The following chart is the trend I expect the most!

Looking at this chart, it shows that our current 2024 is just like the time trend range of 2012, 2016, and 2020.

According to the trend of the big cycle, next year will enter the red area, that is, the main rising wave area, that is, the end of 2025, and it will reach the so-called bull market peak.

This trend is completely aligned with the progress of a four-year bull market, and it has returned to the rules of the crypto market.

If it goes this way, it will be the biggest good news for us ordinary small investors, indicating that the highest point of Bitcoin is far from reaching.

(Imagination) The cottage can at least make three waves of phased market:

August 2024 to December 2024 or January

July to August 2025, and late September to December.

No matter what, don't leave the table. 24 and 25 should be the time period with the most opportunities to make money in the crypto market in the next five years.

Cherish it!

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