I'll just say a few words today. I really don't feel like writing anything.

Every word in Shisan's articles is original. This writing style is more friendly to fans because it gives them the feeling of reading an article.

But for Thirteen, the pressure is quite great.

Every time before I start writing, I feel extremely stressed. Today, I have been working at my desk for more than two hours, but I still don’t have the courage to write.

There are always such days every month, please understand.

If I could also write eight-part essays every day, list the important news of the day, then express my own opinions, and give a few points, writing articles would be much easier.

No need to come up with any ideas, just fill in the blanks according to the structure.


Binance’s new launchpad is out, it’s a game on the ton ecosystem chain.

Many people started paying attention to this game three months ago, but they didn’t expect it to become popular and be listed on Binance and Oui.

So don’t expect to make money by playing games, you can try it out with zero investment.

Please note that mining will start at 8 am on the 19th, so remember to put your U and bnb in for mining.

This income is still very considerable.

Recently, many people have been clamoring that Bitcoin will replace legal currency as the currency, especially since the first page of the Bitcoin white paper clearly states that it is a peer-to-peer electronic cash system.

It is best for everyone to give up this unrealistic idea. Bitcoin will never become a legal currency in circulation.

El Salvador is just a small country, and such an operation will have little impact on its economy.

But if we put it in a large economy, such as China, what would it mean if Bitcoin replaced legal currency?

When a bear market comes, the value of the entire economy is suddenly cut in half. How can we survive?

For ordinary people, if they use Bitcoin to buy a building for 100,000 today, they may only have 800,000 left tomorrow.

We expect to get predictable returns after paying labor and costs, but the high volatility of Bitcoin as legal currency makes the returns unpredictable, which is unacceptable to any individual or country.

So if someone tells you that Bitcoin is going to become legal tender, please just give them a big smack down the back, because it’s pure nonsense and a scam.


Shisan has been writing articles since 0 until now and has gained support from many fans.

But some people think that Shisan has been talking correct nonsense all the time, and they hope that Shisan can be more direct and just tell him what to buy in the article.

There are many people who bring orders in this circle, and anyone in the officialdom can give you a position.

You can go find them.

Thirteen, I won’t give you a point here, at least not in the article.

​Shisanquan is a long-term investor in the cryptocurrency world, not a short-term arbitrageur.

Basically, from March to now, the short-term order-leading circle has almost stopped. Many friends who spent several thousand yuan to enter have now been abandoned by the organization.

In the cryptocurrency world, those who lead short-term transactions will not survive long.

The risk of short-term investment is too high. No one in this market can accurately predict the future, and all decisions are based on guesswork.

Only long-term trends are predictable, while short-term trends are purely blind guesses based on some theories.

Under the current liquidity conditions, the market maker can cause turbulence with just a little disturbance.

So don’t scold Thirteen. Thirteen hopes to teach everyone the correct method of cryptocurrency investment, rather than leading you to engage in short-term high-risk arbitrage.

I will block anyone who curses me.

​The road ahead is long, you and I are not destined to meet again, and we will never see each other again.