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Crypto _xMaster
#第55期新币挖矿IO IO is finally going online. This type of computing power mining project mainly serves inference computing and edge computing scenarios, which do not have such high performance requirements. Judging from the current computing power consumption of ChatGPT, about 70% is used to run large models, which can only rely on centralized super data centers. 30% of the computing power consumption is used to run this kind of inference and edge computing, which are the main markets for IO in the future. I hope that computing power depin can become the next large-scale application scenario. If this is the case, it is good for $SOL $APT #内容挖矿
IO is finally going online.
This type of computing power mining project mainly serves inference computing and edge computing scenarios, which do not have such high performance requirements.
Judging from the current computing power consumption of ChatGPT, about 70% is used to run large models, which can only rely on centralized super data centers. 30% of the computing power consumption is used to run this kind of inference and edge computing, which are the main markets for IO in the future.
I hope that computing power depin can become the next large-scale application scenario.
If this is the case, it is good for $SOL $APT
Today’s homework: #内容挖矿 1.Altlayer can now query airdrops: 2.zkpass new tasks: 3.RUG token airdrop inquiry: 4. If you hold more than one TIA, you can receive CIAS airdrops: 5.Dmail is going to be listed on OKX and will definitely be airdropped: 6.Base in layer3 tasks: Financing information: 1.Meson Network Meson Network completed strategic financing for an undisclosed amount. Meson Network is committed to creating an efficient bandwidth marketplace on Web3. 2.BitGo BitGo completes US$100 million in financing. BitGo is the first digital asset company to focus solely on serving institutional clients since 2013. 3. Sygnum Sygnum completes US$40 million in strategic financing at a valuation of US$900 million. Sygnum is a digital asset bank with a Swiss banking license and a Singapore asset management license. 4.BDACS BDACS has completed an undisclosed amount of seed funding. BDACS is a digital asset custodian located in South Korea. 5.Synonym Finance Synonym Finance closes $1.5 million in seed funding. Synonym is the universal cross-chain trust layer for DeFi professionals. Organized by: Niuniu team——doraView less
Today’s homework:
1.Altlayer can now query airdrops:

2.zkpass new tasks:

3.RUG token airdrop inquiry:

4. If you hold more than one TIA, you can receive CIAS airdrops:

5.Dmail is going to be listed on OKX and will definitely be airdropped:

6.Base in layer3 tasks:

Financing information:

1.Meson Network
Meson Network completed strategic financing for an undisclosed amount.
Meson Network is committed to creating an efficient bandwidth marketplace on Web3.

BitGo completes US$100 million in financing.
BitGo is the first digital asset company to focus solely on serving institutional clients since 2013.

3. Sygnum
Sygnum completes US$40 million in strategic financing at a valuation of US$900 million.
Sygnum is a digital asset bank with a Swiss banking license and a Singapore asset management license.

BDACS has completed an undisclosed amount of seed funding.
BDACS is a digital asset custodian located in South Korea.

5.Synonym Finance
Synonym Finance closes $1.5 million in seed funding.
Synonym is the universal cross-chain trust layer for DeFi professionals.

Organized by: Niuniu team——doraView less
#内容挖矿 下午两点拿3000U,2倍杠杆在以太坊2367开空,从2点看那个线,就是下跌线,一直弹啊弹,然后破2400了,100多U又没了,真的炒币不能光看线。 V神说开杠杆不要超过2倍,他说得对。 12小时亏1天工资,活脱脱的玩币归赵,还是放弃吧,真的。没有消息,人家看盘面,拉一手就收割一个方向的。#Ethereum;
#内容挖矿 下午两点拿3000U,2倍杠杆在以太坊2367开空,从2点看那个线,就是下跌线,一直弹啊弹,然后破2400了,100多U又没了,真的炒币不能光看线。 V神说开杠杆不要超过2倍,他说得对。

香港要是先于美国批准eth etf真是一步好棋,美国1月批准btc etf后现在规模已经高达数百亿美刀,而且高利率维持香港作为离岸市场流动性都快被吸干了,发btc etf估计短期规模也不会膨胀到特别大,但是趁美国现在还没eth etf,要是抢先批准eth etf,率先提供差异化产品,可以吸引相关兴趣资金流入香港,占得先机,虽然eth肯定不如btc硬。#内容挖矿
香港要是先于美国批准eth etf真是一步好棋,美国1月批准btc etf后现在规模已经高达数百亿美刀,而且高利率维持香港作为离岸市场流动性都快被吸干了,发btc etf估计短期规模也不会膨胀到特别大,但是趁美国现在还没eth etf,要是抢先批准eth etf,率先提供差异化产品,可以吸引相关兴趣资金流入香港,占得先机,虽然eth肯定不如btc硬。#内容挖矿
Horizen: ZEN 5.0.0 will undergo a network upgrade on the mainnet via a hard fork on February 7The blockchain network Horizen that supports zero-knowledge will undergo a network upgrade on the mainnet through a hard fork at block #1502800 on February 7th at 8:00 PM Beijing time with the release of ZEN 5.0.0.After the hard fork, users will no longer be able to perform any transactions involving shielded addresses. The official recommendation is to move funds out of the shielded pool before this time and not to deposit funds directly from shielded addresses into exchange wallets.Previously, Horizen released a tweet stating that they have communicated with Binance and OKEx to ensure that ZEN is no longer a privacy token. They plan to completely remove the shielded pool on the Horizen main chain, including disabling the shielded transaction function, removing related RPC calls, and providing users with a migration path to move assets out of the shielded pool before the ZEND 4.2.0 hard fork in mid-February. #内容挖矿

Horizen: ZEN 5.0.0 will undergo a network upgrade on the mainnet via a hard fork on February 7

The blockchain network Horizen that supports zero-knowledge will undergo a network upgrade on the mainnet through a hard fork at block #1502800 on February 7th at 8:00 PM Beijing time with the release of ZEN 5.0.0.After the hard fork, users will no longer be able to perform any transactions involving shielded addresses. The official recommendation is to move funds out of the shielded pool before this time and not to deposit funds directly from shielded addresses into exchange wallets.Previously, Horizen released a tweet stating that they have communicated with Binance and OKEx to ensure that ZEN is no longer a privacy token. They plan to completely remove the shielded pool on the Horizen main chain, including disabling the shielded transaction function, removing related RPC calls, and providing users with a migration path to move assets out of the shielded pool before the ZEND 4.2.0 hard fork in mid-February.
Can you just lie down and relax after earning 10 million in the cryptocurrency circle? Assuming you have 10 million in cash and the deposit interest rate is 2.5% If you spend 500,000 yuan a year, it will be enough for about 35 years If you spend 300,000 yuan a year, it will be enough for about 66 years If you spend only 250,000 yuan a year, you will still have 10 million yuan when you die As long as you don't pursue high-end consumption, 10 million in cash is basically enough for you to have no worries about food and clothing in your life, and you can travel freely in China Year Principal Balance (RMB) Year 60 1,553,980.70 Year 61 1,343,829.72 Year 62 1,129,975.46 Year 63 911,374.03 Year 64 688,088.13 Year 65 460,090.34 Year 66 227,342.60 Year 67 -10,187.92 In this calculation, the principal is exhausted in the 67th year, so there is no need to continue calculating to the 70th year. This means that with an annual interest rate of 2.5% and an annual consumption of 300,000 yuan, the principal of 10 million yuan can support 66 years of consumption. It depends on your consumption level. If you spend 1 million yuan a year, you definitely can't lie flat. If you spend 500,000 yuan a year, including the interest on financial management, it's enough to spend half a lifetime. If you only spend 300,000 yuan a year, you can lie flat without any pressure. Even if you spend 300,000 yuan a year, it's the ceiling for ordinary people. Except for first-tier cities, most families in second- and third-tier cities have an annual income of less than 300,000 yuan, and this is the labor remuneration they get in exchange for selling their time and work. If you have this 10 million yuan deposit, you can earn 300,000 yuan a year sitting at home, and you still have your own time. I wish you all achieve wealth freedom in the currency circle as soon as possible. #内容挖矿 #热门话题 #ETH #BTC
Can you just lie down and relax after earning 10 million in the cryptocurrency circle?
Assuming you have 10 million in cash and the deposit interest rate is 2.5%
If you spend 500,000 yuan a year, it will be enough for about 35 years
If you spend 300,000 yuan a year, it will be enough for about 66 years
If you spend only 250,000 yuan a year, you will still have 10 million yuan when you die
As long as you don't pursue high-end consumption, 10 million in cash is basically enough for you to have no worries about food and clothing in your life, and you can travel freely in China
Year Principal Balance (RMB)
Year 60 1,553,980.70
Year 61 1,343,829.72
Year 62 1,129,975.46
Year 63 911,374.03
Year 64 688,088.13
Year 65 460,090.34
Year 66 227,342.60
Year 67 -10,187.92
In this calculation, the principal is exhausted in the 67th year, so there is no need to continue calculating to the 70th year. This means that with an annual interest rate of 2.5% and an annual consumption of 300,000 yuan,
the principal of 10 million yuan can support 66 years of consumption.
It depends on your consumption level.
If you spend 1 million yuan a year, you definitely can't lie flat.
If you spend 500,000 yuan a year, including the interest on financial management, it's enough to spend half a lifetime.
If you only spend 300,000 yuan a year, you can lie flat without any pressure.
Even if you spend 300,000 yuan a year, it's the ceiling for ordinary people. Except for first-tier cities, most families in second- and third-tier cities have an annual income of less than 300,000 yuan, and this is the labor remuneration they get in exchange for selling their time and work. If you have this 10 million yuan deposit, you can earn 300,000 yuan a year sitting at home, and you still have your own time. I wish you all achieve wealth freedom in the currency circle as soon as possible.
#内容挖矿 #热门话题 #ETH #BTC
#内容挖矿 我发现开合约,真的容易迷失自我。大家回想一下,每次开合约时候的初衷。是不是被伤害过,或者遭受了不公平待遇,或者被琐事烦的不行。这时候合约就成了很好的发泄出口,因为会提供多巴胺。创造我马上会发财了的假象。因为你现实中,即不能够做离谱的事,又不能随意发泄。 那个线的跳动,就能影响你心智,让你平静,可能比喝酒都有用。但是,这个时候,切记冷静,因为直觉只能让你小赢一两次。拖一下,一直到开始质疑自己决定的时候,再开仓,反人性,财富会拥抱你。等过一段时间,如果你的财富没有增长,你能够养成定期复盘的习惯。并学会批判性思考,思维足够多元化和多维度化,那么其实满仓百倍合约,随便开,输了以后也能在其他地方赚回来。#ENS #ETH.
#内容挖矿 我发现开合约,真的容易迷失自我。大家回想一下,每次开合约时候的初衷。是不是被伤害过,或者遭受了不公平待遇,或者被琐事烦的不行。这时候合约就成了很好的发泄出口,因为会提供多巴胺。创造我马上会发财了的假象。因为你现实中,即不能够做离谱的事,又不能随意发泄。

那个线的跳动,就能影响你心智,让你平静,可能比喝酒都有用。但是,这个时候,切记冷静,因为直觉只能让你小赢一两次。拖一下,一直到开始质疑自己决定的时候,再开仓,反人性,财富会拥抱你。等过一段时间,如果你的财富没有增长,你能够养成定期复盘的习惯。并学会批判性思考,思维足够多元化和多维度化,那么其实满仓百倍合约,随便开,输了以后也能在其他地方赚回来。#ENS #ETH.
Grayscale associated address started transferring BTC to Coinbase 3 minutes agoAccording to on-chain data, the Grayscale associated address started transferring BTC to Coinbase 3 minutes ago, and the transfer is currently in progress. #内容挖矿

Grayscale associated address started transferring BTC to Coinbase 3 minutes ago

According to on-chain data, the Grayscale associated address started transferring BTC to Coinbase 3 minutes ago, and the transfer is currently in progress.
Bitcoin Breaking $50K and PumpingIt's always exciting to make predictions in the cryptocurrency market! Bitcoin and Ethereum are indeed two of the most closely watched cryptocurrencies, and they can be influenced by a variety of factors. Here's a breakdown of your predictions:1. Bitcoin Breaking $50K and Pumping: Bitcoin's price movements can be quite volatile, and it has broken significant price barriers in the past. If positive sentiment and strong market fundamentals align, Bitcoin could potentially break $50,000 and experience a significant rally. However, please remember that the crypto market is highly speculative, and prices can be influenced by a wide range of factors, so there are no guarantees.2. ETH FOMO Due to ETF Approval: The approval of a Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) has been a topic of discussion for some time. If a Bitcoin ETF gets approved, it could indeed generate enthusiasm in the crypto market. Ethereum (ETH) often follows Bitcoin's price movements, so if Bitcoin experiences a strong rally, it can lead to FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) in the Ethereum market, potentially pushing its price higher. However, ETF approval and its impact on prices are uncertain until officially confirmed.It's important to approach cryptocurrency investments with caution, conduct thorough research, and consider various factors that can affect price movements. Market sentiment, regulatory developments, and macroeconomic events can all play a role. Always be prepared for the possibility of both upsides and downsides in the crypto market. #内容挖矿

Bitcoin Breaking $50K and Pumping

It's always exciting to make predictions in the cryptocurrency market! Bitcoin and Ethereum are indeed two of the most closely watched cryptocurrencies, and they can be influenced by a variety of factors. Here's a breakdown of your predictions:1. Bitcoin Breaking $50K and Pumping: Bitcoin's price movements can be quite volatile, and it has broken significant price barriers in the past. If positive sentiment and strong market fundamentals align, Bitcoin could potentially break $50,000 and experience a significant rally. However, please remember that the crypto market is highly speculative, and prices can be influenced by a wide range of factors, so there are no guarantees.2. ETH FOMO Due to ETF Approval: The approval of a Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) has been a topic of discussion for some time. If a Bitcoin ETF gets approved, it could indeed generate enthusiasm in the crypto market. Ethereum (ETH) often follows Bitcoin's price movements, so if Bitcoin experiences a strong rally, it can lead to FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) in the Ethereum market, potentially pushing its price higher. However, ETF approval and its impact on prices are uncertain until officially confirmed.It's important to approach cryptocurrency investments with caution, conduct thorough research, and consider various factors that can affect price movements. Market sentiment, regulatory developments, and macroeconomic events can all play a role. Always be prepared for the possibility of both upsides and downsides in the crypto market. #内容挖矿
#内容挖矿 看好香港作为东半球BTC ETF产品交易中心。新加坡起了个大早,但市场深度不够。香港的资本市场体量比新加坡大得多得多。香港股市成交量比伦敦股市还大,伦敦股市又比新加坡大很多。新加坡搞这种什么ETF之类的根本没什么成交量,香港勉强还可以搞搞。还是要选钱多的地方。香港虽然经历资金持续外流,但是体量仍然远超新加坡。新加坡最多背靠马来西亚这种经济体,说白了,还是没啥钱,要搞也搞不起来。优良资本载体的条件之一就是要装得进大钱。新加坡那种发个资管产品管几个亿那种几乎完全没有竞争力。ETF就是要比规模大、交易活跃、流动性好,其次才是追踪标的物价格跟得紧。灰度的BTC ETF现在规模200多亿美元,这就是人家收管理费五倍于其他同类产品的底气。贝莱德的BTC ETF刚发了一周,规模就已经飚到十几亿美元了。新加坡那地方资金沉淀不够,体量太小,没法玩儿二级市场这些。香港股市的市值是伦敦的接近两倍、是新加坡的接近十倍。新加坡无非就靠洗钱吸引了点富人资金转过去理财,股票商品期货衍生品完全没啥流动性,怎么能叫全球金融中心了。
#内容挖矿 看好香港作为东半球BTC ETF产品交易中心。新加坡起了个大早,但市场深度不够。香港的资本市场体量比新加坡大得多得多。香港股市成交量比伦敦股市还大,伦敦股市又比新加坡大很多。新加坡搞这种什么ETF之类的根本没什么成交量,香港勉强还可以搞搞。还是要选钱多的地方。香港虽然经历资金持续外流,但是体量仍然远超新加坡。新加坡最多背靠马来西亚这种经济体,说白了,还是没啥钱,要搞也搞不起来。优良资本载体的条件之一就是要装得进大钱。新加坡那种发个资管产品管几个亿那种几乎完全没有竞争力。ETF就是要比规模大、交易活跃、流动性好,其次才是追踪标的物价格跟得紧。灰度的BTC ETF现在规模200多亿美元,这就是人家收管理费五倍于其他同类产品的底气。贝莱德的BTC ETF刚发了一周,规模就已经飚到十几亿美元了。新加坡那地方资金沉淀不够,体量太小,没法玩儿二级市场这些。香港股市的市值是伦敦的接近两倍、是新加坡的接近十倍。新加坡无非就靠洗钱吸引了点富人资金转过去理财,股票商品期货衍生品完全没啥流动性,怎么能叫全球金融中心了。
做空BNB,不是不看好。 相反,是很看好BNB。一个赢者通吃的行业里做到第一名,其他人要赶超,是很费劲的。就像比特币、以太坊,仓位里也只有这三剑客和币安发的糖果。那些口口声声说要干死以太坊的,甚至是不把以太坊看在眼里的,现在在哪里?没错,说的就是你,EOS! 为啥还矛盾的去做空BNB呢?这个小仓位计划拿到熊市,主要是想用BNB摸摸市场脉搏。 为啥不是做空EOS?渣男的意思是,涨跌根本没有任何道理可言,根本反映不了市场信息。 #内容挖矿 $BTC $ETH $BNB
#内容挖矿 $BTC $ETH $BNB
#PIXEL 投资分析: 1. 总共挖矿时间为10天; 2. 投入500BNB挖矿; 3. 共获得8741Pixel; 5. 开盘价为0.5,开盘卖出共获得4370.5USDT; 6. 500BNB成本176000USDT; 7. 按着平均1个月2个挖矿项目,每月可以获得4370.5*2=8741USDT 8.照此计算,一年可以获得收益8741*12=104892USDT 🤑 结论:投资500BNB,一年可回报104892/176000*100%=59.59% 💳 信用卡购买BNB: @FBPAY_cc #热门话题 #PIXEL $BNB $PIXEL $FDUSD #内容挖矿
#PIXEL 投资分析:
1. 总共挖矿时间为10天;
2. 投入500BNB挖矿;
3. 共获得8741Pixel;
5. 开盘价为0.5,开盘卖出共获得4370.5USDT;
6. 500BNB成本176000USDT;
7. 按着平均1个月2个挖矿项目,每月可以获得4370.5*2=8741USDT

🤑 结论:投资500BNB,一年可回报104892/176000*100%=59.59%

💳 信用卡购买BNB:

The Aave community launches a vote on the proposal "Launching Frontier, a DAO staking-as-a-service pAccording to the Snapshot governance page, the Aave community initiated a proposal vote to launch the "Frontier" DAO staking-as-a-service product. The proposal states that the Aave Chan Initiative (ACI) has launched a "Aave DAO staking-as-a-service" product called "Frontier". The service aims to further decentralize the protocol's staking exposure and actively participate in network security. ACI will delegate the operational rights of the DAO to nodes and run verification nodes to enhance the DAO's passive income and promote diversified equity delegation strategies. #内容挖矿

The Aave community launches a vote on the proposal "Launching Frontier, a DAO staking-as-a-service p

According to the Snapshot governance page, the Aave community initiated a proposal vote to launch the "Frontier" DAO staking-as-a-service product.
The proposal states that the Aave Chan Initiative (ACI) has launched a "Aave DAO staking-as-a-service" product called "Frontier". The service aims to further decentralize the protocol's staking exposure and actively participate in network security. ACI will delegate the operational rights of the DAO to nodes and run verification nodes to enhance the DAO's passive income and promote diversified equity delegation strategies.
🐸 Exploring Pepe: The Transformation from Comic Character to Internet Meme 🌐1️⃣ Origin: Pepe began as a comic character created by Matt Furie in 2005. This was the birth of Pepe the Frog as we initially knew it. 🎨2️⃣ Evolution into a Meme: Between 2007-2021, Pepe morphed into a widely recognized internet meme, reshaped and enriched in online communities like 4chan, Reddit, and Twitter. This meme version of Pepe, though originating from Furie's creation, took on a life of its own. 🔄3️⃣ Matt Furie's Stance: Interestingly, Matt Furie rarely claimed copyright over the internet version of Pepe meme. It's a testament to how the character evolved beyond its original form into a new, collective creation. 📜4️⃣ Pepe in Crypto World: Since 2016, Pepe ventured into the crypto realm, flourishing in the hands of digital artists and enthusiasts through memes and NFTs. It was destined to bloom in the meme coin culture. 🌼5️⃣ The Birth of $PEPE (0x69): In April 2023, $PEPE was introduced, marking a significant milestone in Pepe's meme journey. But who is the real creator of $PEPE? It's neither the token contract's deploying team, Matt Furie, nor Pauly who overstates his contribution. It's the meme life of Pepe itself, choosing $PEPE at the right moment, presenting a new value perspective to the world. 🚀6️⃣ PEPE’s Journey: The meme life of Pepe chose $PEPE as its representative, capturing a staggering $1.6 billion market cap. This milestone is not just a fluke but a destined evolution in Pepe's journey as a meme king. 👑7️⃣ Potential Rivals? Some wonder if another $pepe might emerge to challenge the existing one. But Pepe's meme essence is about embracing its imperfections and evolving organically. Every iteration is a part of its ongoing saga. 🌌8️⃣ The Meme King's Choice: Pepe, as a meme entity, has made its mark in the digital world, transcending its comic origins. Its journey mirrors the unpredictable and dynamic nature of internet culture. 🌐9️⃣ Conclusion: "Feels good, man" – perhaps that's all Pepe would say. In the end, our role is simple: to believe in the journey and evolution of Pepe as a meme, embracing whatever form it chooses to take next. 🌟🔍 Our Takeaway: Pepe's transition from a comic character to a meme, and then to a symbol in the crypto world, highlights the fluidity and transformative power of digital culture. It's a story of adaptation, community-driven evolution, and the emergence of new forms of digital expression. 💭#PepeTheFrog #PEPE🔥🔥 #内容挖矿 $ 🌍🐸

🐸 Exploring Pepe: The Transformation from Comic Character to Internet Meme 🌐

1️⃣ Origin: Pepe began as a comic character created by Matt Furie in 2005. This was the birth of Pepe the Frog as we initially knew it. 🎨2️⃣ Evolution into a Meme: Between 2007-2021, Pepe morphed into a widely recognized internet meme, reshaped and enriched in online communities like 4chan, Reddit, and Twitter. This meme version of Pepe, though originating from Furie's creation, took on a life of its own. 🔄3️⃣ Matt Furie's Stance: Interestingly, Matt Furie rarely claimed copyright over the internet version of Pepe meme. It's a testament to how the character evolved beyond its original form into a new, collective creation. 📜4️⃣ Pepe in Crypto World: Since 2016, Pepe ventured into the crypto realm, flourishing in the hands of digital artists and enthusiasts through memes and NFTs. It was destined to bloom in the meme coin culture. 🌼5️⃣ The Birth of $PEPE (0x69): In April 2023, $PEPE was introduced, marking a significant milestone in Pepe's meme journey. But who is the real creator of $PEPE ? It's neither the token contract's deploying team, Matt Furie, nor Pauly who overstates his contribution. It's the meme life of Pepe itself, choosing $PEPE at the right moment, presenting a new value perspective to the world. 🚀6️⃣ PEPE’s Journey: The meme life of Pepe chose $PEPE as its representative, capturing a staggering $1.6 billion market cap. This milestone is not just a fluke but a destined evolution in Pepe's journey as a meme king. 👑7️⃣ Potential Rivals? Some wonder if another $pepe might emerge to challenge the existing one. But Pepe's meme essence is about embracing its imperfections and evolving organically. Every iteration is a part of its ongoing saga. 🌌8️⃣ The Meme King's Choice: Pepe, as a meme entity, has made its mark in the digital world, transcending its comic origins. Its journey mirrors the unpredictable and dynamic nature of internet culture. 🌐9️⃣ Conclusion: "Feels good, man" – perhaps that's all Pepe would say. In the end, our role is simple: to believe in the journey and evolution of Pepe as a meme, embracing whatever form it chooses to take next. 🌟🔍 Our Takeaway: Pepe's transition from a comic character to a meme, and then to a symbol in the crypto world, highlights the fluidity and transformative power of digital culture. It's a story of adaptation, community-driven evolution, and the emergence of new forms of digital expression. 💭#PepeTheFrog #PEPE🔥🔥 #内容挖矿 $ 🌍🐸
#Write2Earn Analysis: BNB target price $6000 to $8000 based on two pricing methods. Binance net profit is estimated to be over 10billion US dollars annually with a super rapid growth rate, given its absolute leading status in the crypto exchange sector worldwide, we can multiply a 200x P/E, and get a $ 2000 billion market cap. If we recognise BNB has share stock like characteristics, and give 50% discount of real share price, we can get BNB’s target price between $6000 to $8000. Another method: Binance launchpad already launched over 10 projects and over 10 mining projects in 2021. BNB holders basically could get 60%-80% yield through participating the launched projects, apart from other money-making methods such as staking or defi offered by the platform. If we compare the yield/return rate of BNB holding with traditional financial products’ around 3%-5% in emerging economies or those even much less in developed economies, we can get an at least 30x for BNB’s average price from around $300 to $400 in 2021, and then get the BNB target price of $6000 to $8000 based on this yield level. Not a financial advice. #内容挖矿
#Write2Earn Analysis: BNB target price $6000 to $8000 based on two pricing methods.

Binance net profit is estimated to be over 10billion US dollars annually with a super rapid growth rate, given its absolute leading status in the crypto exchange sector worldwide, we can multiply a 200x P/E, and get a $ 2000 billion market cap. If we recognise BNB has share stock like characteristics, and give 50% discount of real share price, we can get BNB’s target price between $6000 to $8000.

Another method: Binance launchpad already launched over 10 projects and over 10 mining projects in 2021. BNB holders basically could get 60%-80% yield through participating the launched projects, apart from other money-making methods such as staking or defi offered by the platform. If we compare the yield/return rate of BNB holding with traditional financial products’ around 3%-5% in emerging economies or those even much less in developed economies, we can get an at least 30x for BNB’s average price from around $300 to $400 in 2021, and then get the BNB target price of $6000 to $8000 based on this yield level.

Not a financial advice. #内容挖矿
Subspace激励性测试网Gemini 3H节点运行教程#内容挖矿 版本亮点 禁用农场功能,直到它对所有人开放 不再需要使用--farm-during-initial-plotting false 改进节点上的CLI默认设置 无需再指定--blocks-pruning和--state-pruning给农民 系统要求​ 4 Core+ 8GB+ 100GB SSD 钱包设置 在运行任何东西之前,您需要有一个钱包,您可以在其中接收测试网硬币。目前我们建议使用两种钱包,SubWallet 是首选途径。 SubWallet 子钱包PolkadotJS 波卡JS 将上述两个钱包的任意一个安装到您的浏览器中,并在其中创建一个新帐户。创建过程比较简单基本和Metamask无异,创建完成后请一定要保存好钱包助记词。创建钱包的示例可以参考这篇教程。 安装节点 我们的GitHub上的Releases部分是获取最新二进制版本发布和查看源代码的最佳地方。 Subspace-Node - 这是实际与Subspace网络建立连接的可执行文件。 Subspace-Farmer - 这是实际在您分配的存储区块上进行奖励耕作的可执行文件。 Step 1: 下载高级 CLI 可执行文件 老架构CPU版本: NodeFarmer 新架构CPU版本: NodeFarmer ARM版本的CPU: NodeFarmer 可以根据自己的CPU版本来选择适合自己系统的可执行文件。另外,磁盘必须为固态硬盘,HDD已经不被支持了。 Step 2: 启动高级 CLI 节点​ 下面将以老架构CPU的版本做演示。 为node和farmer添加可执行权限 chmod +x subspace-node-ubuntu-x86_64-v2-gemini-3h-2024-feb-05 chmod +x subspace-farmer-ubuntu-x86_64-v2-gemini-3h-2024-feb-05 启动node 将 INSERT_YOUR_ID 替换为自己的名字 screen -S subspaceNode ./subspace-node-ubuntu-x86_64-v2-gemini-3h-2024-feb-05 run \ --chain gemini-3h \ --base-path NODE_DATA_PATH \ --farmer \ --name "INSERT_YOUR_ID" 执行之后,您应该在终端中看到下面类似的内容: 2022-02-03 10:52:23 Subspace 2022-02-03 10:52:23 ✌️ version 0.1.0-35cf6f5-x86_64-ubuntu 2022-02-03 10:52:23 ❤️ by Subspace Labs <>, 2021-2022 2022-02-03 10:52:23 📋 Chain specification: Subspace Gemini 1 2022-02-03 10:52:23 🏷 Node name: YOUR_FANCY_NAME 2022-02-03 10:52:23 👤 Role: AUTHORITY 2022-02-03 10:52:23 💾 Database: RocksDb at /home/X/.local/share/subspace-node-x86_64-ubuntu-20.04-snapshot-2022-jan-05/chains/subspace_test/db/full 2022-02-03 10:52:23 ⛓ Native runtime: subspace-100 (subspace-1.tx1.au1) 2022-02-03 10:52:23 🔨 Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0x22a5…17ea, header-hash: 0x6ada…0d38) 2022-02-03 10:52:24 ⏱ Loaded block-time = 1s from block 0x6ada0792ea62bf3501abc87d92e1ce0e78ddefba66f02973de54144d12ed0d38 2022-02-03 10:52:24 Starting archiving from genesis 2022-02-03 10:52:24 Archiving already produced blocks 0..=0 2022-02-03 10:52:24 🏷 Local node identity is: 12D3KooWBgKtea7MVvraeNyxdPF935pToq1x9VjR1rDeNH1qecXu 2022-02-03 10:52:24 🧑‍🌾 Starting Subspace Authorship worker 2022-02-03 10:52:24 📦 Highest known block at #0 2022-02-03 10:52:24 〽️ Prometheus exporter started at 2022-02-03 10:52:24 Listening for new connections on 2022-02-03 10:52:26 🔍 Discovered new external address for our node: /ip4/ 2022-02-03 10:52:29 ⚙️ Syncing, target=#215883 (2 peers), best: #55 (0xafc7…bccf), finalized #0 (0x6ada…0d38), ⬇ 850.1kiB/s ⬆ 1.5kiB/s Ctrl + A + D 退出screen。 Step 3: 启动高级 CLI Farmer 将 PATH_TO_FARM 修改为你想绘图的路径 将 PLOT_SIZE 修改为想要绘图的磁盘大小 将WALLET_ADDRESS 修改为自己的钱包地址 screen -S subspaceFarmer ./subspace-farmer-ubuntu-x86_64-v2-gemini-3h-2024-feb-05 farm --reward-address WALLET_ADDRESS path=PATH_TO_FARM,size=PLOT_SIZE 执行之后,您应该在终端中看到下面类似的内容: 2022-06-02T00:02:04.552120Z INFO subspace_farmer::commands::farm: Connecting to node at ws:// 2022-06-02T00:02:04.557220Z INFO jsonrpsee_client_transport::ws: Connection established to target: Target sockaddrs: , host: "", host_header: "", mode: Plain, pathand_query: "/" 2022-06-02T00:02:04.575669Z INFO subspace_farmer::commands::farm: Opening object mapping 2022-06-02T00:02:04.617553Z INFO subspace_farmer::multi_farming: Opening plot 2022-06-02T00:02:04.645422Z INFO subspace_farmer::multi_farming: Opening commitments 2022-06-02T00:02:04.666925Z INFO subspace_farmer::farming: Subscribing to slot info notifications 2022-06-02T00:02:04.688218Z INFO subspace_farmer::archiving: Subscribing to archived segments 2022-06-02T00:02:04.689129Z INFO subspace_farmer::commands::farm: WS RPC server listening on 2022-06-02T00:02:09.492868Z INFO subspace_farmer::archiving: Plotted segment segment_index=0 2022-06-02T00:02:09.492868Z INFO subspace_farmer::archiving: Plotted segment segment_index=1 2022-06-02T00:02:09.492868Z INFO subspace_farmer::archiving: Plotted segment segment_index=2 2022-06-02T00:02:09.492868Z INFO subspace_farmer::archiving: Plotted segment segment_index=3 2022-06-02T00:02:09.492868Z INFO subspace_farmer::archiving: Plotted segment segment_index=4 2022-06-02T00:02:09.492868Z INFO subspace_farmer::archiving: Plotted segment segment_index=5 Ctrl + A + D 退出screen。 您现在开始耕作了!只需等待节点完全同步,并且您的农场主完成全部绘图。 提示与技巧 Telemetry & Block Explorer Telemetry Server:实时了解网络活动和性能指标。非常适合监控Subspace Network的整体健康状况和状态。Official Block Explorer:: 我们用于查看子空间网络上的区块、交易和网络活动的主要工具。该浏览器提供直观的界面和详细的信息。Subscan Block Explorer: 另一种区块浏览器,提供区块、交易和网络事件的详细视图。 Subscan 以其用户友好的界面和额外的数据分析功能而闻名。Polkadot.js Block Explorer: 对于熟悉 Polkadot 生态系统的用户来说,该浏览器提供了使用 Polkadot.js 界面探索子空间网络的无缝体验。 Benchmarking Your Farmer 基准测试可帮助您测试农民针对不同版本的子空间网络的绘图速度。 ./subspace-farmer benchmark audit /path/to/your/plot 帮助您确定农民在审核后有多少时间来提供证据。 ./subspace-farmer benchmark prove /path/to/your/plot Scrubbing Your Farmer 在某些情况下,特别是当 farmer 意外终止或遇到错误时,它可能无法正确重新启动。清理命令通过清理或重置指定的绘图来帮助解决此类问题。 ./subspace-farmer scrub /path/to/your/plot 擦除 如果您之前运行过节点,并且想要切换到新网络,请执行以下步骤,然后再次按照指南进行操作: # Replace `FARMER_FILE_NAME` with the name of the farmer file you downloaded from releases ./FARMER_FILE_NAME wipe PATH_TO_FARM # Replace `NODE_FILE_NAME` with the name of the node file you downloaded from releases ./NODE_FILE_NAME wipe NODE_DATA_PATH Docker 擦除 docker compose down -v 常用命令示例​ 对于节点和农场主,以下是一些常用的命令: 显示farmer信息:./FARMER_FILE_NAME info PATH_TO_FARM 清理farmer错误:./FARMER_FILE_NAME scrub PATH_TO_FARM 清除所有与farmer相关的数据:./FARMER_FILE_NAME wipe PATH_TO_FARM 清除所有与node相关的数据:./NODE_FILE_NAME wipe NODE_DATA_PATH 发不了链接,有需要的可以去我推特查看 引用资料 官方文档

Subspace激励性测试网Gemini 3H节点运行教程

不再需要使用--farm-during-initial-plotting false

4 Core+ 8GB+ 100GB SSD
在运行任何东西之前,您需要有一个钱包,您可以在其中接收测试网硬币。目前我们建议使用两种钱包,SubWallet 是首选途径。
SubWallet 子钱包PolkadotJS 波卡JS
Subspace-Node - 这是实际与Subspace网络建立连接的可执行文件。
Subspace-Farmer - 这是实际在您分配的存储区块上进行奖励耕作的可执行文件。
Step 1: 下载高级 CLI 可执行文件
Step 2: 启动高级 CLI 节点​
chmod +x subspace-node-ubuntu-x86_64-v2-gemini-3h-2024-feb-05
chmod +x subspace-farmer-ubuntu-x86_64-v2-gemini-3h-2024-feb-05

将 INSERT_YOUR_ID 替换为自己的名字
screen -S subspaceNode

./subspace-node-ubuntu-x86_64-v2-gemini-3h-2024-feb-05 run \
--chain gemini-3h \
--base-path NODE_DATA_PATH \
--farmer \

2022-02-03 10:52:23 Subspace
2022-02-03 10:52:23 ✌️ version 0.1.0-35cf6f5-x86_64-ubuntu
2022-02-03 10:52:23 ❤️ by Subspace Labs <>, 2021-2022
2022-02-03 10:52:23 📋 Chain specification: Subspace Gemini 1
2022-02-03 10:52:23 🏷 Node name: YOUR_FANCY_NAME
2022-02-03 10:52:23 👤 Role: AUTHORITY
2022-02-03 10:52:23 💾 Database: RocksDb at /home/X/.local/share/subspace-node-x86_64-ubuntu-20.04-snapshot-2022-jan-05/chains/subspace_test/db/full
2022-02-03 10:52:23 ⛓ Native runtime: subspace-100 (subspace-1.tx1.au1)
2022-02-03 10:52:23 🔨 Initializing Genesis block/state (state: 0x22a5…17ea, header-hash: 0x6ada…0d38)
2022-02-03 10:52:24 ⏱ Loaded block-time = 1s from block 0x6ada0792ea62bf3501abc87d92e1ce0e78ddefba66f02973de54144d12ed0d38
2022-02-03 10:52:24 Starting archiving from genesis
2022-02-03 10:52:24 Archiving already produced blocks 0..=0
2022-02-03 10:52:24 🏷 Local node identity is: 12D3KooWBgKtea7MVvraeNyxdPF935pToq1x9VjR1rDeNH1qecXu
2022-02-03 10:52:24 🧑‍🌾 Starting Subspace Authorship worker
2022-02-03 10:52:24 📦 Highest known block at #0
2022-02-03 10:52:24 〽️ Prometheus exporter started at
2022-02-03 10:52:24 Listening for new connections on
2022-02-03 10:52:26 🔍 Discovered new external address for our node: /ip4/
2022-02-03 10:52:29 ⚙️ Syncing, target=#215883 (2 peers), best: #55 (0xafc7…bccf), finalized #0 (0x6ada…0d38), ⬇ 850.1kiB/s ⬆ 1.5kiB/s

Ctrl + A + D 退出screen。
Step 3: 启动高级 CLI Farmer
将 PATH_TO_FARM 修改为你想绘图的路径
将 PLOT_SIZE 修改为想要绘图的磁盘大小
将WALLET_ADDRESS 修改为自己的钱包地址
screen -S subspaceFarmer

./subspace-farmer-ubuntu-x86_64-v2-gemini-3h-2024-feb-05 farm --reward-address WALLET_ADDRESS path=PATH_TO_FARM,size=PLOT_SIZE

2022-06-02T00:02:04.552120Z INFO subspace_farmer::commands::farm: Connecting to node at ws://
2022-06-02T00:02:04.557220Z INFO jsonrpsee_client_transport::ws: Connection established to target: Target sockaddrs: , host: "", host_header: "", mode: Plain, pathand_query: "/"
2022-06-02T00:02:04.575669Z INFO subspace_farmer::commands::farm: Opening object mapping
2022-06-02T00:02:04.617553Z INFO subspace_farmer::multi_farming: Opening plot
2022-06-02T00:02:04.645422Z INFO subspace_farmer::multi_farming: Opening commitments
2022-06-02T00:02:04.666925Z INFO subspace_farmer::farming: Subscribing to slot info notifications
2022-06-02T00:02:04.688218Z INFO subspace_farmer::archiving: Subscribing to archived segments
2022-06-02T00:02:04.689129Z INFO subspace_farmer::commands::farm: WS RPC server listening on
2022-06-02T00:02:09.492868Z INFO subspace_farmer::archiving: Plotted segment segment_index=0
2022-06-02T00:02:09.492868Z INFO subspace_farmer::archiving: Plotted segment segment_index=1
2022-06-02T00:02:09.492868Z INFO subspace_farmer::archiving: Plotted segment segment_index=2
2022-06-02T00:02:09.492868Z INFO subspace_farmer::archiving: Plotted segment segment_index=3
2022-06-02T00:02:09.492868Z INFO subspace_farmer::archiving: Plotted segment segment_index=4
2022-06-02T00:02:09.492868Z INFO subspace_farmer::archiving: Plotted segment segment_index=5

Ctrl + A + D 退出screen。
Telemetry & Block Explorer
Telemetry Server:实时了解网络活动和性能指标。非常适合监控Subspace Network的整体健康状况和状态。Official Block Explorer:: 我们用于查看子空间网络上的区块、交易和网络活动的主要工具。该浏览器提供直观的界面和详细的信息。Subscan Block Explorer: 另一种区块浏览器,提供区块、交易和网络事件的详细视图。 Subscan 以其用户友好的界面和额外的数据分析功能而闻名。Polkadot.js Block Explorer: 对于熟悉 Polkadot 生态系统的用户来说,该浏览器提供了使用 Polkadot.js 界面探索子空间网络的无缝体验。
Benchmarking Your Farmer
./subspace-farmer benchmark audit /path/to/your/plot

./subspace-farmer benchmark prove /path/to/your/plot

Scrubbing Your Farmer
在某些情况下,特别是当 farmer 意外终止或遇到错误时,它可能无法正确重新启动。清理命令通过清理或重置指定的绘图来帮助解决此类问题。
./subspace-farmer scrub /path/to/your/plot

# Replace `FARMER_FILE_NAME` with the name of the farmer file you downloaded from releases
# Replace `NODE_FILE_NAME` with the name of the node file you downloaded from releases

Docker 擦除
docker compose down -v
清理farmer错误:./FARMER_FILE_NAME scrub PATH_TO_FARM
清除所有与farmer相关的数据:./FARMER_FILE_NAME wipe PATH_TO_FARM
清除所有与node相关的数据:./NODE_FILE_NAME wipe NODE_DATA_PATH

SOL真的是猛,李笑来的BOX最近调仓时,也带上它。这个币挺有意思,作为Solana安全设计的一部分,所有费用都将在SOL中支付并被烧掉,从而减少总供应量。以链上生态来看,是仅次于以太坊的公链。在上一轮牛市,跟着比特币、以太坊一起达到阶段性高点。不像有些币,出道即巅峰,比如BCH、XLM、EOS #sol 未来可期 #内容挖矿 $SOL $EOS
#sol 未来可期
#内容挖矿 $SOL $EOS
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