And 2025 is seen as the potential focal point of this round of feast!

However, not everyone is immersed in the fantasy of the upcoming bull market. Some people have raised objections, believing that the real bull market boom may have quietly started when the interest rate cut was first reported, and the interest rate cut, as the official implementation of good news, may become a catalyst for violent market fluctuations, or even trigger a sharp decline. The past performance of the stock market is a lesson for us.

The voices in the market are complex and diverse, and many observers are reserved about the upcoming "big bull market". They predict that 2025 may just be a quiet moment in the afterglow of the bull market, marking the gradual end of the carnival feast.

However, there are also optimistic and cautious voices. They believe that 2025 may not be the peak of the bull market, but in the next few years, this bull market momentum is expected to continue, and may even usher in a new era of long-term bull market. However, all this is closely related to the evolution of interest rate cut expectations. Once the interest rate cut becomes a reality, market fluctuations may be difficult to avoid.

However, the wheel of history always rolls over predictions, leaving deep marks. Looking back, in July 2019, the Federal Reserve kicked off its interest rate cuts, and interest rates fell step by step like a slide. According to some theoretical logic, when the expectation of interest rate cuts emerged, the bull market should have come to an abrupt end. But the reality is quite the opposite. The bull market in the cryptocurrency market did not truly usher in its glorious moment until April, when the interest rate cut cycle came to an end!

Therefore, we have every reason to expect that if the interest rate cut drama is staged in 2025, and its prelude has quietly opened since September this year and lasts for a whole year, then this bull market feast may be crazier than ever before! As an important positive chip, the effect of interest rate cut needs time to brew before it can fully release its potential.

#非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低