Unless you have a stable job, all your part-time jobs will be meaningless. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can save yourself. Of course, if you are the kind of person who has achieved financial freedom by following the company's listing, then you can leave now. Because what I am talking about today is what more ordinary workers should do in the middle-aged workplace to prepare and save themselves. What I am saying today is definitely not acceptable to everyone, because the truth is hard to hear and it is hard to cure, but I believe that there must be some people who can understand and listen.

I have worked in a large company for ten years and started my own business for six years. I have experienced all roles and stages from ordinary employee to middle-level management, to business unit head, branch boss, to being my own boss.

So today I won’t give you any chicken soup for the soul, I’ll just tell you some truth. Even if it can help just one person, I think it’s worth it.

If working part-time is a disease, then before prescribing a prescription, let us first talk about the real harm that working part-time brings to you.

The first is that it greatly consumes your mental energy, also known as your vitality. There are two ways to consume it. One is that all your time is filled with work. From the moment you go out in the morning, you start preparing for today's work status. After a busy day of work, you are often so tired that you can't even think about what you have been busy with all day? Working overtime and staying up late 996, the only way to relieve stress is to eat and play games. Another way is that from work to get off work, except for mechanically coping with some work that has to be arranged, you basically don't use your brain.

After a few years, it is nothing more than repeating the same day thousands of times. No matter which of these two options, it is actually a huge consumption, and the feeling is the same. The time you should have spent on growth, gaining, or having fun is all spent in exchange for that little bit of income, and in your mouth it is stable.

Second, the essence of working is to de-qualify, because more than 90% of the positions in the company actually only need an obedient tool person. Some people say that is not right. My boss gives me PUA every day, draws cakes for me, and asks me to have the ability to solve problems. I am also a boss. I tell you the truth. Except for a few rare talents, all the words the boss says to you, encouraging, strict, and all the requirements he puts forward to you, reasonable, and nonsense, are just to control you and make you finish the work you should do. There is no expectation of exceeding expectations at all. You don’t treat the company as your home, and the boss doesn’t really treat you as a relative.

Third, the stability of your work and future income. Future changes depend on the industry, the market, the company's boss and leadership, but almost not on you. This is the saddest, but also the most realistic. Once a highway toll collector was fired and cried out in pain, "I have been collecting tolls for more than 20 years, and I don't know anything except collecting tolls." If you can only work honestly in the company, then how much better are you than him?

You can summarize, coordinate, report, understand the market, and analyze, but can these skills really make a living when you leave this platform? I came from a large company, but I rarely recruit people from large companies, especially those who have been working there for many years and are willing to take the initiative to reduce their salary, because I know that they have the big company disease. Small companies don't keep idle people, and the boss wants immediate results. If you still sneer at this, then believe me, you must not dream of starting a business.

Fourth, working as a worker is like being a screw in an organization, which will make you dependent and lose the ability to face and solve problems independently. Imagine, what is the biggest difference between a worker and an entrepreneur? As long as you are still working, you have the opportunity to shirk your responsibilities, or you can find someone else to share the responsibility. As long as you don’t make a big mistake, the company will not give you a fatal punishment, because your boss is just a senior worker, and there is no need to mess with you if there is no personal grudge, and the so-called most fatal punishment is just to fire you. So the workers used to say the most, damn it, at worst I will quit.

A viable entrepreneur must rely on himself, and he can only rely on himself. To exaggerate, sometimes even a failure will result in a complete collapse, or even a ruin. Okay, after talking about the dangers, let's talk about the solution. First of all, for anyone who is confused, whether you are unemployed or not.

The first thing is to stop. If you are not unemployed, find a weekend. If you are unemployed, stop completely for at least a week. Don't worry, the world will not be destroyed if you do nothing for a week. The more confused you are, the less you should panic and seek help from outside. Anyone who hopes to rely on external forces, or some master to give advice, a skill, or a trick to turn things around is almost always wasting time.

Second reflection: At this stage, we need to reflect deeply on two things that can help you turn things around.

① Objectively summarize the useful abilities you have accumulated during these years of work, and then think about how to convert this ability to another object. For example, if you used to be in the business of advertising, can you turn it into helping the other party get a better budget? For example, if you are in recruitment, can you turn it into training and guidance for job seekers? For example, if you are in development, do you have the ability to develop some small projects independently? For example, if you are in sales, do you have the ability to take orders by yourself, or the ability to train new people to grow quickly? If you see that you don’t have the same ability, change your perspective, and your value will double, or even multiply several times. But there is another very important point here, you must remember it carefully, that is, this work must be completed independently by you. If it requires complex cooperation, it is useless.

② If your work really doesn't accumulate any useful skills, then you should seriously reflect on your own strengths. If you really don't have any strengths, then that's your specialty. If you really don't have any specialty, then that's your interest. Remember, interest is your last trump card. For example, I want to learn guitar, but I don't know how to play it now, so can I show off my growth experience from scratch and gain a group of fans? Can I organize the pits I stepped on in learning guitar? Skills and the dozen or so songs I just learned into documents, courses, or even ingest them, and then sell them. Remember, sometimes the experience that junior high school students sell to elementary school students is more attractive than teachers, because it is fresher, more practical, and less distant. I have a friend who has sold tens of millions of guitar lessons in this way in the past two years.

③ When you have figured out this positioning, you should start to do subtraction, subtracting all your unnecessary social activities, friends and entertainment. You should tell yourself that I will spend one or even two years to prepare for the next five or ten years. This may be a very painful process, but it is definitely worth it. Although I do not advocate painful growth, you must remember that only painful growth can prove that you are on the right track. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you can’t do it, it’s just because you are not forced into a dead end now. When you are forced into a dead end, you will naturally be able to do it. At that time, it is not that you actively choose to stay away from this world, but that this world directly abandons you.

④ Just study. The study I am talking about here is not reading books, watching videos, or taking online courses. Those studies cannot save you at this moment.

There are only three steps to the correct learning method. First, find your goal, roughly study all his content and methods, and then enter the second step, which is to quickly start to clumsily imitate him. The best way to get close to a person is to imitate him as closely as possible and imagine yourself as this person. Remember, you will never be ready for that day, and all the preparations for perfection will definitely make you fail. You don’t need to study why, logic, or data. As long as he is successful and makes money, you just need to imitate him first. Those deep problems of qualitative change will definitely find their answers in the variables, and this is the third step. Having said that, if it can touch or inspire you, I hope you can read it carefully twice, then think carefully about it in combination with your own situation, and take action immediately. In the future society, people can only rely on themselves. The weak wait to be saved, and the strong save themselves. May your life never have a crisis of 40 years old.

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