The market in the currency circle is so magical.

Last night, after Lao Bao released the positive news, the market instantly stood at 62,000, but immediately adjusted back to 60,000+.

When the whole market believed that this positive news was enough to move the market, and the negative news would continue, the market suddenly stood at 64,000+.

This is the magical currency circle. Last night, many friends who did contracts opened shorts at 61,000+. After all, according to the recent nature of Bitcoin, it will indeed go this way, and stop profit at 58,000+, which is very easy to make money.

During this period, many people operated in this way, but the market was not as people wished. It suddenly stood at 64,000. It fluctuated around this position all day today, as if it was going to stand firm.

Whether it can stand firm or not, and whether the market will go down or up in the future, we can only watch it while walking. The market is out, not any kol here.

As investors, what we can do is to make preparations for both hands, divide the positions into long-term positions and short-term positions, and make meat when it goes up, and buy at the bottom when it goes down.

Only in this way can one be considered a qualified investor.

At this point, everyone should try to avoid contact with contracts, local dogs and other garbage. If you do encounter them, you will gain a lot, but just one failure can make you poor again.

The current market trend has not come out, we try to focus on spot trading. When the trend comes out, Thirteen will give everyone internal strategies to help everyone maximize their profits.