The analysis of FET is as follows:

On the daily chart, the market is currently showing a bearish trend, with special attention paid to the price trend around 1.1922.

On the four-hour chart, it is recommended to pay attention to the bullish buy signal, the purple dot, especially if the price fails to stabilize above 1.1785.

Support is expected to be between 1.1365 and 1.1630. If it successfully breaks above the bullish and bearish price of the four-hour chart, it may promote further growth.

On the one-hour chart, you can pay attention to the bullish buy signal, the yellow dot, and pay attention to the resistance level around 1.1392, 1.4084 and 1.5420.

If you are still on the sidelines and can't see the market trend clearly, you will only fall because of bullishness and rise because of bearishness. Free ➕👗 ➕🌍 BTC7732

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