Binance Square
The secret that no one tells you, read it carefully, you will gain something! As soon as you have money, you have to develop in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Those who accidentally make a little money and want to eat, drink and have fun and go back to their hometown to lie down are all peasant mentality. People are wealth, where there are more people, there is more money, and assets are valuable. Many people work hard for half their lives to make money and go back to their hometown to build a house, which is worthless if no one takes over. You must cherish your first pot of gold. The first step after having money is to change the circle, change the city, change the house, change the car, change the equipment, update the thinking mode, and learn from the better people. Take a step forward and move up a level as soon as possible, so that you can keep your wealth. You must stay away from the people in the original circle, and don't have the desire to show off. I have seen a person who made a small fortune in a short time, and immediately started to float and start to eat, drink and spend wildly in front of people at the same level. He was crazy and showed off. In less than a year, he immediately lost everything and was beaten back to his original shape. This is not being able to control wealth. Don't look for a sense of existence in circles that are worse than you, that will only attract hatred. Your eyes should look up, go to those circles that are better than you, find frustration, open your eyes, so that you will be calm and low-key and know how much you weigh. Please always remember this sentence: It's not that you wait until you become stronger before you do it, but that you will become stronger when you do it! #trx #ALPACA #WRX #xtz

The secret that no one tells you, read it carefully, you will gain something!

As soon as you have money, you have to develop in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Those who accidentally make a little money and want to eat, drink and have fun and go back to their hometown to lie down are all peasant mentality.

People are wealth, where there are more people, there is more money, and assets are valuable. Many people work hard for half their lives to make money and go back to their hometown to build a house, which is worthless if no one takes over.

You must cherish your first pot of gold. The first step after having money is to change the circle, change the city, change the house, change the car, change the equipment, update the thinking mode, and learn from the better people.

Take a step forward and move up a level as soon as possible, so that you can keep your wealth.

You must stay away from the people in the original circle, and don't have the desire to show off.

I have seen a person who made a small fortune in a short time, and immediately started to float and start to eat, drink and spend wildly in front of people at the same level. He was crazy and showed off. In less than a year, he immediately lost everything and was beaten back to his original shape. This is not being able to control wealth.

Don't look for a sense of existence in circles that are worse than you, that will only attract hatred.

Your eyes should look up, go to those circles that are better than you, find frustration, open your eyes, so that you will be calm and low-key and know how much you weigh.

Please always remember this sentence:

It's not that you wait until you become stronger before you do it, but that you will become stronger when you do it!

#trx #ALPACA #WRX #xtz

Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice. See T&Cs.
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1、朋友圈里那些炫富的, 其实大多数都不会有大成就。 就像路遥说的: 物理学告诉我们, 晒的东西会干掉, 冷藏才能保持新鲜。 所以,别再晒了, 晒太多,幸福感会掉得快! 2、真正能成功的人: 聪明不会到处炫耀,才华不会四处张扬,手艺也不会随便传授。 就像王志文说的那句话: 人要学会藏两样东西, 一个是心事,一个是本事。 心事要藏好, 一旦说出去, 就变成别人的八卦了。 如果心太直, 伤害是迟早的事。 本事也要藏着点, 太锋利了容易伤人, 人都有嫉妒心, 宁愿看陌生人成功, 也不愿看身边人出头。 如果你不懂得隐藏, 那么麻烦就来了。 3、小聪明能赚点小钱, 但真正的智者是默默发大财。 你有没有注意到, 那些厉害的人, 都是默默地做大事的。 那些身边的牛人, 通常都是, 突然宣布结婚了,突然升职了, 突然买了新房,突然变富了, 然后让大家都惊讶得合不拢嘴! 就是因为:事情是靠保密成功的,泄露了就失败了。 所以,你决定要做的事, 在成功之前,别告诉任何人, 甚至连神都别说, 安静地做,成功了再说, 这不是迷信, 而是事情发展的规律。 4、只有小溪才会哗哗的, 大河是静悄悄的,却能流得更远。 所以,聪明的人都知道要低调行事, 就像俗话说的: 玉米总是低着头,智者总是温和。 在这个世界上,低调是对的。 很多时候, 越是骄傲,越容易跌倒。 而低下头,适时弯腰, 才能挺过风雨, 未来的路才会更宽广。 聪明的人都懂得隐藏自己, 低调行事, 这样就能避开那些小人的攻击, 也能让自己安心地做好每件事。 记得: 失败之前,人会骄傲; 尊贵之前,必须谦卑。 #YGG $YGG $AR $GALA #EOS #AR #GALA #XCH
熊市進場,牛市出貨,穩賺不賠,這招老祖宗都知道。 牛市通常撐個半年到一年,熊市則是一到兩年。一個循環大概三到四年。抓準時機,在每次牛市都能賺個至少五成以上,這收益比起理財、股票、基金來得多,而且幾乎是鐵定的事。 1. 買新不買舊,趁低點進場 要有耐心,等新的有潛力的幣出現,然後趁低點進場,雖然不可能每次都買在最低,但耐心等待行情起飛。 2. 只投資主流幣 BTC、ETH是币圈的常勝軍,熊市進場絕對沒錯。雖然不會翻好幾倍,但從熊市持有到牛市賣出,至少五成的漲幅是有的。大筆投資首選。 交易所平台幣:像是BNB 強勢的基礎鏈:比如SOL,AVAX 優質的基礎設施幣:像是MATIC 有共識的幣:狗狗幣,SHIB 重倉永遠只能是主流幣,千萬別把錢都壓在山寨幣上。山寨幣就是來割韭菜的,每次牛市都會冒出一堆山寨幣。這次牛市紅得發紫的山寨幣,下一波可能就消失無蹤了,被新的山寨幣取代。沒有內部消息,你幾乎不可能在山寨幣爆發前就買進。大多數人都是看到某個山寨幣漲了一波才知道,那時候進場就晚了。可能你運氣好,這幣還能再漲一波,但大概率是會震盪下跌。山寨幣波動太劇烈,一般人不管漲跌都拿不住,常常是小賺一點,大虧一筆,最後算下來都是虧損。 #FIL #BTC #SOL #CFX #CKB $FIL $BTC $SOL

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