Everyone knows that states form so-called gold and foreign exchange reserves. Not long ago, they began to form crypto reserves, but so far only a small percentage. Let's compare the reserves:

🏅 Reserves of countries (gold)

Of all the world's mined gold reserves, approximately 17.2% are held in foreign exchange reserves by countries. This reflects the amount of gold that governments and central banks hold as part of their official reserves.

🔗 Country reserves (crypto)

Most countries do not yet include cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum in their official currency reserves. For now, the participation of cryptocurrencies in state reserves remains experimental or non-existent. The percentage of cryptocurrency in state official reserves is currently minimal. Some countries are exploring the possibility of including cryptocurrencies in reserves, but this is still in the development and discussion stage.

👀 In a few years

In the nearest future, countries will start a race for Bitcoin. If, by analogy with gold, countries accumulate 17% of the total reserve on their accounts, this will amount to as many as 3.6 million coins. Can you imagine what will happen to the rate under such conditions?

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