Let me first talk about a topic that many people have been talking about recently. Many people feel that the price of Ethereum is very sluggish, and it is useless to hold it in your hands. It can neither rise nor fall, and it feels like it is tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away.

Since the market rebounded in November last year, the growth of#BTChas been much greater than that of Ethereum, and the growth of Solana is even more unmatched by Ethereum, so the market has been full of voices saying that Ethereum is not doing well, and this voice has basically never stopped. To be honest, in this bull market, I have become accustomed to this kind of voice. At the beginning, I would argue and express my views, but later I would just smile and walk away.

First, is Ethereum really useless? Those who say that Ethereum is rising slowly are not Ethereum holders - definitely not! Ethereum's growth is indeed not big enough, but the hot concept related to Ethereum this time is re-staking - if you participate in a series of projects such as Eigenlayer, Etherfi, Manta, Puffer, Renzo, etc., according to the current LRT projects that have issued tokens, in addition to Ethereum's own growth income, the generated POS staking income, Restaking income, and income from financial Defi after re-staking, add up, the annualized income should be at least 30-50%. For example, if you start with 100 Ethereums, and if you participate in some pretty good Restaking projects, then from December last year to now, the number of your Ethereums will most likely become 120; Calculate a simple math problem: Ethereum has risen from 2,000 US dollars in November last year to 3,500 US dollars now, an increase of 75%; however, because your number has increased by 20, the actual return on your Ethereum assets is 110%; if you have a certain strategy or the ability to attract new users, the return may be greater than this number; Bitcoin has risen from 36,000 US dollars in November last year to 67,000 US dollars now, an increase of 86%; So those who say that Ethereum is rising too slowly, I guess they are generally not Ethereum HOLDERs, because this math problem is actually quite simple.

Second, ETH is a high-quality bond; Ethereum's future competitor may be US Treasury bonds. I have expressed this view before. Ethereum is easier for institutions to make money than Bitcoin because it has more room for speculation, inflation and deflation can be controlled, and it has natural financial management and bond properties. How could Wall Street not like such a good thing? In addition, almost all innovations on the blockchain in the past decade have been generated from Ethereum. If you are Wall Street, would you give up such a good hype target? Ethereum will become the dominant open source global settlement network, carrying most of the activities in the business sector that have the greatest potential to benefit from migrating business functions to public blockchains. In a similar portfolio of smart contract platforms, assuming a series of call options, the dominant platform may occupy most of the market share. So I just want to say: Ethereum will eventually be great, don't be impatient, wait patiently, and study hard! You will find that the income of Ethereum is really damn good!

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