The currency circle must have the demeanor of a general, and win every step in the future!

1. Friends who have Bitcoin in their hands should have confidence and set their goals at more than 120,000 US dollars.

2. Let’s talk about those friends who hold altcoins. Everyone may think like this: they feel that they don’t have much Bitcoin, and they only earn a little bit, so they invest most of their money in altcoins. But altcoins fluctuate too much, up and down by dozens of percentage points. Every time there is a fluctuation, the mood fluctuates with it, and then I think Bitcoin is more stable, so I cut my losses and exchange it back to Bitcoin. As a result, after the exchange, the altcoin suddenly rose again!

Brother Fa just said yesterday that the days before the altcoins were boring and panic. Now overall, the altcoins are hovering at the bottom. Since you have chosen altcoins, you want to get rich overnight! Then you have to wait for the big outbreak of altcoins in the late bull market. Because you don’t know when it will explode, it is right to enter the market at the bottom in advance.

3. From 18,000 US dollars at the beginning of last year to the highest of more than 70,000 US dollars this year, how many callbacks have occurred during this period? How many times have you panicked? What mistakes have you made?

Review past mistakes more often so that you can avoid detours and mistakes in the future!

#Fet #SHIB #sui #WIF #BTC