Binance Square
Eros crypto
The best projects and my prediction for 2025: 1- BITCOIN : 120000$ 2-Azero: 115$ 3-Kas : 1,5 $ 4-Vai :1$ 5- Matic :10$ 6- XRP : 10$ Tell me what do you think of my prediction? Have you ever invested in these projects? What's your prediction for 2025? I will post the best comments!!!🤩 Especially feel free to comment because I reserve several suprise 🎁 for the best comments !!!! Good luck everyone!!!!! #prediction

The best projects and my prediction for 2025:

1- BITCOIN : 120000$

2-Azero: 115$

3-Kas : 1,5 $

4-Vai :1$

5- Matic :10$

6- XRP : 10$

Tell me what do you think of my prediction?

Have you ever invested in these projects?

What's your prediction for 2025?

I will post the best comments!!!🤩

Especially feel free to comment because I reserve several suprise 🎁 for the best comments !!!!

Good luck everyone!!!!!


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