The revenue model of exchanges is changing, which also makes it difficult for 100x and 1,000x coins to appear. I remember that the earliest batch of exchanges only had spot trading, and they all made profits by doing insider trading based on spot trading volume and listing fees. However, since various exchanges began to list derivatives such as contracts and options, the profit model has changed. There is no need to work hard to pull out hundreds of times to attract attention, but to choose to expand the market value. In this way, the more people participate in contracts and options, the more fees are collected and the more people are liquidated. So this year we saw that exchanges began to launch new products every day and harvest them personally. The most fundamental reason is the lack of new funds.

Without new funds, there will be no new leeks; without new leeks, high-market-value coins cannot be maintained, and project parties cannot make money by bragging. If the project party does not make money, the media will not get sponsorship, and not getting sponsorship means decline. Now the entire industry chain actually relies on the project party to maintain, and if the project party wants to make money, there must be new funds to bring about the money-making effect (commonly known as cutting leeks). Without the money-making effect, it is impossible to attract new funds. This is a dead end in the market at this stage.​

In the future, if new funds cannot enter the market, the market will still be a stock game market. Old investors and old institutions are fighting fiercely in the market, and small currencies are gradually returning to zero, because market veterans have seen the true face of small currencies, and it is difficult for people to participate heavily. If the project party cannot see the money, they will be more eager to cash out, accelerating the demise of small currencies, and the vicious cycle will also accelerate the return of funds to Bitcoin. Therefore, in the future market, except for Bitcoin and some currencies, most currencies will continue to fall.

$SOL #德国政府转移比特币 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划