Two years ago today, I liquidated my position with more than 40,000 US dollars. At that moment, I felt as if I had been knocked off a cliff by the palm of Xuanming God. It was the darkest moment in my life that was full of chills. On that day, I was so desperate that I even lost the power to speak.

It took me more than a year to get over the psychological shadow of the contract bankruptcy. However, in my future blockchain career, I will name April 2nd of each year as the trading reflection anniversary of the group leader. Two years ago, I sat in a cemetery for an entire afternoon. Now in early April, with the opening of Wall Street stocks weakening, this double-top M structure seems to be becoming more and more obvious. At present, the market has not stabilized, and the horn of the first half of the bull market seems to have quietly ended with the approaching halving.

The dream will eventually end. There is no market that only goes up and never goes down, even if you invest in gold. In front of the rules, all investment games seem insignificant. Perhaps my obsession can only last for another day or two. In fact, if I were rational, I should reduce my position when the market goes sideways. But I still have the idea of ​​pride and greed, so I accept the floating loss. Maybe it is not a good thing to have too strong tolerance. When I should be afraid, I will expand the pattern to the fullest, which is a bit extreme like Zhanbo in "Big Times" when he competes with the market.

Those who know how to admit their failures when it’s time to admit defeat are perhaps the true heroes. I remember watching a Singaporean TV series called “The Brave” when I was a kid. Although I can’t box, my inner resilience is unmatched by anyone in the world. There are traders with better skills than me, but I have never met many practitioners who have endured as many hardships, even if they are much older than me.

At the beginning of two years ago, I still had a quantitative team of nearly a thousand people, and I received a dynamic bonus of 100,000 the month the market exploded. If there were no black swans of Luna, if the strategy was more robust, and if there was no force majeure, I would not be fooling around and liquidating my position. Unfortunately there is no if. Everything is destiny.

In March, I became more and more proficient in using Korean Ai software, just like Zhang Wuji using the Heavenly Sword, it was a piece of cake. However, when people start to get arrogant, they are not far from falling. So I always remind myself to get rid of emotions, not to be happy with victory, not to be sad with loss.

Trading is sometimes like navigating a minefield in "Operation Mekong", and one careless move can capsize the ship. As an experienced fisherman in Circle B, I know the temper of sea waves very well, but the best countermeasure is to go home and wash and sleep before the typhoon comes. So I stuck to quantification, studied AI, and never gave up no matter how many difficulties I encountered. I endured the incomprehension and strange looks from many leeks. Just like Edison invented the electric light, even if it fails 999 times, I firmly believe that the 1,000th success will eventually belong to the leader community.

Just like in a web3 forest, there is no compass or detector. I dig deep to dig out the gold and share it with the quantitative leek dumplings who have always followed me. Because I know that once the Ai strategy is successfully played, it will be much more powerful than mining. I have tasted the sweetness of the power of quantification, whether it is contracts or foreign exchange, and I know how explosive the market potential is. At that time, with our smart technology, we were no less than managing a fund. I won't pay attention to any project at that time. Now I feel like Ouyang Feng who has gone crazy. I am not addicted. Haha, I hope I'm not just dreaming, I'm just a trading nut.

Today, the core that has been criticized as a scam has skyrocketed, so this web3 is sometimes unreasonable and has no moral ethics. Whoever convinces people with the increase is a revolution, and whoever fails to show strength will be scolded even by Ethereum. The financial market is not peaceful either. The two pseudo-quantified QLBs that have collected a lot of fans' money have collapsed. It is said that they have collected tens of billions. The trader made me understand that the biggest trick in the world is sincerity. In the first two months, I almost impulsively operated the market, but no matter how gorgeous the packaging was, I couldn't fool the sharp eyes of the team leader, a veteran quant professional. No, the fox-tail nature of QLB's capital market has finally been revealed. Now many leaders have to deal with the aftermath again. This is the consequence of not learning. If people say he is high-frequency trading and real finance, you will believe it. I can only say that the trader has a really good grasp of human greed and selfishness, but the flaws are so obvious that no one even suspects it. Just like that brainless Metaverse project, entering Everyone on the scene is silly and sweet.

The threshold for high-frequency quantification on Wall Street is 100 oil. What kind of international joke are you kidding? Do you think the Americans are Iron Man or Captain America, the saviors who come to save retail investors and engage in charity? You didn't even have a delivery note to fool the Chinese people. With a broken contract, you put all your property into the tiger's mouth. That Mr. Xu traveled to the United States and posted on Moments, and you were deceived by sincere lies. I have to admit that the liar will put any fashionable concepts and gimmicks into Ponzi's plate. He is probably currently sunbathing in Hawaii with a beautiful bikini girl in his arms. From now on, if you gain wisdom from the experience, you should spend money to buy lessons.

If you don't learn the cheapest 399 currency trading course here, you will have to participate in those money-making projects that are a scam at first glance. You can't stop me even if you fly into the flames. Forget it, I really don’t care much about it, why do people in Circle B care about their business? I just can't stand those liars running rampant and rubbing your IQ on the ground. Even if you learn a few tricks from the leader, you won't be fooled by the tricks of the White Bone Demon. But when someone's face was shining with colorful lights and a spider spirit that could spin silk in its navel entangled me, I didn't want to resist. After all, it would be sweet to die lying in the gentle land of monsters. Think about the 6 big cakes I fed to those project parties in the past. I used to be the same person as you.

It’s hard to look back on the past, but we still have to fight hard in the future. There is always cause and effect in the world. When I lose money, I don’t blame anyone but myself for not practicing enough. . . . . .