How does panic spread? ?

When using FUD emotions, it is necessary not only to create the initial source of panic, but also to use various communication channels to accelerate the spread of panic emotions. The following are several main communication mechanisms:

1. Social network 2. Herd effect 3. KOL influence 4. Media/institutional comments and analysis 5. Amplification effect of negative reports, etc.

The overall trend now is very similar to the M market starting FUD, but we have to think about it. Now is not 2 years ago. Now is the post-production reduction era. Don’t use bear market strategies to understand the market. If you insist on your experience accumulated in the bear market, you will miss the entire market;

Today, BTC has bad news. The US government wants to sell 4,000 coins, but now the overall trading volume can be digested. Recently, it is also the day for contract and option delivery. The dealer will not let the market fluctuate too much, and the trend of altcoins is still not ideal. Except for a few coins, they are very weak. This is the reason why the funds in the market are all holding BTC/BNB/ETH. The market has no new concept to make money and can only wait
