The Bitcoin halving took place on April 20 this year. We have covered 9% of the distance to the next, fifth halving. Let's see how things are going: is everything good?

🚀 When to expect a super breakthrough?

The chart of previous halvings clearly demonstrates that we are only, at best, a third of the way to the super-breakthrough. There are about 10 months left until the peak of the cycle.

💰 When will the accumulation stage end?

The accumulation stage should be ending around now, but there is one nuance - September. Yes, September is traditionally a bad month: since 2015, Bitcoin closed September in the plus only once - last year, and only by +4%. It is logical to assume that the accumulation stage will be extended for at least one month, and given the elections in the States in early November, it is unlikely that anyone will want to sharply stir up the market in October. Based on this, we can assume that we have 1.5-2 months for purchases, as they say, ironclad.

📈 How long will it take us to get there?

Cycles update record after record, with approximately three times the step from the records of the previous cycles. Of course, everything can change, but the ATH of the last cycle was 69 thousand.

👀 Is $$$ enough?

Enough, and quite enough. There are more "fatties" on the market now than ever before, and if everyone already knows about the presence of funds on the market, then, for example, about the arrival of Wells Fargo, which is part of the so-called 'big four' US banks with 1.7 trillion dollars under management, they are silent. And more and more such companies are joining, money from absolutely any institutions is starting to flock to crypto. There is no need to worry that not enough money will come to crypto. There is enough for this cycle and the next one and the one after that.

🗓 When is the next time?

After the super high of 2025, the next "fat" can be collected, approximately, at the end of 2029. If you have enough strength and patience, set this year as your goal.

🦊If you were worried that there was no growth - everything is fine, it simply shouldn't be there now)

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