As the cryptocurrency market continues to develop, Bitcoin, as one of the best, has attracted the attention of countries around the world. This article will introduce you to the Bitcoin holdings of the world's top ten governments as of June 30, 2024.

1. United States

As the world's largest economy, the US government also holds a considerable amount of Bitcoin. According to the latest data, the US government holds 213,246 Bitcoins, worth about $13.58 billion. This figure reflects the United States' emphasis on and recognition of Bitcoin as an emerging asset.

2. China

As the world's second largest economy, China also holds a large amount of Bitcoin. Currently, the Chinese government holds about 190,000 Bitcoins, worth about $12.1 billion. This figure shows China's positive attitude in the field of digital currency.

3. United Kingdom

As one of the important economies in Europe, the UK also performs well in terms of Bitcoin holdings. According to statistics, the British government holds 61,000 Bitcoins, worth about $3.8 billion. This figure reflects the British government's attention and importance to digital currencies.

4. Germany

Germany, as an economic powerhouse in Europe, has also made some arrangements in holding Bitcoin. Currently, the German government holds about 50,000 Bitcoins, worth about $3.18 billion. The German government's positive attitude towards digital currency provides strong support for the development of its domestic financial technology.

5. Ukraine

The Ukrainian government also holds a large amount of Bitcoin. According to the latest data, the Ukrainian government holds 46,351 Bitcoins, worth about $2.95 billion. This figure shows Ukraine's activity and determination in the field of digital currency.

6. El Salvador

It is worth mentioning that as a small country, El Salvador has also shown a firm determination in holding Bitcoin. The country plans to buy 1 Bitcoin every day until its legal currency can no longer pay. Currently, the Salvadoran government holds 5,702 Bitcoins, worth about US$363 million.

7. Bhutan

The Bhutanese government has also shown some interest in holding Bitcoin. Currently, the Bhutanese government holds 621 Bitcoins, worth about $39.55 million. Although this number is relatively small, it is enough to show the Bhutanese government's attention and exploration of digital currency.

8. Venezuela

The Venezuelan government has also made attempts to hold Bitcoin. Currently, the Venezuelan government holds 240 Bitcoins, worth about $15.29 million. This figure reflects Venezuela's active exploration and attempts in the field of digital currency.

9. Finland

The Finnish government has also shown a certain interest in holding Bitcoin. Currently, the Finnish government holds 90 Bitcoins, worth about $5.73 million. Although this number is not large, it is enough to show the Finnish government's attention and interest in the field of digital currency.

10. Georgia

The Georgian government has also made some attempts to hold Bitcoin. Currently, the Georgian government holds 66 Bitcoins, worth about $4.2 million. Although this number is small, it reflects Georgia's initial exploration in the field of digital currency.

In summary, governments of major countries around the world have all made arrangements for holding Bitcoin, which reflects the popularity and recognition of digital currencies around the world. With the continuous development of the digital currency market, the layout and holdings of governments in the field of digital currencies will further increase in the future.

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