The May Day holiday of reverse budget travel is finally over, and I have started planning my next trip to Thailand. The web3 music festival is being held in Bangkok these two days, which has attracted my attention. Wealth is made through playing, and I don’t want to compete with everyone in a place with so few opportunities in China. After all, there are too few opportunities. All the awesome people I know have gone overseas.

Although we are patriotic and don't want to take advantage of Japan's fire, today when the yen exchange rate collapses, we see that the big cake and A shares seem to be stabilizing. I heard a voice in the arena saying that a large amount of foreign hot money in Japan has withdrawn and transferred to web3 and the Chinese stock market, so you have an idea of ​​what to invest in. For those who want to speculate in stocks, I have a follow-the-bank tool, which can see how much money the main force has invested and buy the bottom together. The monthly fee of the software is 399, and friends with computers can use it.

Musk recently posted a prediction on a social platform: War is coming! And it is 100%!!! Strategic materials such as grain, sugar, rubber, cotton, and copper futures are gradually banned from export by major countries, and prices are getting higher and higher! The Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates, and the global dollar flows back to the United States, causing the rapid depreciation of Asia-Pacific currencies!

It's a pity that I didn't hold my dog ​​for a long time, because I couldn't stand the stimulation from it. The key is that I don't know when Musk fed the dog aphrodisiac to make it estrus. Even I can't achieve unity of knowledge and action. Sometimes, I am a contradiction. Often the conclusions of thinking in the last second are different from those in the next second. I came into contact with some homosexual groups in Thailand, and my three views were shattered. For example, the senior team leaders of Melaleuca are young and handsome, and many of them are homosexuals. These homosexuals and micro-businesses support most of the company's performance. Oh, I really can't understand what it means to earn hundreds of thousands of cash flow every month but hug someone with the same structure as yourself. But I don't hate it, I respect everyone's choice.

Yesterday, I was impulsive and finally couldn't help but buy half of the spot position. The main force was not fair and seemed to be staring at my position. Fortunately, I only bought 50% and left a hand. The short-term floating profit rose to 65,500 US dollars. Before I had time to be happy for a while, it began to pull back. In the middle of the night, I got excited and slapped myself in the face, and immediately stopped the loss. What kind of tricks did I practice? Did the Sunflower Manual cut itself? Fast in and fast out is like Anita Yuen hitting her arm with a gun in "Ling Ling Paint". My hands are really cheap.

In a fit of anger, I surrendered completely and added funds to start running the contract robot strategy of AI quantitative. I don't want to mess around anymore. It's so tiring to watch the market and analyze it. The main force is watching our small business all day long. Changpeng paid tens of billions of fines and finally let us leeks share the bill to fill the huge hole. Seeing through the cruel nature of the secular world, especially finance, I have to use AI high-tech tools to protect my old hen. Look at the AI ​​artificial intelligence trend that Buffett talked about all the time at this shareholders' meeting, and look at the explosion of the blockchain AI sector in the past two days, and you will know how forward-looking my vision is in the quantitative trading track.

In this kind of bloody market with narrow fluctuations, up and down pins, and long and short explosions, you can either pretend to be dead and do nothing, or use AI intelligent software as hard qigong to protect your body like me. Otherwise, short-term contracts will eventually lead to a dead end. You still have the guts to play with cottages, pretend to be a local dog, and promote model coins. I really admire your courage to face death. Ignorance is fearless.

Now we cannot rule out the possibility of a second bottoming out. If it falls below 62,700, there is a possibility of continuing to fall back to 60,000 or even 50,000. Of course, the bulls are barely controlling the market at present. If it breaks through the pressure of 65,500, then this wave will continue to rise. But my intuition is that if the market is washed again, the bubbles can be squeezed out more cleanly, and then the surge will be even crazier.

We need confidence. After all, Bitcoin has been halved. However, the turbulent period during the transition period tests not only the technology, but also our mentality and even whether we have faith. If I were to buy at the bottom again, I would allocate a quarter of Sol. I bet it will kill ETH. After all, don’t forget Vitalik’s Russian identity. Sol is a new public chain that is highly controlled by Wall Street. The final situation of the three-kingdoms competition will evolve into a two-hero confrontation.

The general trend is oscillating upward, and I have never doubted this. But how to operate it? At which point to enter the market, how to avoid risks? It is indeed tiring and difficult to operate manually, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Yesterday I chatted with a friend who just flew back from Dubai. He has great resources in Dubai and the Middle East, and can get the exchange compliance license. If any project wants to issue a coin or want to layout the Middle East web3 market, the capital can find the leader to connect, and I will help you to link the Dubai currency circle financial license. When Zhao Changpeng and his exchange landed in Dubai, it was planned by the institutional connections behind my friend.

Yesterday, a fan saw the entrepreneurial opportunities of quantitative tools and compiled a copy. I was very touched by the effort. I posted some pictures and hope that people with good fortune can get the charm of AI algorithmic trading, how huge the financial management pie is, and how promising brokers are. This is more real and weighty than the advertisement I wrote. After all, gold and silver cups are not as good as the reputation of the people. In fact, I have accumulated a lot of case witnesses and sharing in the past three years, but I am more Buddhist and disdain to show them off.

The reason why young people lie low is because there is no spiritual leader. Since no one is illuminating the way forward for us web3 leeks, the team leader with 10 years of blockchain experience can only bravely stand up and be that light. . . . . .