• In an essay titled The Possible Future of the Ethereum Protocol, Part 3: Scourge, he emphasizes the need to support decentralization while addressing security threats.

Buterin presents Scourge as a proposed update to reduce the risk of centralization in #Ethereum mining, citing factors such as centralization of block building and a minimum bid requirement of 32 #ETH . Buterin warns that if large stakers become dominant due to their economic dominance, smaller participants could leave the ecosystem.

To counter this, Buterin proposes decentralizing block production by shifting the choice of transactions from builders to stakers. Buterin proposes that the builder only organizes transactions, while the staker can choose which transactions to include.

He also discusses alternative solutions, such as Multiple Concurrent Proposers (MCPs). In addition, Buterin expresses concern about possible overstocking and warns that too large a supply of ETH in steaks could lead steak makers to a centralized platform.

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