The biggest difference between people is not height, weight, age, beauty, wealth, etc.

It is determined by the cognition at the thinking level.

I accidentally entered the financial field. Along the way, after long-term professional and systematic learning, experiencing the bull and bear cycles of the cryptocurrency circle, and seeing the bloody market, I gradually gained more insights into life.

Yesterday, I had to go out, so I rode a motorcycle because of the traffic restrictions. I saw a lot of riders on the street. Really, my motorcycle speed is not very slow, but I couldn’t catch up with those riders on electric bikes.

Seeing them rushing around, weaving back and forth in the crowd, some even driving in the opposite direction and running red lights, we can see that they are fighting so hard for a living. These people are really working hard, racing against time and increasing their income by completing more orders.

But is this really the way to achieve success?

I know how difficult real life is, and I understand the difficulties behind them, but is this really the right thing to do?

As everyone knows, when we pursue speed blindly, the risk is also rising sharply. Can you say that they don't know what the consequences of riding like this will be? I believe they should all understand, but they still find excuses for themselves in their hearts. I do this just to make more money and improve my life. Is that wrong?

Let’s not talk about what caused us to be in this situation now. I don’t have any thoughts about it. On the contrary, I think many people who have hit rock bottom or have nothing to be good at choose to work in this industry. I admire them very much in my heart, because if it were me, I might not be able to do it.

Knowing that there are risks, you still choose to do it. It's nothing more than being optimistic. You always think that you have good skills, good luck, and are not that unlucky. You should pay more attention, be more cautious even when breaking the rules, etc.

Isn’t this actually the same as when we invest in the cryptocurrency world?

Although we know that many things cannot be done, we still choose to do them, and then find a bunch of reasons and steps that make us feel comfortable and convinced. It is always so good to ourselves.

For example, when I came to the cryptocurrency circle, I just wanted to make some quick money through the bull market, and it would be best if I could get rich overnight, which would solve many of the problems I had before entering the cryptocurrency circle.

I have a small amount of capital and I don't have a sufficiently stable and long-term off-market cash flow. I just want to buy currencies that can make a small profit with a big return, and I can make dozens or even hundreds of times the profit at one time. Then I can add some leverage and do some contracts. I want to make money in the long term, mid-term, short-term, and so on.

The stocks I bought today did not go up, but when I saw that the stocks bought by others went up, I started to follow suit. I listened to this person’s news and that person’s news. I acted like a tiger, but looking back, I realized that I was the idiot.

There are so many practical examples like this that I cannot list them all, and behind these examples there is an essence.

So how do we treat investment correctly?

Are we in the cryptocurrency world to invest or speculate?

If we ourselves don’t understand this issue clearly, then the decisions we make may go in the opposite direction. The harder we work, the more we will find ourselves making mistakes. The more we want to make money, the less results we will get. This vicious cycle will continue until we quit and say that blockchain is a scam.

Whether to invest or speculate depends entirely on your and my perception and understanding of the financial market.

What we have today, whether good or bad, is the result of our previous choices. If we want to change, we must start by changing our own cognition.

Thinking determines our behavior, and behavior produces the final result.

If we want to achieve good results, we must have the correct investment thinking and concepts, then learn to understand the trading techniques on the market, master effective strategies, have a good attitude, and finally create a trading system that improves our own situation. Only then can we survive better and live better in the field of currency.

Spend the rest of your life slowly making money instead of thinking about how much you can earn at one time. Keep learning throughout your life, improve your skills, and let your wealth grow slowly with the trends and dividends of the blockchain industry. Long-term and stable wealth growth is the right way to go.

If you can’t find your direction in the cryptocurrency world and don’t know what coin to buy, check out the pinned post to find me and I will share more information and strategies related to the cryptocurrency world for free.

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