In the vast universe of digital currencies, cryptocurrency has attracted countless dreamers with its unique charm, including many who hope to achieve financial freedom through this emerging field. However, a fact that cannot be ignored is that despite the coexistence of opportunities and potential, more than 95% of cryptocurrency investors ultimately fail to escape the fate of losing money. What is the truth behind this? Let's take a deep look at the insights of a veteran player who switched from Texas Hold'em to the cryptocurrency field and finally achieved financial freedom after five or six years of ups and downs.

Bright Road: The Wisdom of Hoarding and Half-Storage

According to this veteran player, the road to wealth in the cryptocurrency world is not complicated. Its core strategy lies in "hoarding coins" and "half-position operation". In short, it is to choose potential cryptocurrencies for long-term holding (hoarding coins) while maintaining reasonable position management (half-position operation) to cope with market fluctuations. As the leader of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin's historical performance proves the feasibility of this strategy. However, why are only a few people able to walk to the end on this seemingly straight and bright road?

Hidden temptation: Devils and traps on the roadside

The key to the problem is that although the road is clear, it is full of temptations and traps along the way. Investors often find it difficult to resist the temptation of high-risk operations such as full positions, leverage, futures, and contracts, trying to make huge profits in a short period of time. Little do they know that these behaviors are like demons lurking on the side of the road, and they will drag investors into the abyss if they are not careful. In addition, the fluctuation of market sentiment, the surge and plunge of individual currencies, the guidance of celebrities such as Musk, the proliferation of junk coins, fraud and hacker attacks, and the irregular operations of exchanges are all important factors that cause investors to deviate from the right track and suffer heavy losses.

Reflection and Inspiration

  • Rational investment: Facing the various temptations of the cryptocurrency market, it is crucial to remain calm and rational. Do not blindly follow the trend, and make investment decisions based on in-depth analysis and judgment.

  • Risk management: strictly implement position management, avoid full-position operations, and use tools such as stop loss and take profit to control risks.

  • Long-term perspective: Volatility in the cryptocurrency market is the norm. Holding high-quality assets and patiently waiting for their value to be released is the key to success.

  • Learning and Growth: Continuously learn about market trends, technological advances and regulatory policies to enhance your investment capabilities.

  • Beware of traps: Be highly vigilant against junk coins, scams, hacker attacks, etc., and protect the safety of your assets.


Cryptocurrency investment is a journey full of challenges and opportunities. On this bright road, only those investors who can resist temptation, stick to principles, and continue to learn and grow can finally reach the other side of wealth. Let us embark on this exciting and unknown journey of wealth with a more cautious and wise attitude.

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