The deepening trend of global economic integration has brought new growth momentum to the cryptocurrency industry. Currently, the performance of the cryptocurrency industry is closely related to the global economic trend, especially the economic situation in the United States. As global economic interaction increases, the market will benefit from it and usher in new development opportunities.

Considering the evolution of the US political and economic cycle, economic policies are expected to become more relaxed around 2025, especially in the one to two years after the election. This policy environment may not only lead to an increase in capital liquidity in the United States, but may also prompt many economies around the world, including my country, to adjust their monetary policies and inject more vitality into the market.

At the same time, the long-term policy uncertainty faced by the currency circle is gradually dissipating. After the industry was consolidated and supervision strengthened, the stability of the cryptocurrency market has been significantly improved, removing important obstacles for further expansion of the market. This change not only enhances investor confidence, but also attracts more capital and talent into this field.

It is worth noting that the rise of a new generation of investors has brought fresh blood to the market. These highly educated, young and financially strong investors not only have a high risk tolerance, but also have a keen insight into market trends. Their active participation will further promote the prosperity of the digital currency market and form a healthier and more sustainable development ecosystem.

In terms of investment channels, the approval of mainstream digital currency ETFs such as Bitcoin has provided investors with a more convenient and efficient way to invest. This change not only broadens the range of choices for investors, but also promotes the free flow of funds in the digital currency market, injecting strong impetus into the sustainable development of the market.

As one of the important signals of the market, Bitcoin's halving mechanism will also have a profound impact on the market trend. Although halving itself is not the only determinant of the bull market, its impact on investors' psychological expectations cannot be ignored. As the halving date approaches, investors' confidence in the market will be further enhanced, driving the market to continue to rise.

From the perspectives of capital, fundamentals, and policies, the digital currency market is expected to usher in a new round of prosperity in 2025.

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