Tron founder Justin Sun has recently released a clear signal that he intends to contact the German government through private channels and plans to negotiate the acquisition of all Bitcoin stocks held by him. This move is intended to carefully plan an asset transfer with a low market impact.

Justin Sun actively expressed his position in a public statement: "I sincerely propose to start a cooperative dialogue with the German government to explore the completion of batch acquisitions of Bitcoin in a private transaction environment, and strive for a smooth transition of the entire process to minimize the impact on the global cryptocurrency market. Unnecessary volatility."

In the process of cracking down on illegal activities, the German government has accumulated a huge Bitcoin reserve worth more than 3.24 billion US dollars. This figure has triggered widespread discussion and attention internationally.

The German government has not yet given a formal response to Sun’s proposal, and its stance on such large-scale cryptocurrency transactions and subsequent strategies are still in the observation stage.

Notably, Germany remains firmly at the top of the global ranking of Bitcoin holdings, ranking fourth, underscoring the country’s significant influence in the cryptocurrency space. Justin Sun's statement has undoubtedly brought new room for imagination to the market, and the policy direction and market dynamics of the future market may receive more attention as a result.

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