"Inventory of three air coins with extremely high market value - Part 3"

Today I will take stock of three air coins and junk coins with extremely high market value but worthless projects.

The third one: 4049290442#vechain$VET

Speaking of VeChain, some people may still have some feelings and think it is a domestic public chain. It was indeed launched by the domestic Shanghai team, and harvested a large wave of leeks with its "domestic" sentiment. From 2017 to 2018, the price skyrocketed, once entering the top ten, and has remained stable in the top twenty for a long time (it fell to thirty or forty in the past two years). Looking at its own introduction, it will be said that it is a public chain with very good performance. It has cooperative relationships with a lot of well-known companies, such as BYD, Walmart, etc., and it looks very awesome. But you might as well go to the channels of the "cooperating companies" listed by it to see if they have any mention of a cooperative relationship with it? Or look at the real products of these "partners", where is the shadow of VeChain?

The parent company behind VeChain has alliance chain business, and it cannot be ruled out that the alliance chain has cooperation with some companies. However, when it comes to the public chain VeChain and the currency VET, it can be said that it has nothing to do with those cooperations. All kinds of publicity are deliberately confusing the public chain VeChain and the alliance chain behind it, trying to confuse the two, and using this propaganda to lure a lot of leeks into crazy buying. This kind of hype is exactly the same as the Ripple team's deliberate confusion of XRP with the Ripple payment gateway of its parent company. It can only be said that they have the same smell. This means that VET actually has no actual usage scenarios, and the price is entirely supported by the daydream of leeks.

The highest price of VET was US$0.27, the highest market value was close to US$20 billion, and the current price is US$0.021, which has fallen by 92%.