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#TradeNTell #Write2Earn #内容挖矿 Trading Rules Lesson 2 1. Most of the time in trading is spent waiting – waiting for prices to reach favorable levels. The market predominantly remains in a consolidation phase, and when a trend occurs, it often happens in an instant. Utilize limit orders to anticipate potential price levels by placing orders in advance or monitor the market closely, entering at an appropriate position when the price reaches a suitable level using market orders. 2. Use support, resistance, trendlines, and Fibonacci retracements to identify entry points. Typically, when the price touches these levels, there is a higher probability of a reversal. Take advantage of these characteristics to generate profits. 3. Different timeframes on candlestick charts, such as 15 minutes, one hour, four hours, and daily, serve as technical analysis time scales. The 15-minute timeframe provides more detailed information for precise entry points, especially suitable for short-term trading. The four-hour and daily timeframes offer a broader view of the overall market trend, and sometimes stronger support (previous low) and resistance (previous high) levels become highly effective upon retesting, often indicating a trend reversal! 4. Identify two candlestick wicks that can be connected to form a trendline. This trendline can be used to predict the next price level, i.e., the extension line and the third intersection of the candlestick wick. The probability of a trend reversal is usually higher when this position is touched (as shown in the diagram). 5. Leveraging the reversal characteristics mentioned above, determine stop-loss positions and leverage size. For example, in the illustration, we choose to enter a short position at the price of 42,632 (marked by the red arrow). The stop-loss can be placed at 42,922. This is because, if the direction is incorrect, the price must first break through the orange trendline and the white resistance above – two hurdles – to protect the initial capital.

#TradeNTell #Write2Earn


Trading Rules Lesson 2

1. Most of the time in trading is spent waiting – waiting for prices to reach favorable levels. The market predominantly remains in a consolidation phase, and when a trend occurs, it often happens in an instant. Utilize limit orders to anticipate potential price levels by placing orders in advance or monitor the market closely, entering at an appropriate position when the price reaches a suitable level using market orders.

2. Use support, resistance, trendlines, and Fibonacci retracements to identify entry points. Typically, when the price touches these levels, there is a higher probability of a reversal. Take advantage of these characteristics to generate profits.

3. Different timeframes on candlestick charts, such as 15 minutes, one hour, four hours, and daily, serve as technical analysis time scales. The 15-minute timeframe provides more detailed information for precise entry points, especially suitable for short-term trading. The four-hour and daily timeframes offer a broader view of the overall market trend, and sometimes stronger support (previous low) and resistance (previous high) levels become highly effective upon retesting, often indicating a trend reversal!

4. Identify two candlestick wicks that can be connected to form a trendline. This trendline can be used to predict the next price level, i.e., the extension line and the third intersection of the candlestick wick. The probability of a trend reversal is usually higher when this position is touched (as shown in the diagram).

5. Leveraging the reversal characteristics mentioned above, determine stop-loss positions and leverage size. For example, in the illustration, we choose to enter a short position at the price of 42,632 (marked by the red arrow). The stop-loss can be placed at 42,922. This is because, if the direction is incorrect, the price must first break through the orange trendline and the white resistance above – two hurdles – to protect the initial capital.

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Lesson Six on Trading Guidelines: 1. Macro-economic factors and news play a crucial role in influencing market trends, especially as macroeconomics provides insights into the overall market direction. For instance, the monetary policies of institutions like the Federal Reserve often dictate market fluctuations, closely tied to fund movements. 2. As the bullish market at the end of 2021 gradually shifted towards a bearish trend, several factors came into play. For instance, the Federal Reserve initiated a tightening monetary policy due to inflation concerns, leading to an interest rate hike. This resulted in a rapid outflow of hot money from cryptocurrencies and other financial industries, causing a swift decline. This can be considered a significant signal of a bear market. 3. The collapse of LUNA and the FTX incident in 2022 accelerated the pace of entering the bear market. Each major event can be analyzed through chart reviews to understand its background and potential consequences. 4. Recently, the focus has been on Bitcoin spot ETFs and the Bitcoin halving, both considered as relatively positive factors. 5. It is crucial to closely monitor whether the Federal Reserve will enter a phase of interest rate reduction and monetary easing. This implies that hot money is about to re-enter the market, pushing it towards another peak. Aligning one's trading direction with these major trends can make trading strategies clearer and more in line with market trends. #TradeNTell #Write2Earn #BTC!💰 #内容挖矿

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