#BTC☀ Interpretation of the market: Before the interest rate meeting, enlarge the volatility range!

At 2 a.m. tonight, the Federal Reserve's interest rate meeting will begin. If everything goes well, the US dollar will start a rate cut cycle. During this sensitive and important period, we adjust the overall volatility range to directly compare the daily range.

Support and resistance:

Support, 57,800 daily line middle line, lower line support 54,000,

Resistance, 61,800 daily line resistance, 63,000 daily line MA120 64,000 daily line 64,000,

Tonight's large range points are only for reference, there is no operational idea, and contract trading is not recommended. Although the profit is large, the risk is also greater.

Although the probability of winning is one in two, you have to consider whether you can afford the loss?

The next article will be my personal expectations of the impact of interest rate cuts on market fluctuations.