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DTCC listet Blackrocks Spot Ethereum ETF. BlackRocks Spot Ethereum Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) wurde von der Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation unter dem Ticker ETHA gelistet. Am Donnerstag gab die US-Börsenaufsichtsbehörde Securities and Exchange Commission grünes Licht für die 19b-4-Formulare mehrerer Ethereum-ETFs von Emittenten wie BlackRock, Fidelity, VanEck und anderen Firmen. Es wurde allgemein erwartet, dass die SEC diese Fonds noch vor einer Woche ablehnt. Die Behörde machte jedoch in letzter Minute eine Kehrtwende in einem wirklich schockierenden Schritt. Nachdem die SEC nun die 19b-4-Listungsanträge genehmigt hat, verhandelt sie nun mit potenziellen Emittenten über S-1-Registrierungserklärungen. Damit Ethereum-ETFs mit dem Handel beginnen können, muss auch jede entsprechende S-1-Registrierungserklärung genehmigt werden. Daher ist nun klar, wann diese ETFs tatsächlich mit dem Handel beginnen werden. „Das heißt nicht, dass sie morgen mit dem Handel beginnen. Dies ist nur eine 19b-4-Genehmigung. Außerdem muss eine Genehmigung der S-1-Dokumente erfolgen, was einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen wird. Wir gehen davon aus, dass es ein paar Wochen dauern wird, aber es könnte auch länger dauern. Wir sollten in etwa einer Woche mehr wissen!“, sagte James Seyffart auf dem sozialen Netzwerk X. Die Neuigkeit verkaufen? Nach einer massiven Rallye hat der ETH-Preis nun einige Gewinne wieder eingebüßt und wird derzeit an der Bitstamp-Börse bei 3.629 USD gehandelt. Der bekannte Händler John Bollinger warnte kürzlich, dass die Rallye von Ethereum überzogen sei.

DTCC listet Blackrocks Spot Ethereum ETF.

BlackRocks Spot Ethereum Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) wurde von der Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation unter dem Ticker ETHA gelistet.

Am Donnerstag gab die US-Börsenaufsichtsbehörde Securities and Exchange Commission grünes Licht für die 19b-4-Formulare mehrerer Ethereum-ETFs von Emittenten wie BlackRock, Fidelity, VanEck und anderen Firmen.

Es wurde allgemein erwartet, dass die SEC diese Fonds noch vor einer Woche ablehnt. Die Behörde machte jedoch in letzter Minute eine Kehrtwende in einem wirklich schockierenden Schritt.

Nachdem die SEC nun die 19b-4-Listungsanträge genehmigt hat, verhandelt sie nun mit potenziellen Emittenten über S-1-Registrierungserklärungen.

Damit Ethereum-ETFs mit dem Handel beginnen können, muss auch jede entsprechende S-1-Registrierungserklärung genehmigt werden. Daher ist nun klar, wann diese ETFs tatsächlich mit dem Handel beginnen werden.

„Das heißt nicht, dass sie morgen mit dem Handel beginnen. Dies ist nur eine 19b-4-Genehmigung. Außerdem muss eine Genehmigung der S-1-Dokumente erfolgen, was einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen wird. Wir gehen davon aus, dass es ein paar Wochen dauern wird, aber es könnte auch länger dauern. Wir sollten in etwa einer Woche mehr wissen!“, sagte James Seyffart auf dem sozialen Netzwerk X.

Die Neuigkeit verkaufen?

Nach einer massiven Rallye hat der ETH-Preis nun einige Gewinne wieder eingebüßt und wird derzeit an der Bitstamp-Börse bei 3.629 USD gehandelt. Der bekannte Händler John Bollinger warnte kürzlich, dass die Rallye von Ethereum überzogen sei.

Haftungsausschluss: Enthält Meinungen Dritter. Die hier bereitgestellten Informationen stellen keine Finanzberatung dar. Kann gesponserte Inhalte enthalten. Siehe AGB.
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EOS Network Limits Coin Supply to 2.1 Billion. EOS Network Foundation's CEO Yves La Rose announced the approval of a significant proposal to limit EOS's total supply to 2.1 billion units. This decision follows a community-driven initiative where block producers agreed to set a fixed supply limit and burn approximately 80% of excess coins. The implementation of this proposal will primarily target future emissions, reducing the planned total supply from 10 billion to 2.1 billion coins. The Proposal Received Approval from at Least 15 of the 21 Block Producers. For those unaware, the EOS Network Foundation, representing the EOS community, took control from in 2021. The Foundation submitted a multi- signature proposal to limit the EOS supply, receiving approval from at least 15 of the 21 EOS block producers. La Rose confirmed the consensus in a post on X and emphasized the network's acceptance of the tokenomics proposal. The initial update is expected to be implemented in the coming months. As of now, EOS has a circulating supply of 1.15 billion coins, representing 54% of the planned total supply. An additional 950 million EOS coins will be minted to support ecosystem growth and activities such as rewarding stakers and block producers. In his announcement, La Rose detailed these plans, emphasizing the EOS Network Foundation's commitment to the long-term sustainability of the EOS community. The Emergence of the EOS Network Foundation. Founded in August 2021 under the leadership of La Rose, the EOS Network Foundation is a non-profit organization aiming to support and develop the network. The Foundation unveiled a new roadmap for the EOS ecosystem. Initially, EOS garnered significant interest during its initial coin offering (ICO) from 2017 to 2018, raising $4 billion. Previously, there were disputes between the Foundation and, with claims that did not reinvest significant ICO funds into the EOS Network as initially promised.
Legendary Trader Peter Brandt Reveals Epic 344% Bitcoin Price Growth Prediction. Veteran trader Peter Brandt has made an epic new prediction about Bitcoin's future value relative to gold. According to analysis, Bitcoin (BTC) is set to keep on going up against precious metal over the next 12 to 18 months. He foresees that the number of gold ounces needed to buy one Bitcoin would eventually reach 100, which would mean a 344% rise in Bitcoin's current value compared to gold. Brandt's forecast is backed up by a chart he shared, showing how Bitcoin has performed historically against gold. If Brandt's prediction comes true, Bitcoin fans could see some big returns on their investments as the digital currency outperforms the traditional safe-haven asset. Tale of Two Peters. In his analysis, the trader also mentioned Peter Schiff, a well-known gold investor and critic of cryptocurrencies. Schiff has long argued that Bitcoin is a speculative bubble with no intrinsic value, favoring gold as a more reliable store of value. His skepticism toward Bitcoin has made him a controversial figure in debates about the future of digital currencies versus traditional assets. As it stands now, the price of the major cryptocurrency has settled at 29 ounces of gold or $68,000 per BTC. The next 12 to 18 months will be key to seeing if Brandt's bullish prediction comes true. While Bitcoin continues to gain mainstream acceptance and attract institutional interest, the financial community remains divided on its long-term viability and worth.
Buy Ethereum (ETH) While Dollar Is Cheap: Ryan Sean Adams. The approval of the Ethereum ETF is a huge step for the market and the industry. We should see a substantial surge of capital inflows into the market, along with the appearance of fresh investors. Some venture capitalists like Ryan Sean Adams believe this is the time to grab some Ether before institutions get in. There is just one question left: Who will be Ethereum's MicroStrategy now that the Ethereum ETF has been approved and the regulatory fog has lifted? MicroStrategy's approach to Bitcoin was to purchase BTC using inexpensive dollar debt from the public market. The share price increases and then repeats the process. Both the price of Bitcoin and the market value of MicroStrategy increased dramatically as a result of this strategy. The only question now is who will approach Ethereum in a similar manner. Institutional investors that had previously shied away from Ethereum because of regulatory uncertainty will now have more options, thanks to the Ethereum ETF. Ethereum's price may rise as a result of this capital inflow just as Bitcoin did when it gained institutional support. With its approval the ETF gives the cryptocurrency market legitimacy and lowers the perceived risk for big investors. This indicates that the market is maturing. This is a crucial time, according to venture capitalists like Ryan Sean Adams. They expect an influx of institutional investors eager to learn more about Ethereum. Purchasing ETH now, ahead of this anticipated surge, might be a wise decision. Large-scale investments are expected to drive demand and possibly result in a notable price appreciation changing the dynamics of the market. As with MicroStrategy's Bitcoin strategy, the main tactic would be to purchase ETH with dollar debt from the public market at a low cost.
Bitcoin Faces Resistance After Recent Surge. Bitcoin (BTC) halted after breaking through the $67,000 resistance. Last week, the upward movement reached $72,000 on May 21. As of writing, it has fallen by 5.7% to $67,800. Bitcoin Inflows. A recent report investigated the demand for Bitcoin-backed investment products, with most inflows coming from the US. The recent drop quickly cut the upward trend, showing that bulls are not yet ready to surpass $71,500. However, the long-term outlook remains bullish, and according to one metric, we are only halfway through the bull run. Crypto analyst Axel Adler used Bitcoin MVRV Z scores in a post on X to show that only half of the current cycle is complete. This metric evaluates whether Bitcoin is overvalued or undervalued compared to its fair value. MVRV can mean the market value to realized value, comparing the token's market capitalization to the cumulative capital inflow into the asset. When the former is much higher, it indicates a potential peak. The MVRV Z- score compares the MVRV difference to the standard deviation of Bitcoin's market value. In previous cycles, an MVRV-Z score of 7 or higher marked cycle peaks. Historical Data on BTC. During the recent run, the metric rose to 3.07. This could mean we will see more price increases in the coming months. The group of BTC holders for six months and over saw activity on February 28. The 3-6 month age range was particularly active, showing profit-taking activity from this group. Similarly, those relatively active in the market over the past two months and who recorded a selling move on May 21 when prices rose above $70,000 were the 1-3 month holders. However, most older holder groups did not see intense selling activity on exchanges in April and May. This is because the expectation of a post-halving price increase in crypto currency has not yet disappeared.
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