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Sabías que WorldCoin ahora hoy en día llamado (World App), es un proyecto de criptomonedas y tecnología blockchain que se enfoca en crear una forma de identificación digital descentralizada y segura. Y, efectivamente, el cofundador de OpenAI, Sam Altman, también es el cofundador de WorldCoin. Altman es un empresario y inversor que se ha enfocado en desarrollar tecnologías innovadoras en áreas como la inteligencia artificial, la blockchain y la criptomoneda. WorldCoin es un proyecto que busca utilizar la tecnología blockchain para crear una forma de identificación digital que sea segura, descentralizada y accesible para todos. El proyecto ha generado un gran interés en la comunidad de la criptomoneda y la tecnología blockchain. $WLD {spot}(WLDUSDT) Es interesante ver cómo Sam Altman, como cofundador de OpenAI y WorldCoin, está explorando diferentes áreas de la tecnología y la innovación. #OpenAI #SamAltman #WorldApp #Worldcoin #blockchain
Sabías que WorldCoin ahora hoy en día llamado (World App), es un proyecto de criptomonedas y tecnología blockchain que se enfoca en crear una forma de identificación digital descentralizada y segura.

Y, efectivamente, el cofundador de OpenAI, Sam Altman, también es el cofundador de WorldCoin. Altman es un empresario y inversor que se ha enfocado en desarrollar tecnologías innovadoras en áreas como la inteligencia artificial, la blockchain y la criptomoneda.

WorldCoin es un proyecto que busca utilizar la tecnología blockchain para crear una forma de identificación digital que sea segura, descentralizada y accesible para todos. El proyecto ha generado un gran interés en la comunidad de la criptomoneda y la tecnología blockchain. $WLD

Es interesante ver cómo Sam Altman, como cofundador de OpenAI y WorldCoin, está explorando diferentes áreas de la tecnología y la innovación. #OpenAI #SamAltman #WorldApp #Worldcoin #blockchain
币世界中本聪 Satoshi Nakamoto
2024 加密市场风云变幻,2025 前景几何?
周五,美股指普跌,纳指盘中跌幅2.2%,标普500指数跌幅1.5%,道琼斯指数跌幅1%。Vanda Researc 数据显示,英伟达今年吸金298亿美元,取代特斯拉成为今年散户净流入量最大。经济学家Gregory Daco表示:当美联储在明年春季重新审视其利率预测时,它可能会呈现出更鸽派的观点。
OpenAI 首席执行官阿尔特曼希望将这一由非营利机构管理的人工智能开发公司转变为营利性公司,而他面临的最大障碍是微软,该公司在这一过程中的影响力很大,因为其向 OpenAl 承诺投入超过130亿美元。如果 OpenAl 未能在未来两年内完成转变,最近融资的投资者可以收回他们的资金,以及 9% 的利息,总计约72亿美元。Strive 资产管理公司向美国监管机构申请批准上市一支投资于 MicroStrategy 及其他企业发行的可转换债券的基金(ETF),该 ETF 旨在提供对"BTC债券"的敞口,这些债券被描述为"由MicroStrategy 或其他公司发行的可转换债券"。CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju 表示:2024年,155万BTC流入了积累地址,主要与ETF、MicroStrategy和托管地址相关。Santiment 表示,CEX 仪表板数据显示,圣诞市场普遍下跌之后,鲸鱼将稳定币转移至平台,尽管这并不保证鲸鱼会立即使用这些稳定币,但可以将其视为2024年即将结束时的信号。Santiment 表示,从历史上看,通常在大众不再期待的时候才会看到11万美元的BTC。美国证券交易委员会(SEC)前诉讼顾问Teresa Goody Guillen 表示:预计SEC在新的一年里针对加密货币公司提起的案件将会减少,SEC将只能在涉及证券的情况下提起诉讼,若诉讼不涉及证券,则须将不良行为者转交给其他监管机构,例如美国商品期货交易委员会。
分析师Jake Ostrovskis 接受采访时表示:传统的对冲基金此前一直在等待 ETF 为加密货币提供接入渠道,现在它们迅速行动,因为它们看到了市场中的机会。其认为,企业的资本池更强,明年这一趋势将成为重要推动力,尤其是在机构投资者进入的基础上。GreeksLive 分析师 Adam 表示:12月27日是年度交割,180亿美元期权到期,BTC 期权最大痛点 85000 美元,名义价值141.7亿美元。ETH 期权最大痛点 3000 美元,名义价值 37.4亿美元。2024年BTC翻倍,特别是 11月以来的年底行情,让整个市场对 2025年的预期非常乐观,明年1月份川普上任,加密支持者马斯克也将会具有更大的能量,无论是主流金融更加深入的融合加密,还是美国以及各大巨头公司储备BTC,都将会给整个加密市场带来正面影响,按照以往牛市的经验,接下来几个月将会板块轮动的牛市。12月26日,美国BTC现货ETF净流入4.7515亿美元。其中:贝莱德 IBIT 净流入 5650 万美元,富达 FBTC 净流入 2.544 亿美元。美国ETH现货 ETF 净流入1.177亿美元。对冲基金和风投机构 Pantera Capital CEO DanMorehead 表示:BTC的价格走势一贯遵循四年减半周期,减半导致供应减少,BTC通常会出现显著上涨,根据历史趋势预测BTC将在2025年8月达到本轮周期的峰值,仍然前景可期。
美国至12月21日当周初请失业金人数 21.9万人,持续申领人数升至191万,重复申领人数呈逐步上升趋势,就业市场正在降温,但还没有达到令美联储担忧的程度。经济学家GregoryDaco表示,当美联储在明年春季重新审视其利率预测时,它可能会呈现出更鸽派的观点,高度依赖数据的美联储,降息预期被调高,并不令人意外。Vanda Researc 数据显示,英伟达今年吸金298亿美元,取代特斯拉成为今年散户净买入量最大的股票,反映出投资者仍在追逐科技股牛市。花旗分析师预测,2025 年加密货币会迎来增长,推动因素包括川普的政策,ETF 流入增加以及稳定币创新,川普提名的SEC成员和支持加密的立场正在塑造一个对数字资产更为友好的市场,ETF 为更多美国机构投资者打开了大门。周五,美股指普跌,纳指盘中跌幅2.2%,标普500指数跌幅1.5%,道琼斯指数跌幅1%,BTC跌幅2%,山寨们跟跌大饼半个月,今天以太和部分山寨翻绿。双节期间流动性下降,市场清淡,尚未体现出新的一年资本流入前景。币市分析师和机构们向来注重"传统",2020、2021、2023、2024年第一季度,市场均曾出现强势回暖,现在已经临近2025年第一季度了,希望第一季度再现强势景象,新的一年,保持乐观。#2025加密趋势预测
🚀 OpenAI cambia de rumbo: ¿una corporación de beneficio público? 🔥 OpenAI considera convertirse en una corporación de beneficio público (PBC) para recaudar fondos y gestionar operaciones comerciales, mientras mantiene una organización sin fines de lucro para actividades benéficas. Esto podría impactar su estructura y objetivos. #OpenAI #BeneficioPublico #Innovación $BTC $TON $OP
🚀 OpenAI cambia de rumbo: ¿una corporación de beneficio público? 🔥

OpenAI considera convertirse en una corporación de beneficio público (PBC) para recaudar fondos y gestionar operaciones comerciales, mientras mantiene una organización sin fines de lucro para actividades benéficas. Esto podría impactar su estructura y objetivos. #OpenAI #BeneficioPublico #Innovación
AI大战一触即发!马斯克与Altman恩怨情仇,全球AI未来谁主沉浮?如果两位科技界的超级大佬,马斯克和Altman,从携手共创OpenAI的辉煌,到如今法庭相见,反目成仇,这背后到底隐藏着怎样的惊天秘密?他们的争执,不仅关乎AI的未来走向,更牵动着全球市场的神经,甚至可能改变人类文明的轨迹! 想当年,马斯克和Altman怀揣着同样的梦想,共同创立了OpenAI,誓言要以非营利的方式研究和推广AI,让这项技术真正造福人类。那时的他们,志同道合,意气风发,仿佛整个世界都在他们脚下。 然而,好景不长,随着OpenAI逐渐走向营利模式,马斯克与Altman之间的裂痕也越来越大。马斯克认为,这违背了当初的承诺,甚至可能触犯法律。而Altman则辩称,AI的开发成本高昂,转型是迫不得已的选择。两人的矛盾,从此一发不可收拾。 马斯克更是火力全开,不仅多次在媒体上公开炮轰Altman,还发起了一系列法律诉讼,试图阻止OpenAI的营利之路。而Altman也不甘示弱,表示马斯克的动机更多是出于竞争压力,而非真正关心公益。两人的恩怨情仇,成为了科技界的一大看点。 更有趣的是,这场AI大战还引来了Meta的插手。Meta致函加州检方,要求阻止OpenAI转型为营利模式,声称这可能为非营利机构提供不公平的税务优惠。这一举动,无疑让这场大战更加扑朔迷离。 而马斯克也不甘示弱,成立了AI公司X.AI,直接与OpenAI打对台。两人的观点截然不同,马斯克似乎更倾向于将AI技术掌握在自己手中,而Altman则坚持认为AI应该造福全人类,而不是沦为商业或个人利益的工具。 在这场AI大战中,我们还不得不提到一个关键问题:美中博弈下的AI技术掌控权之争。Altman表示,如果中国在全球AI军备竞赛中领先,可能会对美国及整个世界的安全和经济造成重大影响。因此,美国必须加大对国内芯片厂和数据中心的投资力度,以保持竞争力。 那么,在这场AI大战中,到底谁能笑到最后呢?是马斯克的X.AI能够独占鳌头,还是Altman的OpenAI能够继续引领潮流?又或者,这场大战最终会走向和解,共同推动AI技术的发展? 我们不得而知,但可以肯定的是,这场AI大战已经引起了全球的关注,成为了科技界的一大热点。而在这场大战中,我们每一个人都有可能成为见证者,甚至参与者。 所以,你准备好迎接这场AI大战了吗?让我们一起期待,见证这场科技界的巅峰对决吧! 更多新闻快讯分析、币价实时分析和预测、SWAP跨链兑换请访问:🤖👉访问 以上内容仅供信息分享,不构成任何投资建议!投资有风险,入市需谨慎! 关注我,每天为您分享更多行情资讯。 #AI #马斯克概念 #OpenAI



#AI #马斯克概念 #OpenAI
加密货币晚间整理1.以色列官员表示,也门袭击不会是最后一次,以色列空军对也门的关键地点发动了袭击,包括萨那国际机场和荷台达港以及多个石油和能源设施 2.白俄罗斯总统表示将接收俄罗斯奥列什尼克导弹系统,总统亚历山大·卢卡申科宣布白俄罗斯将首先从俄罗斯接收十套导弹系统,并强调如果俄罗斯人想部署更多,他们就会部署更多 3.据悉,中国第六代隐形战斗机在歼20巨龙护航下进行了首飞 4.费城联储透露,之前拜登政府此前声称增加了65.3万个美国就业岗位,但2023年第二季度美国就业岗位却大幅下降,巨大的差异表明2020年后就业数据持续存在的问题(图1) 5.据悉,中国人工智能将打破芯片壁垒 #DeepSeek 挑战 #OpenAI 虽然受到美国芯片制裁,中国人工智能初创企业正在高速发展 DeepSeek和Moonshot AI声称其性能可与OpenAI的模型相媲美,它们使用强化学习和专家混合等创新技术来克服技术限制,数据显示结果还不错,这标志着中国人工智能的实力 6.标普500是泡沫吗?该泡沫什么时候破裂呢?(图2) 7.Stifel的Bannister表示,增长放缓和核心通胀率保持在3%附近可能会导致股市10%的修正(姑且不考虑每年10%的修正的情况下),因为标准普尔500指数市盈率过度扩张了,这可能预示着即将到来的修正(图3) 他认为 #Fed 在两次降息后会因粘性通胀和0财政可见性而暂停,从经济和政策角度来看2025年中期左右风险最大,并指出即便是新上任总统,但在美国历史上也很少有将残局收拾干净的颠覆者,从而增加了风险(图4) 8.英伟达 #NVIDIA 一直是散户投资者喜欢的股票,在今年吸引了个人投资者300亿美元的巨额资金流入,根据VandaResearch数据显示,净流入量同比2021年增长9倍 第2受欢迎的是S&P 500 ETF 9.美国最近的降息100个基点,导致10年期债券收益率上涨100个基点,债券市场正在向美联储发出信号:即追求降息周期可能从根本上是错误的,似乎有越来越多的人倾向于实施收益率曲线控制以应对这些市场动态 10.上周首次申请失业救济人数降到21.9万,而市场预期为22.3万,持续申领失业救济金人数上涨到3年来的最高水平,达到191万 解读一下: 初请失业金人数下降,但失业率却上升,美国劳动力市场紧张中的两种趋势 上周美国初请失业金人数小幅下降到21.9万人,低于预期的22.4万人,11月份触及7个月低点以来的最低水平,尽管通胀高企且美联储采取限制性政策但劳动力市场仍具有弹性 但有一个转折,持续申请失业救济人数上升到191万人,这可是三年来的最高水平,这说明什么? 新申请失业救济人数的下降表明公司正在留住工人,但持续申请失业救济人数的上升表明求职者正在努力寻找新的机会,表明失业者找工作变得更加困难 在当今高通胀高利率的经济中,美联储的紧缩货币政策主要通过冷却支出来抑制通胀,但由于劳动力市场紧张,工人和企业都面临着日益棘手的经济形势 如果你觉得内容有用,请关注本人推特,对发表内容有任何疑问,可评论区交流!



5.据悉,中国人工智能将打破芯片壁垒 #DeepSeek 挑战 #OpenAI 虽然受到美国芯片制裁,中国人工智能初创企业正在高速发展
DeepSeek和Moonshot AI声称其性能可与OpenAI的模型相媲美,它们使用强化学习和专家混合等创新技术来克服技术限制,数据显示结果还不错,这标志着中国人工智能的实力


他认为 #Fed 在两次降息后会因粘性通胀和0财政可见性而暂停,从经济和政策角度来看2025年中期左右风险最大,并指出即便是新上任总统,但在美国历史上也很少有将残局收拾干净的颠覆者,从而增加了风险(图4)

8.英伟达 #NVIDIA 一直是散户投资者喜欢的股票,在今年吸引了个人投资者300亿美元的巨额资金流入,根据VandaResearch数据显示,净流入量同比2021年增长9倍
第2受欢迎的是S&P 500 ETF
"OpenAI Explores Development of Humanoid Robot"@openai is reportedly exploring the development of a humanoid robot, with discussions centered around advancing robotic technology.$ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) Market sources suggest that @openai aims to create a robot with sophisticated capabilities, though details remain limited. This move could signify a major leap in AI and robotics, merging @openai s expertise in artificial intelligence with the emerging field of robotics$BNB . More updates are expected as the development progresses. For more information, you can read the full article here. #OpenAI #HumanoidRobot #AI #Robotics #ArtificialIntelligence #RoboticDevelopment

"OpenAI Explores Development of Humanoid Robot"

@OpenAI is reportedly exploring the development of a humanoid robot, with discussions centered around advancing robotic technology.$ETH
Market sources suggest that @OpenAI aims to create a robot with sophisticated capabilities, though details remain limited. This move could signify a major leap in AI and robotics, merging @OpenAI s expertise in artificial intelligence with the emerging field of robotics$BNB . More updates are expected as the development progresses.
For more information, you can read the full article here.

#OpenAI #HumanoidRobot #AI #Robotics #ArtificialIntelligence #RoboticDevelopment
🚨 CEO de OpenAI critica el momento de publicación de artículo del WSJ sobre IA 🤖 El director ejecutivo de OpenAI, Sam Altman, expresó su sorpresa por el momento en que The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) publicó un artículo titulado "El próximo gran salto en la IA va por detrás de lo previsto y es increíblemente caro". El artículo se publicó apenas horas después de que OpenAI anunciara su modelo o3. Altman, quien considera al WSJ el mejor periódico de los Estados Unidos, señaló que el timing de la publicación fue inoportuno, especialmente dado el anuncio reciente de OpenAI. La empresa está desarrollando una nueva generación de modelos de inferencia para proporcionar información más profunda sobre las consultas de los usuarios. Para evitar conflictos de marca registrada con el operador de telecomunicaciones británico O2, OpenAI puede omitir el nombre "o2" y proceder directamente con "o3". - El artículo del WSJ cuestiona los avances y el costo de la IA, lo que contrasta con el anuncio de OpenAI sobre su modelo o3. - La crítica de Altman refleja la tensión entre la cobertura mediática y los anuncios de la industria en un campo tan dinámico como la IA. - La decisión de omitir el nombre "o2" demuestra la atención de OpenAI a los detalles legales y de marca en el lanzamiento de sus productos. Esta situación resalta la importancia de la comunicación y el timing en la difusión de noticias tecnológicas, especialmente en un sector tan competitivo y rápidamente evolutivo como la inteligencia artificial. 🚀💡 #OpenAI #IA #WSJ $BTC $NEIRO $NOT
🚨 CEO de OpenAI critica el momento de publicación de artículo del WSJ sobre IA 🤖

El director ejecutivo de OpenAI, Sam Altman, expresó su sorpresa por el momento en que The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) publicó un artículo titulado "El próximo gran salto en la IA va por detrás de lo previsto y es increíblemente caro". El artículo se publicó apenas horas después de que OpenAI anunciara su modelo o3.

Altman, quien considera al WSJ el mejor periódico de los Estados Unidos, señaló que el timing de la publicación fue inoportuno, especialmente dado el anuncio reciente de OpenAI. La empresa está desarrollando una nueva generación de modelos de inferencia para proporcionar información más profunda sobre las consultas de los usuarios. Para evitar conflictos de marca registrada con el operador de telecomunicaciones británico O2, OpenAI puede omitir el nombre "o2" y proceder directamente con "o3".

- El artículo del WSJ cuestiona los avances y el costo de la IA, lo que contrasta con el anuncio de OpenAI sobre su modelo o3.

- La crítica de Altman refleja la tensión entre la cobertura mediática y los anuncios de la industria en un campo tan dinámico como la IA.

- La decisión de omitir el nombre "o2" demuestra la atención de OpenAI a los detalles legales y de marca en el lanzamiento de sus productos.

Esta situación resalta la importancia de la comunicación y el timing en la difusión de noticias tecnológicas, especialmente en un sector tan competitivo y rápidamente evolutivo como la inteligencia artificial. 🚀💡 #OpenAI #IA #WSJ $BTC $NEIRO $NOT
📰 Latest News from the USA 🇺🇸 1. 🚨 CEO Murder in New York Brian Thompson, CEO of UnitedHealthcare, was tragically murdered in New York City on December 4. Luigi Mangione, 26, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder. This incident is gaining significant attention, with authorities treating it as an act of terrorism. Source: Reuters 2. ⚖️ Appeals Court Removes Prosecutor from #Trump's Election Case A Georgia appeals court has ruled that District Attorney Fani Willis must be removed from overseeing the election interference case against Donald Trump due to a potential conflict of interest. This decision is likely to affect the progress of the case. Source: The New York Times 3. 📱 #TikTok Faces Potential U.S. Ban TikTok faces growing pressure from U.S. lawmakers, with the app potentially being removed from U.S. app stores by 2025. This follows ongoing concerns about national security and data privacy issues related to the Chinese-owned company. Source: NBC News 4. 💥 #Putin Suggests "Missile Duel" with the U.S. Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned of a potential "missile duel" with the U.S. and defended the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine, heightening tensions between the two countries. Source: The Washington Post 5. 🤖 #OpenAI to Offer Free Calls for ChatGPT in the U.S. OpenAI has announced that U.S. users will now be able to make free calls to ChatGPT, a move aimed at making artificial intelligence more accessible across the country. Source: TechCrunch 6. ☢️ China Expands Nuclear Arsenal, Pentagon Warns The Pentagon has issued a warning that China is rapidly expanding its nuclear arsenal, a development with serious implications for global security and strategic stability. Source: Reuters $BTC $ETH $BNB #MarketCorrectionBuyOrHODL #CryptoUsersHit18M
📰 Latest News from the USA 🇺🇸

1. 🚨 CEO Murder in New York
Brian Thompson, CEO of UnitedHealthcare, was tragically murdered in New York City on December 4. Luigi Mangione, 26, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder. This incident is gaining significant attention, with authorities treating it as an act of terrorism.
Source: Reuters

2. ⚖️ Appeals Court Removes Prosecutor from #Trump's Election Case
A Georgia appeals court has ruled that District Attorney Fani Willis must be removed from overseeing the election interference case against Donald Trump due to a potential conflict of interest. This decision is likely to affect the progress of the case.
Source: The New York Times

3. 📱 #TikTok Faces Potential U.S. Ban
TikTok faces growing pressure from U.S. lawmakers, with the app potentially being removed from U.S. app stores by 2025. This follows ongoing concerns about national security and data privacy issues related to the Chinese-owned company.
Source: NBC News

4. 💥 #Putin Suggests "Missile Duel" with the U.S.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned of a potential "missile duel" with the U.S. and defended the use of nuclear weapons in Ukraine, heightening tensions between the two countries.
Source: The Washington Post

5. 🤖 #OpenAI to Offer Free Calls for ChatGPT in the U.S.
OpenAI has announced that U.S. users will now be able to make free calls to ChatGPT, a move aimed at making artificial intelligence more accessible across the country.
Source: TechCrunch

6. ☢️ China Expands Nuclear Arsenal, Pentagon Warns
The Pentagon has issued a warning that China is rapidly expanding its nuclear arsenal, a development with serious implications for global security and strategic stability.
Source: Reuters

#MarketCorrectionBuyOrHODL #CryptoUsersHit18M
📱 #ChatGPT Lanza Interacción Telefónica para Usuarios de EE. UU. 📞 #OpenAI ha anunciado que ChatGPT ahora admite llamadas telefónicas para los usuarios de Estados Unidos. Al marcar el número 1-800-CHAT-GPT (1-800-242-8478), los #usuarios pueden interactuar con ChatGPT desde teléfonos fijos y móviles. Esta función también está integrada con WhatsApp, permitiendo enviar consultas al mismo número. Los usuarios tienen derecho a 15 minutos de llamadas gratuitas por mes, con la posibilidad de más funciones y límites de uso más altos a través de sus cuentas web y móvil. $BTC $WAXP $WAN
📱 #ChatGPT Lanza Interacción Telefónica para Usuarios de EE. UU. 📞

#OpenAI ha anunciado que ChatGPT ahora admite llamadas telefónicas para los usuarios de Estados Unidos. Al marcar el número 1-800-CHAT-GPT (1-800-242-8478), los #usuarios pueden interactuar con ChatGPT desde teléfonos fijos y móviles. Esta función también está integrada con WhatsApp, permitiendo enviar consultas al mismo número. Los usuarios tienen derecho a 15 minutos de llamadas gratuitas por mes, con la posibilidad de más funciones y límites de uso más altos a través de sus cuentas web y móvil.
眼球扫描币圈新宠Worldcoin:风雨飘摇后,它将何去何从?你是否听说过那个让人既好奇又担忧的眼球扫描项目——Worldcoin?这个由OpenAI大佬Sam Altman联手创办的数字货币项目,一度在币圈掀起了轩然大波。但今年,它可真是经历了不少风波:监管打压、调查频现,甚至在眼球扫描站还爆发了冲突! 尽管如此,Altman的这个加密货币驱动的在线身份认证项目却仍在以惊人的速度扩张——只不过,不是在欧洲。 面对欧盟严格的数据隐私法规,Worldcoin的眼球扫描站点在过去三个月里仅在欧洲新增了16个。相比之下,拉丁美洲的站点数量却激增了70%以上,达到了430多个!墨西哥一国就拥有超过149个Worldcoin站点,几乎是整个欧盟的六倍! 这一从欧洲向发展中国家的转变,无疑凸显了Worldcoin近期的战略调整。就在前几周,该项目还缩短了名称,从“Worldcoin”变为了简洁的“World”,并将眼球扫描站点数量几乎翻倍,注册用户已高达800万。 但你知道吗?尽管Worldcoin在拉美的扩张势头迅猛,它的加密货币WLD却并未因此一帆风顺。自第三季度末以来,WLD虽然上涨了38%,但相比其3月的历史高点,仍下跌了超过75%! 这不禁让人发问:Worldcoin的眼球扫描计划,真的靠谱吗? 在欧洲,Worldcoin因未经许可就大规模收集用户生物特征数据而屡遭调查。从新加坡、香港到英国、西班牙和葡萄牙,各国监管机构纷纷出手。葡萄牙的数据监管机构CNPD甚至因Worldcoin收集未成年人数据而对其进行了处罚。 而德国巴伐利亚州数据保护办公室(BayLDA)更是对Worldcoin展开了长达两年的调查,以确定其是否侵犯了消费者的数据隐私权。如果Worldcoin无法合规运营,它可能会被禁止在整个欧盟27国开展业务! 如果失去了欧盟这4.48亿潜在用户,Worldcoin的10亿用户梦还能实现吗? 但Worldcoin的野心并未因此熄灭。它仍在全球范围内快速扩张,尽管在一些国家和地区已经遭遇了监管阻碍。甚至有人认为,这种“先扩张后合规”的策略与Airbnb和Uber等科技巨头的早期发展路径相似。 然而,风险也随之而来。去年9月,有报道称犯罪团伙在柏林的Worldcoin站点向流浪者、难民和瘾君子支付现金,让他们提供眼球扫描以换取加密货币回报。这种欺诈行为无疑给Worldcoin的声誉带来了极大的损害。 尽管如此,Worldcoin仍在努力前行。它表示将加强欺诈预防措施,并继续调查潜在的欺诈行为。同时,它也在积极寻求与各国监管机构的合作,以尽快实现合规运营。 那么,面对这样一个充满争议和挑战的眼球扫描项目,你会如何看待它的未来呢?是看好它的创新潜力,还是担忧它的合规风险?关注Mlion(体验请访问:🤖👉,为你持续提供Worldcoin的未来走向。作为Web3领域的AI投研助手,Mlion将实时新闻与AI深度分析结合,为你提供精准的市场洞察和投资建议。无论是币价预测、项目研报,还是快速捕捉市场热点,Mlion都能帮助你提前把握机会。 更重要的是,Mlion平台现在推出了全新功能——ML SWAP,可以实现一键跨链交换,方便快捷。支持50多条链,40多种插件钱包,SOL、BTC链都能轻松搞定。特别是BTC链,别的平台做不到的合约跨链交换,Mlion帮你实现! 更棒的是,ML SWAP 还在进行限时活动! 🚀双重奖励+500 USDT大奖等你来拿! 无论你是新手玩家,还是交易高手,这场盛宴都为你量身打造!平台推出了多项活动补贴,让用户在交易的同时,还能赚取积分,兑换AI会员等丰厚奖励。这样的机会,可谓是“一箭N雕”,既满足了交易需求,又享受了额外的收益。 更多新闻快讯分析、币价实时分析和预测、SWAP跨链兑换请访问:🤖👉访问 以上内容仅供信息分享,不构成任何投资建议!投资有风险,入市需谨慎! 关注我,每天为您分享更多行情资讯。 #Worldcoin #OpenAI #加密货币社区 #区块链超话


你是否听说过那个让人既好奇又担忧的眼球扫描项目——Worldcoin?这个由OpenAI大佬Sam Altman联手创办的数字货币项目,一度在币圈掀起了轩然大波。但今年,它可真是经历了不少风波:监管打压、调查频现,甚至在眼球扫描站还爆发了冲突!
更重要的是,Mlion平台现在推出了全新功能——ML SWAP,可以实现一键跨链交换,方便快捷。支持50多条链,40多种插件钱包,SOL、BTC链都能轻松搞定。特别是BTC链,别的平台做不到的合约跨链交换,Mlion帮你实现!

更棒的是,ML SWAP 还在进行限时活动! 🚀双重奖励+500 USDT大奖等你来拿!
#Worldcoin #OpenAI #加密货币社区 #区块链超话
OpenAI has launched its first Asia office, OpenAI Japan, and introduced a custom model, GPT-4, specifically designed for the Japanese language. OpenAI Japan aims to create a positive impact on society through AI technology.  #openai #BullorBear #ai #GPT4 #chatgpt
OpenAI has launched its first Asia office, OpenAI Japan, and introduced a custom model, GPT-4, specifically designed for the Japanese language.

OpenAI Japan aims to create a positive impact on society through AI technology. 

#openai #BullorBear #ai #GPT4 #chatgpt
Biggest Gainers since OpenAI Fired & Rehired Sam Altman Akash Network (AKT) was the largest gainer since OpenAI’s announcement to fire Sam Altman on November 17, 2023, increasing by 61.1% from $1.02 to $1.65 on November 23, 2023. It peaked at 80.4% on November 20, when its price increased to $1.85. OriginTrail (TRAC) was the second largest gainer, increasing by 45.8% from $0.26 to $0.38 in the same period. At its height, it increased 50.9% by November 20, when its price reached $0.40. Bittensor (TAO) came in close as the third largest gainer, increasing by 33.9% from $171.87 to $230.15 in the same period. It reached its peak of 71.3% on November 20, when its price reached $294.39. #openai #CryptoTrends2024 $ETH $BTC
Biggest Gainers since OpenAI Fired & Rehired Sam Altman

Akash Network (AKT) was the largest gainer since OpenAI’s announcement to fire Sam Altman on November 17, 2023, increasing by 61.1% from $1.02 to $1.65 on November 23, 2023. It peaked at 80.4% on November 20, when its price increased to $1.85.
OriginTrail (TRAC) was the second largest gainer, increasing by 45.8% from $0.26 to $0.38 in the same period. At its height, it increased 50.9% by November 20, when its price reached $0.40.
Bittensor (TAO) came in close as the third largest gainer, increasing by 33.9% from $171.87 to $230.15 in the same period. It reached its peak of 71.3% on November 20, when its price reached $294.39.

#openai #CryptoTrends2024 $ETH $BTC
#chatgpt will change our world,says Microsoft's Bill Gates According to an interview with German business newspaper Handelsblatt, #Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates thinks the development of ChatGPT,a #chatbot that remarkably mimics human responses to user inquiries. #ai #openai
#chatgpt will change our world,says Microsoft's Bill Gates

According to an interview with German business newspaper Handelsblatt, #Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates thinks the development of ChatGPT,a #chatbot that remarkably mimics human responses to user inquiries.

#ai #openai
$BTC ✅ BTC has recovered above $58k, but the folks at BitFinex are warning that after the Federal Reserve meeting on September 18, we might see Bitcoin drop to $40k 👀 Wednesday's news: ✔️ Yesterday, Nvidia shares fell by 10% after news of receiving a subpoena from the US Department of Justice as part of an antitrust investigation. ✔️ Vitalik Buterin received 1.268 million STRK, making Starknet the second-largest project in his portfolio 🕔 ✔️ Switzerland's fourth-largest bank, ZKB, launched a cryptocurrency trading service 💪 ✔️ Bloomberg: China intends to cut mortgage rates by 80 basis points 🤔 ✔️ Elon Musk launched the 𝕏 TV app on Android. ✔️ Family members of Trump had their accounts hacked and used to promote a scam token.🔪 ✔️ Polygon has started converting MATIC tokens to POL at a 1:1 ratio. ✔️ DeFi World Liberty Financial, created by Trump's sons, will have lending protocol functionality similar to Aave and is largely copied from Dough Finance. ✔️ Hackers stole $27.3 million from the DeFi protocol Penpie, laundering part of the funds through Tornado Cash.😞 ✔️ Ripple CEO promises to release the stablecoin RUSD by the end of the month. ✔️ OpenAI's new neural network, GPT Next, is set to launch this year.💪 ✔️ CFTC accused leading DEX Uniswap of illegal derivatives trading. ✔️ Study: 96% of NFT collections on the market are dead, with an average project lifespan of 1.14 years ☠️ ✔️ Former Mt. Gox scam exchange CEO Mark Karpeles announced the launch of a new trading platform in September. #ETH #MTGOX #openai #xrp #NFT
$BTC ✅ BTC has recovered above $58k, but the folks at BitFinex are warning that after the Federal Reserve meeting on September 18, we might see Bitcoin drop to $40k 👀

Wednesday's news:

✔️ Yesterday, Nvidia shares fell by 10% after news of receiving a subpoena from the US Department of Justice as part of an antitrust investigation.

✔️ Vitalik Buterin received 1.268 million STRK, making Starknet the second-largest project in his portfolio 🕔

✔️ Switzerland's fourth-largest bank, ZKB, launched a cryptocurrency trading service 💪

✔️ Bloomberg: China intends to cut mortgage rates by 80 basis points 🤔

✔️ Elon Musk launched the 𝕏 TV app on Android.

✔️ Family members of Trump had their accounts hacked and used to promote a scam token.🔪

✔️ Polygon has started converting MATIC tokens to POL at a 1:1 ratio.

✔️ DeFi World Liberty Financial, created by Trump's sons, will have lending protocol functionality similar to Aave and is largely copied from Dough Finance.

✔️ Hackers stole $27.3 million from the DeFi protocol Penpie, laundering part of the funds through Tornado Cash.😞

✔️ Ripple CEO promises to release the stablecoin RUSD by the end of the month.

✔️ OpenAI's new neural network, GPT Next, is set to launch this year.💪

✔️ CFTC accused leading DEX Uniswap of illegal derivatives trading.

✔️ Study: 96% of NFT collections on the market are dead, with an average project lifespan of 1.14 years ☠️

✔️ Former Mt. Gox scam exchange CEO Mark Karpeles announced the launch of a new trading platform in September.
#ETH #MTGOX #openai #xrp #NFT
MiniMax, a Chinese startup that develops AI solutions comparable to OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which is supported by Microsoft, is nearing the end of a funding round that will raise over $250 million and give it a valuation of around $1.2 billion. #openai #ai #crypto2023 #microsoft
MiniMax, a Chinese startup that develops AI solutions comparable to OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which is supported by Microsoft, is nearing the end of a funding round that will raise over $250 million and give it a valuation of around $1.2 billion.

#openai #ai #crypto2023 #microsoft
🤖 AI News (January 10, 2024): 1️⃣ Gates Notes: #microsoft Co-founder Bill Gates, in his 2024 forecast, stated that artificial intelligence can make the world a fairer place. Gates sees the potential, for example, of using #ai in the development of new medicines, as this field requires processing vast amounts of information. 💡 2️⃣ Reuters: Since its launch in August, the neural network Ernie Bot from the Chinese tech giant Baidu has attracted over 100 million users. Baidu's search engine holds over 76% of the internet market share in China, with approximately 705 million users out of the country's 1.4 billion population. Thus, Ernie Bot has reached about 7% of the population. 🌐 3️⃣ On January 5th, writers from the USA, Nicholas Basbaines and Nicholas Gage, filed a lawsuit against #openai and Microsoft, accusing the companies of stealing their works to train large language AI models. 🤯 🌟 Support our channel! Vote for us [here]( 4️⃣ Binance Research: The funding volume for AI-related projects in the #web3 sphere reached $298 million by the end of 2023—surpassing the cumulative figure for the previous seven years ($148.5 million). 💰 5️⃣ SAG-AFTRA: The AI audio design company Replica Studios has reached an agreement with the Screen Actors Guild‐American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) regarding the use of AI-generated voices in video game voiceovers. The contract establishes rules on how the voices of union members can be utilized. Specifically, Replica has obtained the rights to create "audio doubles" of actors in games with their consent. 🎮
🤖 AI News (January 10, 2024):

1️⃣ Gates Notes: #microsoft Co-founder Bill Gates, in his 2024 forecast, stated that artificial intelligence can make the world a fairer place. Gates sees the potential, for example, of using #ai in the development of new medicines, as this field requires processing vast amounts of information. 💡

2️⃣ Reuters: Since its launch in August, the neural network Ernie Bot from the Chinese tech giant Baidu has attracted over 100 million users. Baidu's search engine holds over 76% of the internet market share in China, with approximately 705 million users out of the country's 1.4 billion population. Thus, Ernie Bot has reached about 7% of the population. 🌐

3️⃣ On January 5th, writers from the USA, Nicholas Basbaines and Nicholas Gage, filed a lawsuit against #openai and Microsoft, accusing the companies of stealing their works to train large language AI models. 🤯

🌟 Support our channel! Vote for us here.

4️⃣ Binance Research: The funding volume for AI-related projects in the #web3 sphere reached $298 million by the end of 2023—surpassing the cumulative figure for the previous seven years ($148.5 million). 💰

5️⃣ SAG-AFTRA: The AI audio design company Replica Studios has reached an agreement with the Screen Actors Guild‐American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) regarding the use of AI-generated voices in video game voiceovers. The contract establishes rules on how the voices of union members can be utilized. Specifically, Replica has obtained the rights to create "audio doubles" of actors in games with their consent. 🎮
Elon Musk vs. OpenAI: A Legal Clash That Could Redefine the AI LandscapeIs Elon Musk Fighting for AI’s Future or His Own? What You Need to Know About the OpenAI Lawsuit 🤔⚖️ Elon Musk, a tech billionaire and co-founder of OpenAI, is making waves in the AI world with his lawsuit against OpenAI. Musk claims that the organization has drifted from its original nonprofit mission. But is this legal action truly about protecting the future of AI, or is it a strategic move to benefit his own AI company, xAI? Let’s break it down with simple, easy-to-follow insights. 🌟🤖 🔍 5 Key Issues at the Heart of Musk vs. OpenAI 1️⃣ OpenAI’s Transition to a For-Profit Model 🏢 Musk argues that OpenAI’s shift from a nonprofit to a for-profit entity is a betrayal of its founding principles. Originally established to ensure AI benefits humanity, Musk believes OpenAI now prioritizes profits over ethics. 2️⃣ Exclusive Deals With Microsoft 🤝 Musk’s lawsuit calls out exclusive agreements between OpenAI and Microsoft, describing them as “predatory.” He claims these deals dominate 70% of the generative AI market, stifling competition and blocking smaller players like xAI. 3️⃣ Public Safety Concerns 🚨 Musk’s legal team emphasizes the risks of unchecked AI development. They argue that OpenAI’s profit-driven approach could lead to unsafe AI technologies, jeopardizing public trust and safety. 4️⃣ Stifling Competition 🌍 The lawsuit accuses OpenAI of creating barriers for emerging AI companies by monopolizing resources and funding. Musk believes this harms innovation and undermines the diversity of ideas in AI development. 5️⃣ Musk’s Own Interests in xAI 🤖 Critics argue that Musk’s motivations may not be entirely altruistic. As the founder of xAI, Musk has a vested interest in leveling the playing field, raising questions about whether this lawsuit is about ethics—or competition. 📊 What Could This Mean for AI’s Future? 🚀 Outcome 1: OpenAI Faces Restrictions If Musk’s lawsuit succeeds, OpenAI could face limits on its agreements with Microsoft or even revert to its nonprofit status. This would open opportunities for smaller competitors. ⚖️ Outcome 2: OpenAI Prevails If OpenAI defends its actions successfully, it would solidify its dominance in the AI market but could face ongoing public scrutiny. 🌐 Outcome 3: A Push for Regulation This case highlights the urgent need for AI regulations. Governments may introduce policies to ensure fair competition and safe AI practices. 🛡️ What Should AI Enthusiasts and Investors Do Now? 1️⃣ Diversify Your Portfolio 💼 Don’t put all your investments into one AI company. Diversifying across various players reduces risk and increases potential rewards. 2️⃣ Keep an Eye on Regulatory Changes 📜 This lawsuit underscores the importance of AI regulation. Stay informed about evolving policies that could impact the industry. 3️⃣ Support Open-Source Projects 🌐 Open-source AI initiatives prioritize transparency and collaboration. These projects could emerge as strong alternatives to centralized AI giants. 4️⃣ Focus on Ethical Companies 🤝 Invest in companies that demonstrate a commitment to ethical AI development. These organizations are more likely to gain public trust and long-term success. 5️⃣ Stay Curious and Informed 💡 Follow the latest updates in the AI space. Knowledge will help you make smarter decisions, whether as an investor or a tech enthusiast. 🔥 Is This About Ethics or Just Business as Usual? Elon Musk’s legal battle with OpenAI goes beyond courtroom drama. It raises critical questions about ethics, competition, and the future of AI. Whether Musk’s motives are purely noble or partially self-serving, this case will undoubtedly shape the next chapter of the AI industry. 💬 What’s your take on Musk’s lawsuit? Is he protecting the future of AI, or is this just about xAI? Let’s discuss below! 👉 Follow me for clear and engaging updates on AI, crypto, and tech trends. Let’s navigate this exciting world together! 🚀 #AIRevolution #ElonMusk #OpenAI #xAI #AIUpdates 🤖✨ Can Holding 1,000 XRP Make You Rich by 2025? The Truth Revealed! 👉[Read more..](

Elon Musk vs. OpenAI: A Legal Clash That Could Redefine the AI Landscape

Is Elon Musk Fighting for AI’s Future or His Own? What You Need to Know About the OpenAI Lawsuit 🤔⚖️

Elon Musk, a tech billionaire and co-founder of OpenAI, is making waves in the AI world with his lawsuit against OpenAI. Musk claims that the organization has drifted from its original nonprofit mission. But is this legal action truly about protecting the future of AI, or is it a strategic move to benefit his own AI company, xAI? Let’s break it down with simple, easy-to-follow insights. 🌟🤖
🔍 5 Key Issues at the Heart of Musk vs. OpenAI
1️⃣ OpenAI’s Transition to a For-Profit Model 🏢
Musk argues that OpenAI’s shift from a nonprofit to a for-profit entity is a betrayal of its founding principles. Originally established to ensure AI benefits humanity, Musk believes OpenAI now prioritizes profits over ethics.
2️⃣ Exclusive Deals With Microsoft 🤝
Musk’s lawsuit calls out exclusive agreements between OpenAI and Microsoft, describing them as “predatory.” He claims these deals dominate 70% of the generative AI market, stifling competition and blocking smaller players like xAI.
3️⃣ Public Safety Concerns 🚨
Musk’s legal team emphasizes the risks of unchecked AI development. They argue that OpenAI’s profit-driven approach could lead to unsafe AI technologies, jeopardizing public trust and safety.
4️⃣ Stifling Competition 🌍
The lawsuit accuses OpenAI of creating barriers for emerging AI companies by monopolizing resources and funding. Musk believes this harms innovation and undermines the diversity of ideas in AI development.
5️⃣ Musk’s Own Interests in xAI 🤖
Critics argue that Musk’s motivations may not be entirely altruistic. As the founder of xAI, Musk has a vested interest in leveling the playing field, raising questions about whether this lawsuit is about ethics—or competition.
📊 What Could This Mean for AI’s Future?
🚀 Outcome 1: OpenAI Faces Restrictions
If Musk’s lawsuit succeeds, OpenAI could face limits on its agreements with Microsoft or even revert to its nonprofit status. This would open opportunities for smaller competitors.
⚖️ Outcome 2: OpenAI Prevails
If OpenAI defends its actions successfully, it would solidify its dominance in the AI market but could face ongoing public scrutiny.
🌐 Outcome 3: A Push for Regulation
This case highlights the urgent need for AI regulations. Governments may introduce policies to ensure fair competition and safe AI practices.
🛡️ What Should AI Enthusiasts and Investors Do Now?
1️⃣ Diversify Your Portfolio 💼
Don’t put all your investments into one AI company. Diversifying across various players reduces risk and increases potential rewards.
2️⃣ Keep an Eye on Regulatory Changes 📜
This lawsuit underscores the importance of AI regulation. Stay informed about evolving policies that could impact the industry.
3️⃣ Support Open-Source Projects 🌐
Open-source AI initiatives prioritize transparency and collaboration. These projects could emerge as strong alternatives to centralized AI giants.
4️⃣ Focus on Ethical Companies 🤝
Invest in companies that demonstrate a commitment to ethical AI development. These organizations are more likely to gain public trust and long-term success.
5️⃣ Stay Curious and Informed 💡
Follow the latest updates in the AI space. Knowledge will help you make smarter decisions, whether as an investor or a tech enthusiast.
🔥 Is This About Ethics or Just Business as Usual?
Elon Musk’s legal battle with OpenAI goes beyond courtroom drama. It raises critical questions about ethics, competition, and the future of AI. Whether Musk’s motives are purely noble or partially self-serving, this case will undoubtedly shape the next chapter of the AI industry.
💬 What’s your take on Musk’s lawsuit? Is he protecting the future of AI, or is this just about xAI? Let’s discuss below!
👉 Follow me for clear and engaging updates on AI, crypto, and tech trends. Let’s navigate this exciting world together! 🚀
#AIRevolution #ElonMusk #OpenAI #xAI #AIUpdates 🤖✨

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👉👉👉 #Apple Reportedly in Talks to Deal with This Altcoin -Linked Company Apple is reportedly in discussions with #openai , a prominent artificial intelligence startup, regarding the integration of OpenAI's technology into upcoming features of the iPhone. These features are anticipated to be part of the forthcoming iPhone operating system, iOS 18, set to launch later this year. OpenAI CEO #SamAltman is involved in an altcoin project called #Worldcoin (WLD). The talks between the two tech giants have focused on the terms of a potential agreement and the specifics of incorporating OpenAI's features into iOS 18. Sources, seeking anonymity due to the confidential nature of the discussions, revealed that this signals a renewed dialogue between Apple and OpenAI. Earlier this year, the companies were in preliminary discussions about a deal, but little progress has been made since then. In addition to OpenAI, Apple is reportedly in negotiations with Alphabet's Google regarding the licensing of Gemini chatbot technology. However, Apple has not yet finalized its decision on which partners it will collaborate with for upcoming artificial intelligence features. It remains a possibility that Apple will strike a deal with both OpenAI and Google, or opt for a different provider altogether. Apple CEO Tim Cook acknowledged his personal use of OpenAI's ChatGPT last year but also acknowledged that there were "a number of problems that need to be solved." He assured that any new AI features introduced to Apple's platforms would be done "very carefully." Source - #BinanceSquareTalks
👉👉👉 #Apple Reportedly in Talks to Deal with This Altcoin -Linked Company

Apple is reportedly in discussions with #openai , a prominent artificial intelligence startup, regarding the integration of OpenAI's technology into upcoming features of the iPhone. These features are anticipated to be part of the forthcoming iPhone operating system, iOS 18, set to launch later this year.

OpenAI CEO #SamAltman is involved in an altcoin project called #Worldcoin (WLD).

The talks between the two tech giants have focused on the terms of a potential agreement and the specifics of incorporating OpenAI's features into iOS 18. Sources, seeking anonymity due to the confidential nature of the discussions, revealed that this signals a renewed dialogue between Apple and OpenAI. Earlier this year, the companies were in preliminary discussions about a deal, but little progress has been made since then.

In addition to OpenAI, Apple is reportedly in negotiations with Alphabet's Google regarding the licensing of Gemini chatbot technology. However, Apple has not yet finalized its decision on which partners it will collaborate with for upcoming artificial intelligence features. It remains a possibility that Apple will strike a deal with both OpenAI and Google, or opt for a different provider altogether.

Apple CEO Tim Cook acknowledged his personal use of OpenAI's ChatGPT last year but also acknowledged that there were "a number of problems that need to be solved." He assured that any new AI features introduced to Apple's platforms would be done "very carefully."

Source -

❗Main news for today - December 14, 2024❗ In the News $BTC $XRP 1. Southeast Asian countries are in a fierce competition to become the region’s leading AI hub.🤖 2. USA Treasury Secretary Yellen tells Trump: ‘Don’t politicize banking supervision to prevent crisis’📉 3. The body of former OpenAI employee Suchir Balaji was found in his apartment, apparently having committed su*c*de. Before his death, Balaji spoke about the copyright issues surrounding OpenAI.🧟‍♂️💀🔪 In Cryptocurrency 1. XRP soars in South Korea, Won tanks as parliament votes to impeach dent Yoon Seok-yul.📈💸 2. Thailand’s former PM and his wealthy friends believe Bitcoin will hit $850,000 – urges Thais to embrace BTC . Whales 🐋sold $400 million worth of Bitcoin.💸 If you liked my post please support me by liking, sharing and subscribing!😉 you can buy BTC and XRP here👇 {spot}(BTCUSDT) {spot}(XRPUSDT) #BTC☀ #Xrp🔥🔥 #OpenAI #newscrypto
❗Main news for today - December 14, 2024❗
In the News

1. Southeast Asian countries are in a fierce competition to become the region’s leading AI hub.🤖
2. USA Treasury Secretary Yellen tells Trump: ‘Don’t politicize banking supervision to prevent crisis’📉
3. The body of former OpenAI employee Suchir Balaji was found in his apartment, apparently having committed su*c*de.
Before his death, Balaji spoke about the copyright issues surrounding OpenAI.🧟‍♂️💀🔪

In Cryptocurrency

1. XRP soars in South Korea, Won tanks as parliament votes to impeach dent Yoon Seok-yul.📈💸
2. Thailand’s former PM and his wealthy friends believe Bitcoin will hit $850,000 – urges Thais to embrace BTC . Whales 🐋sold $400 million worth of Bitcoin.💸

If you liked my post please support me by liking, sharing and subscribing!😉
you can buy BTC and XRP here👇

#BTC☀ #Xrp🔥🔥 #OpenAI #newscrypto
🤖 AI News (November 24, 2023): 1️⃣ OpenAI: OpenAI, the #ai company, has announced the return of Sam Altman as the CEO. Less than a week has passed since his departure. 🔄 Sam Altman's unexpected return may indicate strategic changes within the company. 2️⃣ SingularityNET: As part of a partnership agreement, DFINITY and SingularityNET will merge artificial intelligence with blockchain, smart contracts, and decentralized networks. SingularityNET will integrate the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) into its AI tools marketplace. This initiative will enable developers to deploy language models within smart contracts on the blockchain. 🤝 The integration of AI and blockchain promises new perspectives for developers. 3️⃣ The Information: #meta Corporation has disbanded the team responsible for regulating and preventing potential threats in the development of artificial intelligence. Some employees from the dissolved unit have joined the company's generative AI department, while others have started working on infrastructure projects. 🌐 4️⃣ Anthropic: Team has introduced a new artificial intelligence model, Claude 2.1, with an increased contextual window of 200,000 tokens, equivalent to 500 pages of text. According to developers, users can provide the neural network with large documents, such as code snippets or financial reports. The AI takes a few minutes to process and execute the request. 🧠 5️⃣ Reuters: Shortly before Sam Altman's departure, #openai researchers warned the board of directors about a significant breakthrough in AI that "could pose a threat to humanity." Insiders referred to the employees' letter as one of many grievances that led to Altman's removal as CEO. Specifically, the leadership was concerned about the commercialization of technology before understanding its risks. ⚠️ The OpenAI community emphasizes the importance of ethical AI development. 🔗 Join the discussion.
🤖 AI News (November 24, 2023):

1️⃣ OpenAI: OpenAI, the #ai company, has announced the return of Sam Altman as the CEO. Less than a week has passed since his departure. 🔄 Sam Altman's unexpected return may indicate strategic changes within the company.

2️⃣ SingularityNET: As part of a partnership agreement, DFINITY and SingularityNET will merge artificial intelligence with blockchain, smart contracts, and decentralized networks. SingularityNET will integrate the Internet Computer Protocol (ICP) into its AI tools marketplace. This initiative will enable developers to deploy language models within smart contracts on the blockchain. 🤝 The integration of AI and blockchain promises new perspectives for developers.

3️⃣ The Information: #meta Corporation has disbanded the team responsible for regulating and preventing potential threats in the development of artificial intelligence. Some employees from the dissolved unit have joined the company's generative AI department, while others have started working on infrastructure projects. 🌐

4️⃣ Anthropic: Team has introduced a new artificial intelligence model, Claude 2.1, with an increased contextual window of 200,000 tokens, equivalent to 500 pages of text. According to developers, users can provide the neural network with large documents, such as code snippets or financial reports. The AI takes a few minutes to process and execute the request. 🧠

5️⃣ Reuters: Shortly before Sam Altman's departure, #openai researchers warned the board of directors about a significant breakthrough in AI that "could pose a threat to humanity." Insiders referred to the employees' letter as one of many grievances that led to Altman's removal as CEO. Specifically, the leadership was concerned about the commercialization of technology before understanding its risks. ⚠️ The OpenAI community emphasizes the importance of ethical AI development.

🔗 Join the discussion.
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