In cryptocurrency trading, there are several types of people who are most likely to lose money.

First, those who are heavily invested in spot trading without stop loss, which is very likely to face huge losses.

The second is those who like to invest heavily in contracts with high leverage. Although high leverage can magnify profits, it will also magnify risks. If you are not careful, you may be liquidated.

Finally, those who do not stop profits in time when they make money, and like to hold orders all the time when they lose money. This mentality is very dangerous and will only make the losses bigger and bigger.

In cryptocurrency trading, profit and loss are common. It is important to see whether the long-term overall profit is a week or a month, rather than whether one or two orders are profitable. It is crucial to manage your positions. Risk avoidance is the first rule of trading. If you want to go all-in every time you enter a coin, even if you can make profits ten or a hundred times in a row, as long as you go in the wrong direction once, all your previous efforts may be wasted.

Therefore, you must learn to manage your positions and trade with the mentality of "capital first, profit second". Cryptocurrency trading cannot completely avoid losses, but losses can be reduced through careful trading and risk management. #美国政府转移BTC #超级央行周 #比特币大会 #美联储何时降息?