TG founder arrested in France, TON plummets

According to the well-known French website TF1, the founder of Telegram, also known as the paper airplane software, was detained by agents of the National Anti-Fraud Office in France. It is predicted that the founder will be charged with multiple crimes including terrorism, drugs, fraud, money laundering, etc., and face up to 20 years in prison.

This is the disadvantage of altcoins. Once something happens to the founder, the token will fluctuate greatly. Decentralization? It's almost a joke. So only Bitcoin is the best in decentralization. The founder Satoshi Nakamoto has disappeared for more than ten years and is the least suppressed by the law, but once he appears again, it will be a disaster for Bitcoin.

Okay, back to today's market analysis: From the K-line, the 1-hour level is sideways, and the 4-hour level has a downward trend. Be careful! ! ! 12 hours, the daily level is still in an upward trend. The intraday pressure level is 66200, and the support level is 61760.

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