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Join the community 👗 No threshold for communication and learning Follow the official account: Yunzi Commune
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Based on past experience, the market usually experiences large fluctuations about three months after the halving. On November 5 this year, the United States will hold an election. During previous elections, the currency circle usually experiences significant growth. Additionally, U.S. interest rates are expected to be cut this year. Although the exact time has not yet been determined, it is likely to be between September and November. The rate cut is expected to have a positive impact on the market. The Fed's balance sheet has grown from a peak of $2 trillion to about $486 billion today. According to past data, an interest rate cut is usually followed soon after stopping balance sheet reduction. In such a market environment, the opportunity to fight back is at hand. #meme板块关注热点 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #非农就业数据即将公布
Based on past experience, the market usually experiences large fluctuations about three months after the halving. On November 5 this year, the United States will hold an election.

During previous elections, the currency circle usually experiences significant growth.

Additionally, U.S. interest rates are expected to be cut this year. Although the exact time has not yet been determined, it is likely to be between September and November. The rate cut is expected to have a positive impact on the market.

The Fed's balance sheet has grown from a peak of $2 trillion to about $486 billion today. According to past data, an interest rate cut is usually followed soon after stopping balance sheet reduction.

In such a market environment, the opportunity to fight back is at hand.

#meme板块关注热点 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #非农就业数据即将公布
VC提供融资,项目寻求发展,散户在二级市场提供支持——这个逻辑本身没有问题,问题在于当项目发展不佳时,其估值却过高。 VC在早期投入资金,冒着项目失败、投资归零的风险,因此,获得高倍数的回报是合理的。而散户在二级市场买入,不需要承担锁仓 等限制,也无可厚非。 然而,当项目的实际价值为1,而二级市场的估值达到100时,就需要等待市场的修正。 想了解具体的机会,具体的决策,查看置顶,可领取仓位分配攻略,教你如何在牛市中赚钱,在熊市中赚币 #币安合约锦标赛 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #以太坊ETF批准预期




#币安合约锦标赛 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #以太坊ETF批准预期
很多朋友会将“好项目”=“现价买” 这种思维虽然不可思议但却广泛存在的跟单思维。如果关注基本面,投资者会关心项目的实际情况;而如果关注跟单,就只会关心能否梭哈。这两类人对“好项目”的定义是不一样的。 以WLD为例,它确实是一个好项目,但没有好价格。如果在熊市中其FDV跌到50亿甚至20亿,那么才会出现买入的好时机。 具体的机会,具体的决策,查看置顶,可领取仓位分配攻略,教你如何在牛市中赚钱,在熊市中赚币 #非农就业数据即将公布 #meme板块关注热点 #以太坊ETF批准预期




#非农就业数据即将公布 #meme板块关注热点 #以太坊ETF批准预期
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BTC market analysis (7.2): At present, the overall price is rising and falling, so it is recommended to focus on the 61800 line for daily support and around 64800 for high-level suppression. In the short-term four hours, the current price still remains in the boll rising channel, but the macd indicator in the attached picture has a certain degree of convergence. The overall Bollinger opening has slowed down. In the four hours, the price will continue to fluctuate around the 62000 line. The price dropped significantly in the past hour, and the overall price was running in a downward channel. The short position of macd was able to increase its volume for the second time. In the short-term, focus on the 63,000 integer mark. Based on the above suggestions, we will continue to focus on rebound short selling in the future. Again, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, check out the top tips, bull market spot planning, contract password, and free sharing. #非农就业数据即将公布 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #meme板块关注热点
BTC market analysis (7.2):

At present, the overall price is rising and falling, so it is recommended to focus on the 61800 line for daily support and around 64800 for high-level suppression. In the short-term four hours, the current price still remains in the boll rising channel, but the macd indicator in the attached picture has a certain degree of convergence. The overall Bollinger opening has slowed down. In the four hours, the price will continue to fluctuate around the 62000 line. The price dropped significantly in the past hour, and the overall price was running in a downward channel. The short position of macd was able to increase its volume for the second time. In the short-term, focus on the 63,000 integer mark. Based on the above suggestions, we will continue to focus on rebound short selling in the future.

Again, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, check out the top tips, bull market spot planning, contract password, and free sharing.

#非农就业数据即将公布 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #meme板块关注热点
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The competition between long and short positions at $60,000 is very fierce. K workers don't want to die too badly, so they are desperately guarding the shutdown price. But we still can't take it lightly, because the weekly level is now diverging from the daily level signal, so the market will repeatedly test which side has less resistance within the dual track. There is no real trend at present, which is why I don't want to say more. All trends are under control Let's talk about the conclusion. Now the daily line has received support and started to stabilize and rebound, and the weekly line is still in a downward trend. Now we need to observe whether the small cycle can affect the large cycle. If you are worried about missing out, my strategy is to buy half of the spot tomorrow. In this way, you can attack and defend, don't be reckless, and leave room for your position. At present, it has reached the pressure level of 63,800. If the market can effectively break through the key dividing line of 64,140, ​​I will consider entering the right spot with half of the bullet. If it doesn't reach there, it may just be a dead cat bounce, a flash of brilliance, and we must be prepared to continue to explore the bottom. Regarding the risk, only when the weekly level effectively stands above $65,500, the trend line is truly controlled by the bulls. Again, if you don't know what to do in the bull market, check the top, bull market spot planning, contract password, free sharing. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #meme板块关注热点 #非农就业数据即将公布
The competition between long and short positions at $60,000 is very fierce. K workers don't want to die too badly, so they are desperately guarding the shutdown price. But we still can't take it lightly, because the weekly level is now diverging from the daily level signal, so the market will repeatedly test which side has less resistance within the dual track. There is no real trend at present, which is why I don't want to say more. All trends are under control

Let's talk about the conclusion. Now the daily line has received support and started to stabilize and rebound, and the weekly line is still in a downward trend. Now we need to observe whether the small cycle can affect the large cycle. If you are worried about missing out, my strategy is to buy half of the spot tomorrow. In this way, you can attack and defend, don't be reckless, and leave room for your position.

At present, it has reached the pressure level of 63,800. If the market can effectively break through the key dividing line of 64,140, ​​I will consider entering the right spot with half of the bullet. If it doesn't reach there, it may just be a dead cat bounce, a flash of brilliance, and we must be prepared to continue to explore the bottom.
Regarding the risk, only when the weekly level effectively stands above $65,500, the trend line is truly controlled by the bulls.

Again, if you don't know what to do in the bull market, check the top, bull market spot planning, contract password, free sharing.
#以太坊ETF批准预期 #meme板块关注热点 #非农就业数据即将公布
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There are many types of meme coins, each with its own characteristics. According to their functions and characteristics, meme coins can be divided into the following categories: Dogecoin derivatives: Inspired by the original Dogecoin, this type of meme coin usually has the characteristics of unlimited or extremely large supply, emphasizing community and network effects. They are dog-themed and are popular among investors. Animal-themed coins: Meme coins featuring specific animals, such as cat coins, bird coins, etc. This type of meme coin is mainly used for entertainment and social purposes, and the supply is usually limited to increase scarcity. Imitation coins: Meme coins that are born by imitating popular cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin imitation coins, Ethereum imitation coins, etc. They have similar names, logos or functions, usually as satire or humor of the cryptocurrency industry. Community-driven coins: Created and managed by the community, emphasizing decentralization and self-organization. The funds of this type of meme coin are often used for charitable activities or ecosystem development, and have high social value and influence. Practical meme coins: Cryptocurrencies that have practical uses in addition to being meme coins. They can be used for payment, governance, or participation in decentralized applications, and the supply is usually limited to maintain value. Useless coins: explicitly indicate that there is no actual use or value, created as a satire or joke. The supply of such meme coins is usually unlimited or extremely large, and investors should be cautious. Airdrop coins: Meme coins distributed to wallet addresses for free, usually used as a marketing strategy or reward community participation. The supply of such meme coins is usually limited to limit dilution. Pay attention to view the top, bull market strategy layout, share various passwords, and take you to learn more about 100x coins! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #meme板块关注热点 #非农就业数据即将公布
There are many types of meme coins, each with its own characteristics. According to their functions and characteristics, meme coins can be divided into the following categories:

Dogecoin derivatives: Inspired by the original Dogecoin, this type of meme coin usually has the characteristics of unlimited or extremely large supply, emphasizing community and network effects. They are dog-themed and are popular among investors.

Animal-themed coins: Meme coins featuring specific animals, such as cat coins, bird coins, etc. This type of meme coin is mainly used for entertainment and social purposes, and the supply is usually limited to increase scarcity.

Imitation coins: Meme coins that are born by imitating popular cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin imitation coins, Ethereum imitation coins, etc. They have similar names, logos or functions, usually as satire or humor of the cryptocurrency industry.

Community-driven coins: Created and managed by the community, emphasizing decentralization and self-organization. The funds of this type of meme coin are often used for charitable activities or ecosystem development, and have high social value and influence.

Practical meme coins: Cryptocurrencies that have practical uses in addition to being meme coins. They can be used for payment, governance, or participation in decentralized applications, and the supply is usually limited to maintain value.

Useless coins: explicitly indicate that there is no actual use or value, created as a satire or joke. The supply of such meme coins is usually unlimited or extremely large, and investors should be cautious.

Airdrop coins: Meme coins distributed to wallet addresses for free, usually used as a marketing strategy or reward community participation. The supply of such meme coins is usually limited to limit dilution.

Pay attention to view the top, bull market strategy layout, share various passwords, and take you to learn more about 100x coins!

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #meme板块关注热点 #非农就业数据即将公布
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Retail investors cannot understand what the counterparty is, they are only used to looking at the line and the trend I am talking about professional thinking. Institutional orders need more information: who is buying and who is selling, whether the counterparty is an institution or a retail investor, the counterparty's institutional position, and where the stop loss is. If you only look at the price, DigitalBridge and Silver Lake buying INTC are both stupid 13 transactions, and they should have cut their positions? #以太坊ETF批准预期 #meme板块关注热点
Retail investors cannot understand what the counterparty is, they are only used to looking at the line and the trend

I am talking about professional thinking. Institutional orders need more information: who is buying and who is selling, whether the counterparty is an institution or a retail investor, the counterparty's institutional position, and where the stop loss is.

If you only look at the price, DigitalBridge and Silver Lake buying INTC are both stupid 13 transactions, and they should have cut their positions?

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #meme板块关注热点
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Here are a few things newbies should keep in mind! 1. Risks of popular currencies: Popular currencies fall rapidly due to market manipulation, so investors need to remain vigilant. 2. Low-profile and bottom-of-the-line currencies: Coins with real potential are usually not widely publicized and deserve attention. 3. Gradual trend: The overall trend of the currency circle is gradually taking shape. Investors should maintain a long-term perspective and avoid being swayed by short-term fluctuations. 4. Altcoin operations: Be wary of possible sharp declines after a rapid rise. 5. New currency market bubbles: New currencies that rise rapidly after an initial surge may be at risk of bubbles, so be cautious in participating. 6. Deal with fluctuations calmly: Price fluctuations are normal, stay calm and don’t be influenced by emotions. 7. Adjust positions in a timely manner: When a currency’s price rises, adjust positions in a timely manner to avoid greed. 8. "Leek Plate" warning: Currencies with high volatility but lack of real value may perform violently, so beware of high-risk investments. 9. Performance of potential coins: Some potential coins may have a mediocre performance in the early stages of the bull market, but may achieve significant gains as the market deepens. 10. Long-term holding of potential coins: Currencies that are sideways in the market for a long time but have good fundamentals usually have potential, and it is recommended to hold them for a long time. These strategies and information points help investors make rational decisions in the bull market and avoid potential investment risks. Again, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, check out the top tips, bull market spot planning, contract password, and free sharing. #以太坊ETF批准预期 #meme板块关注热点 #非农就业数据即将公布
Here are a few things newbies should keep in mind!

1. Risks of popular currencies: Popular currencies fall rapidly due to market manipulation, so investors need to remain vigilant.

2. Low-profile and bottom-of-the-line currencies: Coins with real potential are usually not widely publicized and deserve attention.

3. Gradual trend: The overall trend of the currency circle is gradually taking shape. Investors should maintain a long-term perspective and avoid being swayed by short-term fluctuations.

4. Altcoin operations: Be wary of possible sharp declines after a rapid rise.

5. New currency market bubbles: New currencies that rise rapidly after an initial surge may be at risk of bubbles, so be cautious in participating.

6. Deal with fluctuations calmly: Price fluctuations are normal, stay calm and don’t be influenced by emotions.

7. Adjust positions in a timely manner: When a currency’s price rises, adjust positions in a timely manner to avoid greed.

8. "Leek Plate" warning: Currencies with high volatility but lack of real value may perform violently, so beware of high-risk investments.

9. Performance of potential coins: Some potential coins may have a mediocre performance in the early stages of the bull market, but may achieve significant gains as the market deepens.

10. Long-term holding of potential coins: Currencies that are sideways in the market for a long time but have good fundamentals usually have potential, and it is recommended to hold them for a long time.

These strategies and information points help investors make rational decisions in the bull market and avoid potential investment risks.

Again, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, check out the top tips, bull market spot planning, contract password, and free sharing.

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #meme板块关注热点 #非农就业数据即将公布
未来一周的币圈大事件: 代币与项目动态 ASI 合并计划:AGIX、OCEAN 和 FET 代币合并将于 7 月 1 日开始实施。 ether发布:Season 3 和空投代币分配提案预计于 7 月 1 日启动。 现货以太坊 ETF:美 SEC 推迟批准,最早可能于 7 月 4 日获批。 重要事件 比特币圆桌会议:拜登或将于 7 月初参与。 Mt.Gox 还款:预计 7 月初开始分发 BTC 和 BCH。 非农数据:7月5日美国公布 #美联储何时降息? #Meme板块普涨 #以太坊ETF批准预期


ASI 合并计划:AGIX、OCEAN 和 FET 代币合并将于 7 月 1 日开始实施。

ether发布:Season 3 和空投代币分配提案预计于 7 月 1 日启动。

现货以太坊 ETF:美 SEC 推迟批准,最早可能于 7 月 4 日获批。


比特币圆桌会议:拜登或将于 7 月初参与。

Mt.Gox 还款:预计 7 月初开始分发 BTC 和 BCH。


#美联储何时降息? #Meme板块普涨 #以太坊ETF批准预期
“假如穿越回2009,比特币0.00099美元在手,你敢投多少?我:50美元,一夜暴富or打水漂?” 运气确实是一个不可忽视的因素,并且在某些情况下起着决定性的作用!试想这样一个场景:有人在2009年出于好奇购买了比特币,随后将这些比特币存储在了一个USB驱动器上,并渐渐将其遗忘。 直到2017年或2018年,他们偶然间看到新闻,才猛然想起:“我竟然还拥有比特币!”于是,他们找出那个USB驱动器,将比特币转移到交易所并出售,一夜之间便实现了财富的飞跃。 假如在2009年你就已经知晓比特币的存在,当时它的价格仅为0.00099美元,并且你坚信它将在2024年飙升至60,000美元,那么你会做出怎样的投资决策呢?扪心自问,我可能只会投入50美元,因为这是我能够承受的最大损失。 毕竟,没有人能够预见比特币会如此强劲地增长并达到60,000美元的高点。在当时,我只能冒着损失这50美元的风险进行投资! 还是那句话,牛市不知道怎么做,查看置顶,牛市现货策划,合约密码,无偿分享。 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #Meme板块普涨 #美联储何时降息?






#以太坊ETF批准预期 #Meme板块普涨 #美联储何时降息?
7月1日,大饼以太行情分析:BTC ETH今日看点: 周末大饼轻度上涨,今日早间开始放量上涨,基本面未见利空,纯资金拉盘! 宏观环境+基本面双利空仍在持续,市场环境并未完全恢复,但我们也不要盲目乐观,日内关注64300阻力位,我认为预期一次性突破几率不高,仍有回调整理需求,二饼相比大饼走势更为健康。 ETF延期通过,ETH炒作预期得以延续,宏观环境影响下依然不太乐观,且ETH链上生tai近期极du低迷,链上GAS已跌至1,整体情况仍不乐观,日内关注3550突破情况,如能如突破站稳后续行情将会好转,山寨板块跟随主流同步上涨,等待主流突破关键位置后可考虑右侧建藏 今日看点: BTC1小时、4小时级别即将进入超买区间,日线级别恢复健康水平,宏观环境影响仍在,行情并未反转,基本面利空仍在,等待关键位置突破后在做行动,日内上方阻力64500-64800,下方支撑62000-62500。 ETH:ETH1小时、4小均级别即将进入超买区间,日线级别恢复健康水平,宏观影响仍在,链上同样低迷,并未见明确反转信号,日内上方阻力3550-3580,日内下方支撑3400-3450。 还是那句话,牛市不知道怎么做,查看置顶,牛市现货策划,合约密码,无偿分享。 #非农就业数据即将公布 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #以太坊ETF批准预期
7月1日,大饼以太行情分析:BTC ETH今日看点:








#非农就业数据即将公布 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #以太坊ETF批准预期
这半年以来你总共发送130次“牛回,速归” 发送了200次“大的要来了”,380 次“快逃” 乐观程度超越全网99%的币友你以为自己情绪变得稳定性格逐渐开朗,其实是已经疯了 😂 #美联储何时降息? #以太坊ETF批准预期
这半年以来你总共发送130次“牛回,速归” 发送了200次“大的要来了”,380 次“快逃” 乐观程度超越全网99%的币友你以为自己情绪变得稳定性格逐渐开朗,其实是已经疯了 😂

#美联储何时降息? #以太坊ETF批准预期
目前ZRO的短线操作思路如下: 1小时、2小时和4小时级别均显示多头信号,建议暂时不要急于做空。 行情能否有效站稳在3.024美元附近将决定是否会迎来进一步回落。特别关注这个价格点。 若4小时图回调,预计支撑位在2.894、2.779和2.699美元附近。 若回调未能跌破上述三个支撑价格,可能会出现多单机会,目标位在3.542、3.589和3.873美元附近。 短线操作时应密切关注市场动态,建议避免挂单操作。 还是那句话,牛市不知道怎么做,查看置顶,牛市现货策划,合约密码,无偿分享。 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美联储何时降息?







#美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美联储何时降息?
总结币圈规律: 1.一旦以太有行情了,op,arb,etc这些二层和分叉就会炒作。 2.一旦一波行情开始,dydx就会在前期的一个月拉盘1到2倍。 3.一旦一波行情开始,其实就是大饼的一波行情开始。 4.强庄币,一般喜欢行情后期,或没有行情时炒作,前提是能博取到整个和市场眼球。 5.一波行情资金流动先后顺序,大饼-以太-山寨-新币。 还是那句话,牛市不知道怎么做,查看置顶,牛市现货策划,合约密码,无偿分享。 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美联储何时降息?



#美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美联储何时降息?
加密圈晨讯 | 7月1日隔夜重要动态一览 1.第3季将分配2500万枚ETHFI; 2. 一名受害者因网络钓鱼诈骗损失了241万美元; 3. 霉锅比特币现货ETF自推出以来累计净流入145.25亿美元; 4. NFT巨鲸Christian:并未抛售CRV,40万枚USDT是用于买入锁仓的CVX; 5. Open Dollar:美元稳定币占据加密交易的90%,是欧盟同类稳定币的70倍; 6. 香港证券界:希望为加密货币现货ETF发行相关衍生工具,推出相关杠杆期权; 7. Coinbase软件工程师:如果民主党想获得足够选票,必须迅速改变对加密货币的态度。 想了解具体的机会,具体的决策,查看置顶,可领取仓位分配攻略,教你如何在牛市中赚钱,在熊市中赚币 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美联储何时降息?
加密圈晨讯 | 7月1日隔夜重要动态一览

2. 一名受害者因网络钓鱼诈骗损失了241万美元;
3. 霉锅比特币现货ETF自推出以来累计净流入145.25亿美元;
4. NFT巨鲸Christian:并未抛售CRV,40万枚USDT是用于买入锁仓的CVX;
5. Open Dollar:美元稳定币占据加密交易的90%,是欧盟同类稳定币的70倍;
6. 香港证券界:希望为加密货币现货ETF发行相关衍生工具,推出相关杠杆期权;
7. Coinbase软件工程师:如果民主党想获得足够选票,必须迅速改变对加密货币的态度。


#美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美联储何时降息?
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