I have received a lot of private messages recently, all of which are entangled in when the market will get better, when the alt season will come, and whether there will be a big bull market later! In fact, I can understand your entangled years! Many people are now full of alts, most people are stuck, or most people are in a state of losing money!! Every time it falls or the ETH cake fluctuates slightly! Retail investors are looking for bad news everywhere to find out why it falls! Will it fall again!! In fact, what's the use of the market coming out, what's the use of falling! We should face it bravely, if it falls and is stuck, just find a way to make it back, instead of entangled!!!

Now all coins are falling, only a few very strong alt coins, when ETH and BTC are going to wash, no one can escape! !!There is no need to worry about changing positions. Retail investors cannot find good targets. They just cut off a losing coin and switch to another falling coin. That's all! In the currency circle, we do spot trading not for one or two days, nor for one or two months. What matters is a long cycle. If you think there is still a bull market, then all the coins now are opportunities!!! If you think the bear market is coming, you can open a short position!! No need to worry!!! Suiyue often says that it is optimistic about the future market and looks at the future of the circle. This is why Suiyue has always said not to do contracts and play with spot trading. The only thing is that you are afraid that you will be trapped in the copycat and are anxious to get your money back!! If you cut your losses and play with contracts, you will only be trapped!! You must face the reality!! Heyue will only accelerate your pace of retreat and will not let you get your money back!!!

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