In mid-September, the Federal Reserve officially kicked off the interest rate cut cycle. This move was like a shot in the arm for the financial market, instantly stimulating the vitality and enthusiasm of the market. After the first wave of interest rate cuts, the market responded and set off a strong wave of rising prices, as if foreshadowing that the favorable spring breeze had blown to every corner. However, as the favorable expectations were gradually fulfilled and consumed, the market, like a climber who had reached the peak, began to face the pressure of a correction and entered a short period of rest.

This process, like the rise and fall of tides in nature, cycles back and forth, and the ups and downs not only test the patience and wisdom of investors, but also deeply reveal the internal logic of market operation. Whenever the market seems to have reached its peak and is about to enter a correction, it is actually accumulating strength for the next leap. And every adjustment during the interest rate cut cycle seems to be the cornerstone of the market for a larger upward trend.

Until the end of the interest rate cut cycle, the market often ushered in an unprecedented big market, which is not only a comprehensive correction of past adjustments, but also an optimistic expectation of future economic growth potential.

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