I think I have explained yesterday's market very clearly.

A few days ago, some people always questioned whether it was reliable to short at 3500 under the big rising trend. After falling to the wide oscillation area of ​​3430 again yesterday, I told everyone that it would rebound slightly along 3430 first. Listen to this word carefully and see what word I used, a slight rebound, and then fall below the 3430 area to go through a big downward trend📉

Look back at the market again, did it rebound like 3470 after touching 3430 yesterday, and then fell rapidly at night, falling more than 300 points, and fell to the current 3150 or so‼ ️

In the previous article, it was also very clear about shorting from 3516 to 3556. This wave of decline is close to the gate decline📉, that is, the Yin line engulfing, and there is no signal to stop the decline. The next step is still to short at the rebound high. After another wave of decline, we will consider entering the long position💰💰

#美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #美国大选如何影响加密产业?