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Bitcoin market is not good? April may be a good time to buy! Key events at a glance The overall trend of Bitcoin has begun to fluctuate. We only need to prevent a few key points. It is not yet time for us to escape the top and clear the warehouse. Wait until the current stage to break the 72,000 point line and then rush to a historical high. Ethereum's overall performance is relatively weak. This is only relative. Weak market conditions should be treated as weak. Will the Bitcoin market not be good in April? But there will be more buying opportunities! There is no spot for Bitcoin 70,000. Recently, Qun added Wei: 417072555. The main force needs to lower the price to force retail investors to get off the bus, and at the same time, leverage can be exploded to buy spot. After halving, the mining income will be halved. To ensure the original income, you have to upgrade the mining machine or have a higher coin price. The S21Pro mining machine is sold out, and small miners cannot reduce the mining cost after the halving. Large miners will take the opportunity to lower the coin price to force small miners to shut down and compete for computing power, so that large miners can have the original income. April is the tax month in the United States. People may sell some assets to pay taxes, causing selling pressure. Prices have reached a record high. The consensus of the entire network is that the bull market is coming and it will definitely rise a lot. This is fine, but it also means that those who want to buy have already bought and retail investors have fully boarded. It also means that those who want to sell have already sold and there is no spot liquidity. It is very important to dump the market at this time to shake the sentiment of retail investors. CZ went to court in April, which attracted a lot of attention and was also a fud point. USDC withdrew from the TRON chain, and Circle reported USDT behind the scenes. There may be fud related to stablecoins.  The ETH ETF is likely to not pass for a while. Focus on April (1) Whether the Ethereum spot ETF will pass. If it passes, focus on the Ethereum Ethereum ecosystem (2) Whether the launch of Merlin tokens and the halving of Bitcoin will drive the Bitcoin ecosystem (3) Football fan coins may usher in an explosion (4) GMT may release staking or running shoes 2.0 in April Qige only speaks with strength and reflects with value! It helps you to accurately control the position and grasp the profit. When the market is good, you can make money no matter how you play. But you must know that the market will not always be good! When to buy and when to sell in the market is important. If you want to get higher returns, the choice is yours. Choice is more important than hard work! #WIF #SHIB #BTC #ETH(二饼) #DOGEUSDT!

Bitcoin market is not good? April may be a good time to buy! Key events at a glance

The overall trend of Bitcoin has begun to fluctuate. We only need to prevent a few key points. It is not yet time for us to escape the top and clear the warehouse. Wait until the current stage to break the 72,000 point line and then rush to a historical high. Ethereum's overall performance is relatively weak. This is only relative. Weak market conditions should be treated as weak.

Will the Bitcoin market not be good in April? But there will be more buying opportunities! There is no spot for Bitcoin 70,000. Recently, Qun added Wei: 417072555. The main force needs to lower the price to force retail investors to get off the bus, and at the same time, leverage can be exploded to buy spot. After halving, the mining income will be halved. To ensure the original income, you have to upgrade the mining machine or have a higher coin price. The S21Pro mining machine is sold out, and small miners cannot reduce the mining cost after the halving. Large miners will take the opportunity to lower the coin price to force small miners to shut down and compete for computing power, so that large miners can have the original income.

April is the tax month in the United States. People may sell some assets to pay taxes, causing selling pressure. Prices have reached a record high. The consensus of the entire network is that the bull market is coming and it will definitely rise a lot. This is fine, but it also means that those who want to buy have already bought and retail investors have fully boarded. It also means that those who want to sell have already sold and there is no spot liquidity. It is very important to dump the market at this time to shake the sentiment of retail investors.

CZ went to court in April, which attracted a lot of attention and was also a fud point. USDC withdrew from the TRON chain, and Circle reported USDT behind the scenes. There may be fud related to stablecoins.  The ETH ETF is likely to not pass for a while.

Focus on April

(1) Whether the Ethereum spot ETF will pass. If it passes, focus on the Ethereum Ethereum ecosystem

(2) Whether the launch of Merlin tokens and the halving of Bitcoin will drive the Bitcoin ecosystem

(3) Football fan coins may usher in an explosion

(4) GMT may release staking or running shoes 2.0 in April

Qige only speaks with strength and reflects with value! It helps you to accurately control the position and grasp the profit. When the market is good, you can make money no matter how you play. But you must know that the market will not always be good! When to buy and when to sell in the market is important. If you want to get higher returns, the choice is yours. Choice is more important than hard work!


Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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目前,meme 币领域出现强劲反弹,全球第四大 meme 币 Dogwifhat (WIF) 在过去 24 小时内又上涨了 21%。截至发稿时,Dogwifhat (WIF) 的交易价格为 3.37 美元,市值为 33.5 亿美元。此外,日交易量一路飙升 44%,达到 5.65 亿美元。 Dogwifhat (WIF) 价格飙升至新 ATH? 继 2024 年发生大规模牛市之后,Dogwifhat (WIF) 价格一路上涨至 4.9 美元。WIF 价格上涨引起了全球加密货币社区的关注,因为它在加密货币领域占据了一席之地。按市值排名前 50 名的加密货币,距离上线交易仅几个月。最近它在Bybit上的上市很成功,价格达到了41美元。 然而,在 4 月的四个星期内,WIF 价格大幅回落,经历了市场的某种波动。现在,随着强劲反弹,Dogwifhat 成功突破下降趋势,为迈向新的历史高位奠定了基础。 WIF 是 Solana 区块链上一系列以狗为主题的模因币的最新成员。它的网站幽默地描述了它的简单性,将自己描述为“实际上只是一只戴着帽子的狗”。 由于缺乏实用性,社区采取游击营销策略来提高代币的价值。目前,如果你比较迷茫,不知道怎么布局,关注我,点头像看介绍,做你的指路明灯该项目的目标是让其毛茸茸的吉祥物在拉斯维加斯球体上显眼地展示。 风险投资公司 Stratos 最近透露,其对 Solana 模因币 Dogwifhat (WIF) 的投资已获得超过 300 倍的利润。这家总部位于加利福尼亚州的公司早在 12 月就对 WIF 进行了投资,当时该代币的价格约为 0.01 美元。 值得注意的是,尽管 WIF 的价值大幅上涨,但它仍保留了其全部 WIF 持股,目前 WIF 的交易价格为 3.37美元。据 CoinGape 报道, 5 月份WIF 价格可能一路上涨至 10 美元。 #ETH #BTC #WIF #chz #Ondo
昨晚的非农数据和失业率出现大爆冷,让苟延残喘的行情瞬间及时得到了一口仙气,看样子又可以多挣扎几天了。 这组数据的出现导致美联储降息预期起死回生,币圈迎来了大幅度反弹。 接下来还有风险吗,行情怎么看?    首先,本次下跌回调对币圈是极为有好处的,价格打到120日均线附近暂时止跌,把获利盘清洗了一波,大概率也是近期的底部,为币圈继续筑牢底部 把最近3个月买入的人拉到了同一起跑线,降低了风险,有利于进一步上涨。我们要做的就是: 一、之前深套的币种,只要是各赛道龙头或是价值币,接下来耐心持有,不用担心能不能解套的问题,只要牛市不结束,在整个周期最低翻个3-5倍没有问题。 有更高性价比的龙头币10-20倍的空间也是会有的。可怕的是行情来了,你却没了仓位。如若是交易高手,这段时间完全可以作滚仓操作降低成本,等行情一来可以马上解套。 二、把现留有的子弹轻仓埋伏反弹强劲板块,比如meme、Depin等 令人欣喜的是比特币现货ETF结束过去7日净流出后首次净流入,累计净流入达115.61亿美元,根据 SoSoValue 数据,昨日(美东时间 5 月 3 日)比特币现货 ETF 总净流入 3.78 亿美元,其中:灰度(Grayscale)ETF GBTC 单日净流入 6301.12 万美元,目前 GBTC 历史净流出为 174.62 亿美元;单日净流入最多的比特币现货 ETF 为富达(Fidelity)ETF FBTC,单日净流入为 1.03 亿美元 目前 FBTC 历史总净流入达 80.30 亿美元;截至发稿前,比特币现货 ETF 总资产净值为 510.21 亿美元,ETF 净资产比率(市值较比特币总市值占比)达 4.12%,历史累计净流入已达 115.61 亿美元。 接下来还有一个期待的事:以太坊美国ETF通过,只要通过将开启山寨币的黄金时代, 比如香港以太币ETF通过直接的效果就是, 孙割等中文大户都在努力抄底, 预计1年之后ETH的价格将超过1万美金,币圈大翻身! 但毕竟时值多事之秋,有3只黑天鹅不得不防。 一、谨防通胀数据卷土重来 ,昨晚的数据发布后,接下来要看   5月15日:4月CPI数据,5月31日:4月核心PCE,如果数据还是高于预期,币圈又要走跌   二、谨防以色列和伊朗扩大战争   以色列可能在5月份进攻拉法(哈马斯在加沙的最后一个根据地) ,扩大和伊朗、黎巴嫩真主党的冲突。目前以色列和伊朗算是战争状态,而且这场战争将持续下去。只要双方继续发生冲突,冲突的运作逻辑就会趋向升级。自古以来政客为了增加政治生存和支持率,往往会倾向于引爆战争。 说来也荒谬,人类的命运其实就集中在几十个叼毛政客手中, 有些疯子点一下核按钮,第三次世界大战就开始了。伊朗离制造核弹已越来越近,以色列对伊朗核计划可能采取先发制人的行动。一旦开战,BTC还是要带动币圈暴跌。 三、谨防门头沟释放海量BTC   门头沟倒闭后,有价值$90亿的BTC要赔付给这些债权人。截止时间是10月份,4月份的时候有些人说收到了法币赔付。因此今年大概率要赔付完毕了,这些人收到币大概率要卖的,不管他们卖不卖,市场恐慌了肯定要跌。所以随着反弹,特别是满仓梭哈的可以分批收回子弹,以防黑天鹅来袭。 如果你比较迷茫,不知道怎么布局,关注我,点头像看介绍,做你的指路明灯 #ETH #BTC #ETHFI #SAGA新币 #AI+DePIN

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