Yesterday, someone asked me if I could buy at the bottom. I said one word: wait. Yesterday, I was in a group that had nothing to do with me and reminded me of my judgment of the rhythm of the dog market: Yesterday, I said it was just the first day of the downward trend. Don’t you know that the main force will go on a holiday to travel and spend money in the club? Institutions are also people, and they also want to cash out the profit that has risen for 7 consecutive months and squeeze out the bubble.

It's really awesome. I thought they would be gentle, but I didn't expect that they would be so fierce in their market-crashing methods. They first locked Brother Changpeng in the iron cage of "Kowloon Walled City". Even if you are as arrogant as the boss played by Richie Jen, you have to bow to fate. A gentleman's revenge is never too late, four years later. My friends who read my diary carefully saw me last Wednesday and Thursday and said: It's raining, put away the clothes. I knew the code, but I still retreated in advance. Our ancestors' 36 strategies taught us: running away is the best policy. If you can't win, run away, it's not shameful. Now in the market, except for the retired masters like Ban Mucha, there are probably few people who escaped this blood waterfall, except for the team leader.

The main force is giving Hong Kong a warning. What spot ETF is not as large as the trading volume of local dogs. You can't remember other holidays, today I will add another May Day web3 blood waterfall disaster for everyone. This bath is really refreshing. I just added a double flight to celebrate.

It's a pity that I didn't short even though I was bearish. Otherwise, I would have become famous again. I wouldn't have had to worry about the cool mat. I really don't know how to roll positions. Otherwise, when I cleared my spot positions last Wednesday, I would have sold 100 times my short positions. I might have become a god. Forget it. I'm not interested in being a god. I'll continue to improve my AI quantitative dog-beating stick method.

Changpeng was sentenced for 4 months, and the dust finally settled. So the huge profits before the pull-up in the second half of this bull market were actually for the purpose of pulling it higher by the end of the year. In fact, I am very happy now, because it leaves room for the upward surge, the bubbles are squeezed out, the car becomes light, and it is convenient for me to perform light-weight water floating at the end of June.

I called Satoshi Nakamoto who was far away in another dimension, and he said not to be afraid, and that you can get back on the spot when the price drops to around 50,000. Since I finished reading the book "Overcoming the Inner Demon", I have deeply understood the weapon that dog dealers use to manipulate the emotions of leeks: fear. I am not afraid of death now, so why should I be afraid of falling? Am I afraid of losing money? When your heart is so strong that you don't know what fear is, there are no enemies on this earth. Even if the other party has the hard qigong golden bell cover in "Kowloon Walled City". I have found the main force's Achilles' heel, and I believe I can make stable profits in the future, whether it is a bull market or a bear market.

Even if blockchain fails one day, I will still be able to carve out a path in the stock market. Yesterday, the foreign exchange EA robot strategy was optimized, and now the effect is good, and the frequency of placing orders has increased the profit.

Now I am finally completely relieved and forgive Changpeng for blowing up my position of more than 40,000 US dollars. The high technical tuition I paid for was not only what I learned from the market. As a leek, we are in the siege of "Kowloon Walled City". No, many losers deliver takeout and live in the village in the city, but they have been dreaming of the unrealistic dream of getting rich overnight in web3.

Many of us have come all the way from the loser period, with ups and downs, bumps and bumps, and we were too poor to play roller coasters when we were young. When we grow up, we are in the currency circle, and our psychology and assets are on a roller coaster every day. Life is too exciting. I just came out of the cinema and stepped on dog shit by accident. But I didn't feel bad, and I actually laughed. It turned out that this is the legendary dog ​​shit luck. The leader once again perfectly avoided the waterfall. From now on, I believe in the sixth sense more. It's really reliable.

The previous ones are all warm-up exercises. Don’t be washed out by this ultimate wash-out. Squat deeper to jump higher. Even Wall Street cannot fight against this law of the universe. It is expected that in late June, Cuihua will serve pickled vegetables. . . . .

It's just reincarnation. At worst, I'll break the cup again in a few days. Smart quantitative software is my scooter. The dog dealer has only three tricks: cheat, grind, and scare. Even if the main force drives a Tesla without a driver, it can't catch up with my skateboard with jet gas. If you have the ability, chase me to the sea and cut me. Although I can't swim, I can float on the water. Duan Yu is my brother, don't you know that? Although my Lingbo Weibu only has a little fur, it is enough. At a critical moment, the quantitative robot is the umbrella of the position.

Don’t buy the dip yet, wait for my signal. Get your bullets ready, don’t miss the last chance to get on board in this truly violent bull market!