, and the second exploration was in mid-September. The US stock market did not really bottom out until it fluctuated downward until mid-October. However, after mid-August 22, the Bitcoin was actually fluctuating, no longer following the decline and no new lows. Let's see if it will be the same this time. #Megadrop #比特币减半 #Meme #WIF #SHIB
I just finished chatting with a friend at noon. Today's Bitcoin trend is worth pondering. The news of Israel's bombing of Iran caused a wave of sell-offs and then quickly pulled back. On the one hand, the decline this week was too fierce. Yesterday, there was a bottom divergence in the 4-hour chart. Then, the market is expected to have some expectations for the halving tomorrow.

We have also talked about the sell-offs when Iran bombed Israel last Saturday night. Small coins were very powerful. It feels that many small coins have arrived before Bitcoin.

Some people say that if the US stock market has not adjusted in place, will the Bitcoin continue to fall? In fact, the Bitcoin has a characteristic that it will fall quickly. The adjustment in the third quarter of 23 is: in late July 23, the Bitcoin and the US stock market adjusted at the same time, the Bitcoin was in place in mid-August, and the second exploration was in mid-September. The US stock market did not really bottom out until it fluctuated downward until mid-October. However, after mid-August 22, the Bitcoin was actually fluctuating, no longer following the decline and no new lows.
Let's see if it will be the same this time.

#Megadrop #比特币减半 #Meme #WIF #SHIB
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ORDI is going to go to $200 or even $400 in the bull market ‼ ️ ①. Ordinals' inscription casting does have many noteworthy features, such as "novel" and "unique". More importantly, casting through Ordinals is a "step-by-step" process, which is very different from SOL. ②. Ordinals are not limited to miners or machines. As long as they are willing, all investors can easily participate in the casting of Ordinals, and the cost is basically fixed and relatively low. ③. ORDI is benchmarked against BTC, which is 21 million pieces, but its circulation rate is 100%, which is completely released. This means that all investors, including market makers, or whales and institutions that participate later, are more motivated to "push up" the price of tokens. ④. Will most tokens be more willing to lead retail investors to cast inscriptions when they are in the hands of capital? Even if they will drive casting first, they are willing. What's more, the current investment environment is conducive to the development of the BTC ecosystem. These mean that the price of ordi still has a lot of room in the bull market! The probability of more than 300 will be very high! #Megadrop #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #Meme #SHIB
ORDI is going to go to $200 or even $400 in the bull market
‼ ️

①. Ordinals' inscription casting does have many noteworthy features, such as "novel" and "unique".
More importantly, casting through Ordinals is a "step-by-step" process, which is very different from SOL.

②. Ordinals are not limited to miners or machines. As long as they are willing, all investors can easily participate in the casting of Ordinals, and the cost is basically fixed and relatively low.

③. ORDI is benchmarked against BTC, which is 21 million pieces, but its circulation rate is 100%, which is completely released. This means that all investors, including market makers, or whales and institutions that participate later, are more motivated to "push up" the price of tokens.

④. Will most tokens be more willing to lead retail investors to cast inscriptions when they are in the hands of capital? Even if they will drive casting first, they are willing. What's more, the current investment environment is conducive to the development of the BTC ecosystem.
These mean that the price of ordi still has a lot of room in the bull market! The probability of more than 300 will be very high!

#Megadrop #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #Meme #SHIB
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Most people don’t understand the principle of “profit and loss come from the same source” Those who can escape the top will definitely sell at a loss, and those who can hold on will sooner or later be cut and have to deliver food There is no such person: With a strong sense of risk, he can escape the top every time, and immediately cut his losses as soon as he sees the wind direction is wrong (🃏never nice fold); The pattern is big, and he can hold those god coins in history every time, and only sell them after getting hundreds of times (🃏never bluffed) Everyone wants to control everything they touch, but in the end they often find that they can’t control anything. Because all the sounds in the market will be "distorted" during the transmission process #Megadrop #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #Meme #sui
Most people don’t understand the principle of “profit and loss come from the same source”

Those who can escape the top will definitely sell at a loss, and those who can hold on will sooner or later be cut and have to deliver food

There is no such person:

With a strong sense of risk, he can escape the top every time, and immediately cut his losses as soon as he sees the wind direction is wrong (🃏never nice fold);

The pattern is big, and he can hold those god coins in history every time, and only sell them after getting hundreds of times (🃏never bluffed)

Everyone wants to control everything they touch, but in the end they often find that they can’t control anything.

Because all the sounds in the market will be "distorted" during the transmission process

#Megadrop #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #Meme #sui
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Halving countdown starts Let's review the past halvings🚩 45 days after the first halving, the bull market started! 102 days after the second halving, the bull market started 145 days after the third halving, the bull market started 60 days after the fourth halving, the bull market started Looking back at the trend of the month after the halving, it was basically quite stable, and the dog dealers were busy accumulating funds During this period, the highest decline was only -13%, and the largest increase was 9% So, what about the trend of the year after the halving? After the first halving, Bitcoin rose 92 times; the second halving, it rose 3.8 times; the third halving, it rose 3.9 times again Now everyone is guessing, how many times can Bitcoin rise after this halving? Some people say about 3 times, and the price can reach 160,000 US dollars In summary: Every halving is a bull market! 🐮 #Megadrop #比特币减半 #WIF #Meme #SHIB
Halving countdown starts
Let's review the past halvings🚩
45 days after the first halving, the bull market started!
102 days after the second halving, the bull market started
145 days after the third halving, the bull market started
60 days after the fourth halving, the bull market started
Looking back at the trend of the month after the halving, it was basically quite stable, and the dog dealers were busy accumulating funds
During this period, the highest decline was only -13%, and the largest increase was 9%
So, what about the trend of the year after the halving?
After the first halving, Bitcoin rose 92 times; the second halving, it rose 3.8 times; the third halving, it rose 3.9 times again
Now everyone is guessing, how many times can Bitcoin rise after this halving? Some people say about 3 times, and the price can reach 160,000 US dollars
In summary: Every halving is a bull market! 🐮

#Megadrop #比特币减半 #WIF #Meme #SHIB
See original
#WIF The Bitcoin ecosystem is currently in the stage of making money lying down You bought the top assets, inscriptions-protocols or NFTs. Lying down with various pledges, airdrops are enough for you. Unfortunately, most players are not familiar with this new ecosystem and new market that has experienced the third round of bull and bear markets. The secondary market belongs to the shaking car link. You can't let everyone on the car. You have to wash away the undetermined speculators In short, the bull market has not reached the point where idiots can make money. It's too early! Most leeks buy a coin and don't know where the logic of its rise is at all? I have never conducted research on this coin and set a goal. I just know that if it rises, it's awesome, whether to add some positions, and if it falls, idiots, whether to cut meat. Maybe he bought it because many people mentioned it too much, so it's easy to buy it in the crowd, and panic when it pulls back, and the first thing he thinks about is whether to cut meat. So whose money are you making in the market? Do you understand why you can win by holding coins for a long time, and what money do you make? ? Why can you win by holding coins for a long time, and what money do you make? Earlier, I talked about what kind of money the leeks can make by entering the cryptocurrency circle in the community. It can be divided into three categories: earning money from the price difference of coin price fluctuations, earning money from value return, and earning money from the value appreciation of coin growth. The first category is to earn the price difference of price fluctuations in the short term, which is not discussed here. (See the homepage for those interested) The second category is to earn money from value return, which requires the courage to buy high-quality coins at the bottom. The price of the big bull coin will eventually return to the value behind it. To dare to buy when the big bull coin is undervalued, you need to be very familiar with the fundamentals, be able to grasp the relative position of the coin price well, and correctly understand the logic of the capital market, which ordinary leeks cannot do. The third category is to earn money from the value appreciation of the leader, which is the underlying logic of why long-term holding of coins can win. The law of operation of commercial society and market economy is that the strong will always be strong, and good coins will gradually grow and become stronger, and the intrinsic value behind them will be continuously improved, which will eventually be reflected in the price of the coin. This is also the underlying logic of value investment. #Megadrop #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #Meme
#WIF The Bitcoin ecosystem is currently in the stage of making money lying down
You bought the top assets, inscriptions-protocols or NFTs. Lying down with various pledges, airdrops are enough for you. Unfortunately, most players are not familiar with this new ecosystem and new market that has experienced the third round of bull and bear markets.
The secondary market belongs to the shaking car link. You can't let everyone on the car. You have to wash away the undetermined speculators
In short, the bull market has not reached the point where idiots can make money. It's too early! Most leeks buy a coin and don't know where the logic of its rise is at all? I have never conducted research on this coin and set a goal. I just know that if it rises, it's awesome, whether to add some positions, and if it falls, idiots, whether to cut meat.
Maybe he bought it because many people mentioned it too much, so it's easy to buy it in the crowd, and panic when it pulls back, and the first thing he thinks about is whether to cut meat.
So whose money are you making in the market? Do you understand why you can win by holding coins for a long time, and what money do you make? ?

Why can you win by holding coins for a long time, and what money do you make?
Earlier, I talked about what kind of money the leeks can make by entering the cryptocurrency circle in the community. It can be divided into three categories: earning money from the price difference of coin price fluctuations, earning money from value return, and earning money from the value appreciation of coin growth.

The first category is to earn the price difference of price fluctuations in the short term, which is not discussed here. (See the homepage for those interested)

The second category is to earn money from value return, which requires the courage to buy high-quality coins at the bottom. The price of the big bull coin will eventually return to the value behind it. To dare to buy when the big bull coin is undervalued, you need to be very familiar with the fundamentals, be able to grasp the relative position of the coin price well, and correctly understand the logic of the capital market, which ordinary leeks cannot do.

The third category is to earn money from the value appreciation of the leader, which is the underlying logic of why long-term holding of coins can win. The law of operation of commercial society and market economy is that the strong will always be strong, and good coins will gradually grow and become stronger, and the intrinsic value behind them will be continuously improved, which will eventually be reflected in the price of the coin. This is also the underlying logic of value investment. #Megadrop #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #Meme
See original
Bitcoin has already gone out of the downward trend from the 1-hour, 4-hour and daily levels. The large-level 3-day weekly pattern has no downward trend for the time being. In other words, if the price rebounds within a certain period, the overall trend will not be directly changed. At present, the effective support that can be seen at the daily level of Bitcoin is the 61,200 gold support level I mentioned on Tuesday. However, this support level is effective from the daily level, but it is obviously broken and rebounded from the 1-hour and 4-hour levels. This shows that the liquidity of the current market has deteriorated, and the technical support ability has also deteriorated, especially under the guidance of emotions. The support is more difficult to support. At present, due to the relaxation of macroeconomic sentiment, there is a sense of oversold rebound, and the sentiment has improved. The resistance level to pay attention to in the short-term rebound is currently 63,000, the middle line of the 4-hour Bollinger band. At present, it has encountered a pullback at the resistance level, indicating that the sentiment of the rebound is still not too high. The second resistance level, pay attention to the breakthrough and stabilization of the two positions of 65,000 and 67,200, especially the latter, the key resistance level of the daily line, and the breakthrough will change the daily trend. The support below, 61,200 gold support level is relatively important in the near future. After breaking through, look at the two supports of 58,800 and 54,000. The RSI relative strength index has rebounded to around 35, which has triggered the oversold rebound sentiment. 🐍qun 蟋 蟋紴:rgbn996 However, the market has not activated too many buy orders, which is still a bit weak. To be honest, I dare not say too much about the support below now, for fear that you will understand it as bearish. In fact, once 60,000 is broken, it is indeed troublesome. The best way is to fluctuate and fall. And from the current liquidity, the strength of the support is weak, and it is easy to be broken due to emotions. Pay attention to contract trading. #Megadrop #比特币减半 #Meme #WIF #SHIB
Bitcoin has already gone out of the downward trend from the 1-hour, 4-hour and daily levels. The large-level 3-day weekly pattern has no downward trend for the time being. In other words, if the price rebounds within a certain period, the overall trend will not be directly changed.

At present, the effective support that can be seen at the daily level of Bitcoin is the 61,200 gold support level I mentioned on Tuesday. However, this support level is effective from the daily level, but it is obviously broken and rebounded from the 1-hour and 4-hour levels. This shows that the liquidity of the current market has deteriorated, and the technical support ability has also deteriorated, especially under the guidance of emotions. The support is more difficult to support.

At present, due to the relaxation of macroeconomic sentiment, there is a sense of oversold rebound, and the sentiment has improved. The resistance level to pay attention to in the short-term rebound is currently 63,000, the middle line of the 4-hour Bollinger band. At present, it has encountered a pullback at the resistance level, indicating that the sentiment of the rebound is still not too high. The second resistance level, pay attention to the breakthrough and stabilization of the two positions of 65,000 and 67,200, especially the latter, the key resistance level of the daily line, and the breakthrough will change the daily trend.

The support below, 61,200 gold support level is relatively important in the near future. After breaking through, look at the two supports of 58,800 and 54,000.

The RSI relative strength index has rebounded to around 35, which has triggered the oversold rebound sentiment. 🐍qun 蟋 蟋紴:rgbn996 However, the market has not activated too many buy orders, which is still a bit weak.

To be honest, I dare not say too much about the support below now, for fear that you will understand it as bearish. In fact, once 60,000 is broken, it is indeed troublesome. The best way is to fluctuate and fall. And from the current liquidity, the strength of the support is weak, and it is easy to be broken due to emotions. Pay attention to contract trading. #Megadrop #比特币减半 #Meme #WIF #SHIB
See original
It is estimated that most of the current leeks, even the masters, have been devastated by the fall. We are about to unconsciously form the inertial thinking of falling. Where is the bottom? 55,000, 52,000, 48,000, and even 40,000 have all come out. When it was 73,000 US dollars, for most people, it was unimaginable how Bitcoin could quickly fall below 60,000? And when it really fell below 60,000, it was very likely to fall at least 50,000 US dollars. So where is the stage bottom? It is inevitable to cut the boat to find the sword. The callback before the last sharp decline was calculated according to the general practice of 22% to 24%. Then, taking the recent stage high of 72,799 as the target, the bottom range after the callback is between 55,300 and 56,700. We can only wait and see. Before the close of last night, the market fell sharply again to 59,862, a drop of 2.36%, but finally closed above 60,000. The strong support level of 62600 on the daily line could not withstand the pressure of the air force and gave up holding on. They thought they would make a concerted effort, but they were exhausted in three days. In the current news-oriented coin circle, as far as the eye can see, the coins can be roughly divided into three types: 1. Strong theme coins🐍qun秆崴:1742540051, with good fundamentals as the basis, institutional support or large funds, the decline is relatively small when the market plummets, and shock is the key. When the market warms up, it will first repair and pull up, and the most representative one is doge. 2. Copycat air coins, the fundamentals are almost non-existent, there is no capital participation for a long time, the downward trend or sideways trend for more than ten consecutive days, the transaction volume is long-term, and it is almost impossible to measure or predict it with volume and price. Suddenly one day a big positive line rises from the ground, directly doubles, attracting a wave of novices or adventurers to chase while quickly falling back, and no news has been heard since then, such as pci and movez, which have seen considerable gains in the past few days. 3. Coins between strong-themed coins and fake-air coins, with good fundamentals, average or empty gimmicks, institutional dealers occasionally float and shout, but the sustainability is not strong. Once they attract enough attention, they hide again. This is repeated. Is it a long-term wash or a game of hard to get? Mask, Sui, Core, etc. In today's turbulent currency market, no matter what type of coin you catch, remember one thing: greed is a stumbling block to profit, and not being greedy will at least not lose money. #Megadrop #大盘走势 #比特币减半 #SHIB #sui
It is estimated that most of the current leeks, even the masters, have been devastated by the fall. We are about to unconsciously form the inertial thinking of falling. Where is the bottom? 55,000, 52,000, 48,000, and even 40,000 have all come out.
When it was 73,000 US dollars, for most people, it was unimaginable how Bitcoin could quickly fall below 60,000? And when it really fell below 60,000, it was very likely to fall at least 50,000 US dollars.
So where is the stage bottom? It is inevitable to cut the boat to find the sword.
The callback before the last sharp decline was calculated according to the general practice of 22% to 24%. Then, taking the recent stage high of 72,799 as the target, the bottom range after the callback is between 55,300 and 56,700.
We can only wait and see.
Before the close of last night, the market fell sharply again to 59,862, a drop of 2.36%, but finally closed above 60,000.
The strong support level of 62600 on the daily line could not withstand the pressure of the air force and gave up holding on. They thought they would make a concerted effort, but they were exhausted in three days.
In the current news-oriented coin circle, as far as the eye can see, the coins can be roughly divided into three types:
1. Strong theme coins🐍qun秆崴:1742540051, with good fundamentals as the basis, institutional support or large funds, the decline is relatively small when the market plummets, and shock is the key. When the market warms up, it will first repair and pull up, and the most representative one is doge.
2. Copycat air coins, the fundamentals are almost non-existent, there is no capital participation for a long time, the downward trend or sideways trend for more than ten consecutive days, the transaction volume is long-term, and it is almost impossible to measure or predict it with volume and price. Suddenly one day a big positive line rises from the ground, directly doubles, attracting a wave of novices or adventurers to chase while quickly falling back, and no news has been heard since then, such as pci and movez, which have seen considerable gains in the past few days.
3. Coins between strong-themed coins and fake-air coins, with good fundamentals, average or empty gimmicks, institutional dealers occasionally float and shout, but the sustainability is not strong. Once they attract enough attention, they hide again. This is repeated. Is it a long-term wash or a game of hard to get? Mask, Sui, Core, etc.
In today's turbulent currency market, no matter what type of coin you catch, remember one thing: greed is a stumbling block to profit, and not being greedy will at least not lose money. #Megadrop #大盘走势 #比特币减半 #SHIB #sui
See original
This big drop really turned the market upside down. The mainstream coins can still hold up, but the altcoins are miserable and fell into a mess. This shows at least two things: 1. Mainstream coins and altcoins are not the same thing at all. One is the value consensus of real money and silver, and the other is like a bubble. 2. When the outside world is in turmoil, the risk resistance of altcoins is almost zero. This is not a problem with the coins, but the project parties behind them do not want to take risks. I am talking about the consensus of the project parties, not those of small retail investors. Because small retail investors do not have many chips in their hands. Facing this kind of market, the ideas of the project parties are surprisingly consistent. It is healthier to wash, although it looks downward in the short term, it should be upward in the long run. It's just that in this process, some people may lose everything, while others may make a lot of money. #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #sui #SHIB #WIF
This big drop really turned the market upside down. The mainstream coins can still hold up, but the altcoins are miserable and fell into a mess. This shows at least two things:

1. Mainstream coins and altcoins are not the same thing at all. One is the value consensus of real money and silver, and the other is like a bubble.

2. When the outside world is in turmoil, the risk resistance of altcoins is almost zero. This is not a problem with the coins, but the project parties behind them do not want to take risks.

I am talking about the consensus of the project parties,
not those of small retail investors.
Because small retail investors do not have many chips in their hands.
Facing this kind of market,

the ideas of the project parties are surprisingly consistent.
It is healthier to wash,
although it looks downward in the short term,
it should be upward in the long run.
It's just that in this process,
some people may lose everything,
while others may make a lot of money.

#比特币减半 #大盘走势 #sui #SHIB #WIF
See original
"Rune Tide" Raises Bitcoin BTC Transaction Fees Recently, most friends in the crypto market are "sad". This kind of "falling as the general trend, fluctuating up and down" is really not easy to operate. Especially in two days, BTC will enter a new halving cycle. As of the time of writing this article, BTC is hovering around 6.1W. At present, more and more people, when they see the future direction, will think that BTC will fall below the 6W mark. Of course, it once fell below 6W in the early morning, but BTC is still relatively strong. In recent days, we still stick to our strategy: don't act rashly, the trend has not really come out. What factors are driving the arrival of the frenzy of rune season? 1. Runes push up BTC transaction fees Since the end of March and the beginning of April, runes have been mentioned more and more. This morning's news shows that the enthusiasm of runes has already pushed up BTC transaction fees. This is a bit like the previous time when the inscription was popular, BTC transaction fees were raised. Under the current market conditions, everyone is also looking for new targets, and the new protocol will undoubtedly allow more people to participate in it in a short period of time. 2. Factors Affecting the Rune Season From the current market, macro-level information and other aspects, the factors that affect the April frenzy Rune Season are probably the following: 1. Bitcoin halving event: Bitcoin halving is about to happen, 🐍qun秆崴:1742540051 This is usually a major market event because it will reduce the supply of Bitcoin and may have an impact on prices. In this context, market participants may look for new investment opportunities or hedging strategies. 2. The launch of the Rune Protocol: The Rune Protocol is scheduled to be launched in the same time period as the Bitcoin halving, which may attract a lot of attention and speculation. The launch of a new protocol is often accompanied by market excitement and expectations, which may lead to an increase in trading volume and fluctuations in the prices of related assets. Image 3. Market hype and expectations: The market will remain hot before the launch of the Rune Protocol, and some Rune Protocol-related assets (such as Runestone, RSIC and PUPS) have seen a sharp rise. This hype may reach its peak in April, so this month is considered the "Rune Season". 4. Technological innovation and narrative: The technological innovation and compelling narrative behind the Rune Protocol may attract the attention of investors and developers. The Rune Protocol aims to consolidate the BTCFi (Bitcoin Finance) industry and provide a unified development standard, which may be seen as a major advancement in the industry. 5. Community activities and airdrops: Rune Protocol-related community activities and airdrops, which may further stimulate market interest in the Rune Protocol. Airdrops are often seen as rewards for early participants and may attract more investors to join. 6. Market cycle and token issuance: Of course, the impact of market cycles and token issuance on the current bull market points out that new token issuance is a feature of the market cycle. The launch of the Rune Protocol and the issuance of related tokens may be seen as part of this cycle. Therefore, from now until late April, I believe that there will be more news in the Rune track, and we will wait and see with everyone! Success is not based on luck, choice is greater than hard work, and the circle determines destiny. In the currency circle, in addition to having a time-saving and savvy eye, you must keep up with a good team and a good leader. If you follow me, you will be halfway successful in the currency circle! #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #sui #SHIB #PDA
"Rune Tide" Raises Bitcoin BTC Transaction Fees

Recently, most friends in the crypto market are "sad". This kind of "falling as the general trend, fluctuating up and down" is really not easy to operate. Especially in two days, BTC will enter a new halving cycle. As of the time of writing this article, BTC is hovering around 6.1W. At present, more and more people, when they see the future direction, will think that BTC will fall below the 6W mark.
Of course, it once fell below 6W in the early morning, but BTC is still relatively strong. In recent days, we still stick to our strategy: don't act rashly, the trend has not really come out. What factors are driving the arrival of the frenzy of rune season? 1. Runes push up BTC transaction fees
Since the end of March and the beginning of April, runes have been mentioned more and more. This morning's news shows that the enthusiasm of runes has already pushed up BTC transaction fees. This is a bit like the previous time when the inscription was popular, BTC transaction fees were raised.

Under the current market conditions, everyone is also looking for new targets, and the new protocol will undoubtedly allow more people to participate in it in a short period of time.
2. Factors Affecting the Rune Season From the current market, macro-level information and other aspects, the factors that affect the April frenzy Rune Season are probably the following: 1. Bitcoin halving event: Bitcoin halving is about to happen, 🐍qun秆崴:1742540051 This is usually a major market event because it will reduce the supply of Bitcoin and may have an impact on prices. In this context, market participants may look for new investment opportunities or hedging strategies. 2. The launch of the Rune Protocol: The Rune Protocol is scheduled to be launched in the same time period as the Bitcoin halving, which may attract a lot of attention and speculation. The launch of a new protocol is often accompanied by market excitement and expectations, which may lead to an increase in trading volume and fluctuations in the prices of related assets.

3. Market hype and expectations:
The market will remain hot before the launch of the Rune Protocol, and some Rune Protocol-related assets (such as Runestone, RSIC and PUPS) have seen a sharp rise. This hype may reach its peak in April, so this month is considered the "Rune Season".
4. Technological innovation and narrative:
The technological innovation and compelling narrative behind the Rune Protocol may attract the attention of investors and developers. The Rune Protocol aims to consolidate the BTCFi (Bitcoin Finance) industry and provide a unified development standard, which may be seen as a major advancement in the industry.
5. Community activities and airdrops:
Rune Protocol-related community activities and airdrops, which may further stimulate market interest in the Rune Protocol. Airdrops are often seen as rewards for early participants and may attract more investors to join.
6. Market cycle and token issuance:
Of course, the impact of market cycles and token issuance on the current bull market points out that new token issuance is a feature of the market cycle. The launch of the Rune Protocol and the issuance of related tokens may be seen as part of this cycle. Therefore, from now until late April, I believe that there will be more news in the Rune track, and we will wait and see with everyone!
Success is not based on luck, choice is greater than hard work, and the circle determines destiny. In the currency circle, in addition to having a time-saving and savvy eye, you must keep up with a good team and a good leader. If you follow me, you will be halfway successful in the currency circle! #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #sui #SHIB #PDA
See original
There are still two days before the halving, and the change in the market happens to take two days. Will it break through and fall below $60,000 in one fell swoop? The market has been so uncomfortable at night these days, because Asians are buying the bottom during the day and Americans are dumping the market at night. The pin has already fallen below $60,000 at night. The world situation is still unstable. There are still many unstable factors in the Israeli-Iranian conflict. The Federal Reserve has delayed the interest rate cut, and the three major stock indexes have collectively plummeted. If it falls below $60,000 here, the next supply and demand position is around $53,000. All the altcoins have almost fallen by 50-80% of the space. Now that ETFs have passed, everyone has to hoard BTC and ETH, so there is very little room for further decline. In addition, from the perspective of the inflow of funds into ETFs, only the speed of inflow is slowing down, and the outflow is also slowing down. In addition, the total net asset value of ETFs is still setting new highs. The top 10 ETF products have been increasing their holdings within 7 days. We also have reason to believe in the vision and ability of institutions; so when a big drop comes, it is time to make a layout. Don't wait until the price goes up before regretting it, just enter the market in batches. Actually, I want to say that I have already entered 80% of the position on April 14, but I just made a small stop loss that I can control in case the price reaches 52,000 US dollars. The rain will not last long, and the sun will soon come #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #WIF #SHIB #APT
There are still two days before the halving, and the change in the market happens to take two days. Will it break through and fall below $60,000 in one fell swoop?

The market has been so uncomfortable at night these days, because Asians are buying the bottom during the day and Americans are dumping the market at night. The pin has already fallen below $60,000 at night. The world situation is still unstable. There are still many unstable factors in the Israeli-Iranian conflict. The Federal Reserve has delayed the interest rate cut, and the three major stock indexes have collectively plummeted.

If it falls below $60,000 here, the next supply and demand position is around $53,000.

All the altcoins have almost fallen by 50-80% of the space. Now that ETFs have passed, everyone has to hoard BTC and ETH, so there is very little room for further decline.

In addition, from the perspective of the inflow of funds into ETFs, only the speed of inflow is slowing down, and the outflow is also slowing down. In addition, the total net asset value of ETFs is still setting new highs. The top 10 ETF products have been increasing their holdings within 7 days. We also have reason to believe in the vision and ability of institutions; so when a big drop comes, it is time to make a layout. Don't wait until the price goes up before regretting it, just enter the market in batches. Actually, I want to say that I have already entered 80% of the position on April 14, but I just made a small stop loss that I can control in case the price reaches 52,000 US dollars.

The rain will not last long, and the sun will soon come

#比特币减半 #大盘走势 #WIF #SHIB #APT
See original
On April 14, Bitcoin fell, and some altcoins have begun to fall slowly. The main funds behind them have obviously resisted. On April 15, Hong Kong will launch a Bitcoin ETF, and it is expected that the injection of new funds will stabilize the downward trend of Bitcoin. If Bitcoin moves sideways or upward, those market leaders that have already stopped falling will rebound first. Due to insufficient market liquidity, many currencies will continue to fall rather than rise, and the bottom will be sideways for a long time. Only when the US dollar cuts interest rates or Bitcoin reaches a new high will the funds flowing out of Bitcoin flow to those currencies that have not risen. Remember that it is always difficult to accurately copy the lowest point when buying, and it is already very remarkable to be able to buy at a relatively low point. Why is ENA considered an important investment object? I carefully read many analysis reports and found that it is an upgraded product of LUNA supported by US capital. A huge reserve is exactly what Binance urgently needs. This project will definitely rank among the top ten in the bull market. BOME can be listed on Binance within three days, which shows its strong background and strength. At present, the currency circle has been deeply influenced by capital such as Wall Street. The future trend of BOME can refer to the performance of PEPE, which has risen tenfold in a few days. WLD and ORDI have joined CB's futures contracts and will definitely be listed in the future. AI narratives will run through the entire bull market, and it is expected that the next wave of WLD's value will reach 15u. With the halving of Bitcoin, the Bitcoin ecosystem will become the focus of speculation. At present, ORDI has been widely recognized both at home and abroad, and its target price is above 100u. Some SAGA was also bought, mainly because it has the potential to rebound after oversold, and the funds in the new currency market may also drive a wave of increases when Bitcoin rebounds. CFX is a long-term investment target. Since DWF cleared its CFX positions at a price of 0.5-0.54, there has been a lack of market protection funds in the market, and any good news is difficult to resist the pressure of being sold. The performance of the market in the later period is that CFX rises slightly when the market rises, and falls sharply when the market falls. The currency circle has now become a new battlefield on Wall Street in the United States, supporting SOL and base, driving the market through a large amount of capital investment, launching the explosive MEME coin, and the currency price and ecology prosper together, attracting the attention of funds from the entire market. #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #WIF #SHIB #APT
On April 14, Bitcoin fell, and some altcoins have begun to fall slowly. The main funds behind them have obviously resisted. On April 15, Hong Kong will launch a Bitcoin ETF, and it is expected that the injection of new funds will stabilize the downward trend of Bitcoin. If Bitcoin moves sideways or upward, those market leaders that have already stopped falling will rebound first. Due to insufficient market liquidity, many currencies will continue to fall rather than rise, and the bottom will be sideways for a long time. Only when the US dollar cuts interest rates or Bitcoin reaches a new high will the funds flowing out of Bitcoin flow to those currencies that have not risen. Remember that it is always difficult to accurately copy the lowest point when buying, and it is already very remarkable to be able to buy at a relatively low point.

Why is ENA considered an important investment object? I carefully read many analysis reports and found that it is an upgraded product of LUNA supported by US capital. A huge reserve is exactly what Binance urgently needs. This project will definitely rank among the top ten in the bull market.

BOME can be listed on Binance within three days, which shows its strong background and strength. At present, the currency circle has been deeply influenced by capital such as Wall Street. The future trend of BOME can refer to the performance of PEPE, which has risen tenfold in a few days.

WLD and ORDI have joined CB's futures contracts and will definitely be listed in the future. AI narratives will run through the entire bull market, and it is expected that the next wave of WLD's value will reach 15u. With the halving of Bitcoin, the Bitcoin ecosystem will become the focus of speculation. At present, ORDI has been widely recognized both at home and abroad, and its target price is above 100u.

Some SAGA was also bought, mainly because it has the potential to rebound after oversold, and the funds in the new currency market may also drive a wave of increases when Bitcoin rebounds.

CFX is a long-term investment target. Since DWF cleared its CFX positions at a price of 0.5-0.54, there has been a lack of market protection funds in the market, and any good news is difficult to resist the pressure of being sold. The performance of the market in the later period is that CFX rises slightly when the market rises, and falls sharply when the market falls.

The currency circle has now become a new battlefield on Wall Street in the United States, supporting SOL and base, driving the market through a large amount of capital investment, launching the explosive MEME coin, and the currency price and ecology prosper together, attracting the attention of funds from the entire market. #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #WIF #SHIB #APT
See original
The trend of Bitcoin after halving in history, give yourself an expectation: 1: 45 days after the first halving, a big bull market will come, 102 days after the second halving, and 145 days after the third halving... 2. The preferred fixed investment in the leading altcoins are AI, WRA, blockchain games, and sports sectors. At present, the funding rate of many altcoins is negative! No-brain fixed investment, don't go all-in! 3. The next trend of Bitcoin will fluctuate from April to June, and there is a high probability that it will rise above $95,000 from July to September, and it will be a pin of $100,000. From October to December, it will be difficult to fall below $60,000 with a correction of about 20%. From March to June in 2025, Bitcoin will make a final sprint of $150,000, and the bull market will end #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #Meme #WIF #sui
The trend of Bitcoin after halving in history, give yourself an expectation:

1: 45 days after the first halving, a big bull market will come, 102 days after the second halving, and 145 days after the third halving...

2. The preferred fixed investment in the leading altcoins are AI, WRA, blockchain games, and sports sectors. At present, the funding rate of many altcoins is negative! No-brain fixed investment, don't go all-in!

3. The next trend of Bitcoin will fluctuate from April to June, and there is a high probability that it will rise above $95,000 from July to September, and it will be a pin of $100,000. From October to December, it will be difficult to fall below $60,000 with a correction of about 20%. From March to June in 2025, Bitcoin will make a final sprint of $150,000, and the bull market will end

#比特币减半 #大盘走势 #Meme #WIF #sui
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​Is this round of washout more cruel than any previous sucking? It's because retail investors have been liquidated, but Bitcoin is still above 60,000 US dollars. So this round of washout will wash out many people from the currency circle. In the past, you could still fight again by accumulating funds by delivering food for two years, but now it is meaningless to accumulate funds, because by the time you have accumulated enough Bitcoin, you may have 100,000+. Do you really expect Bitcoin to rise to 1 million US dollars? In summary, it is very cruel to say that this round of bull market is the last chance for retail investors and the last chance for contract users to gamble. If you are washed out, then leave the currency circle, because the currency circle will no longer give you the opportunity to get rich, unless you can find a way to make money continuously, otherwise the chance of being harvested is very high. And the outside world is very big, honestly change industries, and you may get greater gains.  🐍qun秆崴:rgbn996 Stay away from contracts and hold the mainstream spot firmly, so that you can resist the plunge! #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #Meme #SHIB
​Is this round of washout more cruel than any previous sucking? It's because retail investors have been liquidated, but Bitcoin is still above 60,000 US dollars. So this round of washout will wash out many people from the currency circle. In the past, you could still fight again by accumulating funds by delivering food for two years, but now it is meaningless to accumulate funds, because by the time you have accumulated enough Bitcoin, you may have 100,000+. Do you really expect Bitcoin to rise to 1 million US dollars?
In summary, it is very cruel to say that this round of bull market is the last chance for retail investors and the last chance for contract users to gamble. If you are washed out, then leave the currency circle, because the currency circle will no longer give you the opportunity to get rich, unless you can find a way to make money continuously, otherwise the chance of being harvested is very high. And the outside world is very big, honestly change industries, and you may get greater gains.  🐍qun秆崴:rgbn996 Stay away from contracts and hold the mainstream spot firmly, so that you can resist the plunge!

#比特币减半 #大盘走势 #新币挖矿 #Meme #SHIB
See original
The only script for the entire BTC network: 1. Continue to fluctuate for two months from April 15 to June 15 2. From July 15 to August 15, hit the previous high of 73777 and then break 80,000 dollars. 3. From August 15 to September 15, the fluctuation adjustment is within 20%, and it will not fall below 65,000. 4. From September 15 to October 15, hit the previous high of 80,000 and then break 95,000, and insert 99,000. The bull market is over, over. It's over, The dog dealer's operation ideas were leaked by me again, and I deserved to be targeted. BTC broke 60,000, which extended the start-up time. This is a situation of mutual harm. Neither the dog dealer nor the leeks have taken advantage. The longer the oscillation and sideways trading time, the more funds are spent on mobilizing the leeks' fomo. Leeks cut their meat in pain, and the dog dealers spent double the price to pull the market to regain market confidence. #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #WIF #WIF
The only script for the entire BTC network:
1. Continue to fluctuate for two months from April 15 to June 15
2. From July 15 to August 15, hit the previous high of 73777 and then break 80,000 dollars.
3. From August 15 to September 15, the fluctuation adjustment is within 20%, and it will not fall below 65,000.
4. From September 15 to October 15, hit the previous high of 80,000 and then break 95,000, and insert 99,000. The bull market is over, over.
It's over,

The dog dealer's operation ideas were leaked by me again, and I deserved to be targeted. BTC broke 60,000, which extended the start-up time. This is a situation of mutual harm. Neither the dog dealer nor the leeks have taken advantage.
The longer the oscillation and sideways trading time, the more funds are spent on mobilizing the leeks' fomo. Leeks cut their meat in pain, and the dog dealers spent double the price to pull the market to regain market confidence. #比特币减半 #大盘走势 #WIF #WIF
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