I always find this kind of people funny🙄I opened a real account and made 1.1 million u in 15 days💰

The first real account doubled in 7 days, the second real account had a large fund of 30 million, and made 10 million in 15 days🙄Why don’t you flatter me and promote me at this time? You also say that I opened a private domain to prevent you from entering, and you also want to discredit me just to share your money, and you also want to blackmail my real account as fake😂Now you are asking me why I don’t open a real account🙄If you can blackmail me for fake real accounts, then I really have nothing to prove. I will block anyone who questions you

This wave of short orders was posted in advance from Ethereum 3520 to 2802, earning 200,000 u, and tens of thousands of fans saw it publicly. You are asking me why I don’t open a real account again🙄I opened it, but you guys spread rumors and had to shut it down. I won’t post any more public predictions in the future
