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#DOT Can it become the next 100x coin? The answer is obvious, no! In fact, I think that DOT will not only fail to become a hundred times coin, but will also become a zero coin and the next #EOS . #Polkadot The team cashed out tens of billions at a high level. After that, they spent every day in entertainment clubs, and the price of DOT coins gradually dropped and hit the bottom. Eventually, it will be forgotten by the community. Like the founder of EOS #ByteMaster , the founder of DOT is Gavin Wood. He was also a colleague of Vitalik, the founder of Ethereum, but in the end they all left the reliable Vitalik and Ethereum. Why? Because birds of a feather flock together, because they have similar odors. Vitalik just wants to do things, but BM and Gavin Wood just want to cheat money. Polkadot initially claimed to be cross-chain, created a bunch of fancy technical roadmaps, and used this as a gimmick to raise more than one billion Taiwan dollars (tens of millions of US dollars). After a few years, the mainnet was finally launched, but everyone found that nothing had been done. But the team continued to perform various fancy operations, such as conducting parallel chain card slot auctions. In fact, they were all using clever tricks to deceive Leek into pledging and locking up positions, so that the team could take advantage of the opportunity to ship. What’s even more shameless is that the greedy team also created a test chain Kusama and announced that the auction will be held on the test chain first. The test chain will also take the opportunity to issue #KSM coins, thereby harvesting leeks again. Sure enough, one or two years have passed, and the so-called parallel chain card slot auction has finally become a piece of cake. There has been no real progress, and the claimed cross-chain ecology is still stuck in the pie. However, the Polkadot team has long taken the opportunity to cash out countless amounts, and the total money raised together with the initial funds raised may have exceeded tens of billions. I don’t know which yacht they are hiding on, and they are probably accompanied by many young models every day. You think he wants to do the project seriously, but in fact he just wants to defraud you of your money. Back to the currency price, the team has made 10 billion, how do you still expect it to develop an ecosystem to drive prices? dream! The price of DOT, it cannot be ruled out that in the next bull market, it will be cheated because it still has illusions about the pursuit of leeks. After that, it will definitely hit the bottom and never respond again. The project will not make any progress. The big picture has been There will be no cashing out of the pie, and the end result will be that just like EOS now, it will be forgotten and the price will return to zero. Follow me, I will provide a sharp and objective review every day, only to protect the interests of retail investors and never collude with the bankers.

#DOT Can it become the next 100x coin?

The answer is obvious, no! In fact, I think that DOT will not only fail to become a hundred times coin, but will also become a zero coin and the next #EOS . #Polkadot The team cashed out tens of billions at a high level. After that, they spent every day in entertainment clubs, and the price of DOT coins gradually dropped and hit the bottom. Eventually, it will be forgotten by the community.

Like the founder of EOS #ByteMaster , the founder of DOT is Gavin Wood. He was also a colleague of Vitalik, the founder of Ethereum, but in the end they all left the reliable Vitalik and Ethereum. Why? Because birds of a feather flock together, because they have similar odors. Vitalik just wants to do things, but BM and Gavin Wood just want to cheat money.

Polkadot initially claimed to be cross-chain, created a bunch of fancy technical roadmaps, and used this as a gimmick to raise more than one billion Taiwan dollars (tens of millions of US dollars). After a few years, the mainnet was finally launched, but everyone found that nothing had been done. But the team continued to perform various fancy operations, such as conducting parallel chain card slot auctions. In fact, they were all using clever tricks to deceive Leek into pledging and locking up positions, so that the team could take advantage of the opportunity to ship. What’s even more shameless is that the greedy team also created a test chain Kusama and announced that the auction will be held on the test chain first. The test chain will also take the opportunity to issue #KSM coins, thereby harvesting leeks again.

Sure enough, one or two years have passed, and the so-called parallel chain card slot auction has finally become a piece of cake. There has been no real progress, and the claimed cross-chain ecology is still stuck in the pie. However, the Polkadot team has long taken the opportunity to cash out countless amounts, and the total money raised together with the initial funds raised may have exceeded tens of billions. I don’t know which yacht they are hiding on, and they are probably accompanied by many young models every day. You think he wants to do the project seriously, but in fact he just wants to defraud you of your money.

Back to the currency price, the team has made 10 billion, how do you still expect it to develop an ecosystem to drive prices? dream! The price of DOT, it cannot be ruled out that in the next bull market, it will be cheated because it still has illusions about the pursuit of leeks. After that, it will definitely hit the bottom and never respond again. The project will not make any progress. The big picture has been There will be no cashing out of the pie, and the end result will be that just like EOS now, it will be forgotten and the price will return to zero.

Follow me, I will provide a sharp and objective review every day, only to protect the interests of retail investors and never collude with the bankers.

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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$ORDI 还能买吗?能成为下一个百倍币吗? 比特币#BRC-20 代币ORDI近期连续大涨,两周涨了4倍来到了22.4美金,而且投资者热度不减纷纷表示看好。那ORDI现在还能买吗?能成为下一个百倍币吗? 首先,#BRC20 并不是一个新鲜的概念,其实质与2012年就出现的染色币基本一致,只是协议格式上略有差异,大家熟知的USDT最早就是染色币。因此基于BRC-20的ORDI,从这个角度而言是一种改良过的染色币,之所以近期很热门,主要是迎合了人群炒作的需求,炒作讲究炒新不炒旧,Layer2、DeFi、跨链等都已被轮番炒作很多次,所以一听到在比特币上也可以发币,这让大量新入圈的散户感觉非常新奇,所以就蜂拥而至,尽管这概念其实十年前就有了。 其次,以ORDI为代表的BRC20代币目前没任何实际用途,这一点连他们自己也没否认,ORDI官网只是将铭文逐条展示出来,除此之外并无实际应用场景的介绍。几乎所有ORDI的持有者们也很清楚这一点,既然参与者都知道自己玩的是击鼓传花,那这游戏就无法持续太久。 另外,BRC20的可替代性太强,以至于目前所有此类项目都可以被轻易替代。你也可以随意去比特币链上写入铭文,它甚至都不需要白皮书或者合约代码,你手动写入都能完成。这使得发行BRC20代币超级简单,ORDI,SATS可能随时被新项目取代,他们无法对现有投资者们产生粘性。 综上我们认为,ORDI是典型的由非理性炒作项目,只适合短期投机不适合长远持有。短期若比特币继续上涨,在大行情带动下仍有少许上涨空间,但空间已十分有限,短期潜力评定为B-。长期看,其安全边际较差,综合实力较低,若大行情回调则ORDI价格可能快速腰斩,且后续更新的BRC20概念币可能带走大量ORDI热度,导致ORDI价格长期低迷,其合理价值在1亿美金以下。 关注我,每天带给你一个热门币分析。
#solana Solana现在还能买吗?是否该卖了?首先可以肯定的说,如果你的持有周期大于3个月,那当前是可以买的,只是呢这里说的是现货,而不是说你去合约做多。行业整体正在从上一轮熊市中逐步复苏,比特币也一路向上突破3万8千美金,那么在大盘带动下,Solana的价格近期强势抬头是没太大悬念的。但由于近期已经涨了近一倍,短期大幅度回调随时可能到来,所以杠杆合约是要不得的,那些认为自己能精准算对每一次涨跌的赌徒,还是要多照照镜子。 Solana早前因 FTX 创始人,外号爆炸头的 #SBF 的操纵而强势上涨,成为21年知名的百倍币之一。之后熊市中因各种借贷的清算而暴跌,最终在SBF欺诈被捕后跌入谷底,价格仅剩9美元左右,相对最高位跌去96%。失去了SBF这个幕后庄家,Solana可谓元气大伤,但好在其生态初具规模,虽然没什么创新型的DAPP,但凭借TPS的优势还是收获了部分市场。所以其价格在走出低位后,能具备一定价值支撑的。但放长远看,仅凭高TPS恐怕难以真正站稳脚跟,要知道二三线公链的TPS都很高,比如AVAX、TRON等等。这倒不是因为它们技术多先进,仅仅是因为它们中心化程度高而已。如果仅比较TPS,那空气币的TPS是最高的。 因此在当前价格下,Solana的代币 $SOL SOL 价格有望继续复苏,但这仅仅是因为大盘在涨而已,后续除非它生态出现重大创新,否则价格无法有效站稳或突破前高. 整体来看,Solana一个月内可能发生大幅回调,短期潜力为C。中长期的话,在明后两年预期的牛市中,价格有望接近前高,但考虑到基本面同质化太严重的关系,价格难以真正崛起并对以太坊构成威胁,综合实力为良好,安全边际一般,不适合重仓,不适合超长线持有,长远的合理价值应低于100亿美金。 欢迎留言说出你想看的币。关注我,每天一个潜力币分析。
《盘点三个市值超高的空气币——第三部分》 今天给大家盘点三个市值超高、但项目毫无价值的空气币、垃圾币。 第三个:#VetChain #唯链 $VET 说起唯链,或许部分人还会有些感情,觉得这是国产公链。它确实由国内上海团队所推出,靠着“国产”的情怀收割了一大波韭菜。在17-18年价格神乎其神地急速拉升,一度也进入前十,并长期稳定在前二十(这一两年下跌到三四十)。看它自己的介绍会说,它是一个性能多么好的公链,跟一大堆知名公司有合作关系,比如比亚迪、沃尔玛等等,看起来牛逼的很。但你不妨去这些它列出来的“合作公司”的渠道去看看,人家有没有说跟它的合作关系?又或者看看这些“合作伙伴”的真实产品中,哪里有唯链的影子? 唯链背后的母公司有联盟链的业务,不排除该联盟链跟一些公司有合作,但具体到VeChain这个公链和VET这个币,可以说跟那些合作半毛钱关系没有。各类宣传都是故意混淆公链VeChain和背后联盟链,试图把二者混为一谈,并以此碰瓷宣传,引诱一大堆韭菜疯狂买入。这种炒作宣传手法,跟瑞波团队把瑞波币与其背后母公司的Ripple支付网关故意混淆的做法如出一辙,只能说臭味相投。这也就意味着,VET这个币实际上没有什么实际使用场景,价格全靠韭菜的白日梦来支撑。 VET最高价格0.27美金,最高市值接近200亿美金,现价0.021美金,已跌去92%。

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