Two reasons to tell you that Bitcoin will never fall in July!

It is true that May is poor, June is desperate, and July is a turnaround!

Reason 1:

1) According to historical data, the probability of Bitcoin rising is 63.64%;

2) July is the middle of the year, so the probability of reversal is the highest compared to June;

3) The two times that there was no reversal from June to July occurred in 2015 and 2017, and other years were rising. In other words, Bitcoin has never had a history of falling for two consecutive months in June and July.

Of course, this sample data is only for 11-12 years, for reference only.

Reason 2:

July is the policy vacuum month of the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve's FOMC interest rate meeting is usually held every 6 weeks or so, so some months will be skipped to form a policy vacuum month.

The next FOMC interest rate meeting of the Federal Reserve will be on July 31, Eastern Time, and August 1, Beijing Time. There are basically no important monetary policy announcements in July.

However, it is not ruled out that the speeches of other officials such as Powell will also affect the market, but compared with the FOMC meeting, the influence is definitely smaller.

In summary, perhaps each reason is not sufficient when viewed alone, but when combined together, the winning rate is always high. Be bullish in July and have more confidence. Don't be thrown off the bus at this time, let alone cut your losses and throw away your chips.

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