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ORDI Feeling the Bear Squeeze: WHERE'S THE BOTTOM? 🟥 #ORDI is feeling the market heat, dipping below its key support zone of $39.44 - $40.76. Technical analysis suggests a potential drop to the next support level around $24.0 - $25.0.🔻 While buying now $ORDI might be risky, some see this as an opportunity to average down existing positions. Here's the key takeaway: 🔏 Short-term #bearish trend: Price is likely to continue downwards. Potential support zone: $24.0 - $25.0 might act as a buying opportunity. Cautious approach recommended: Wait for confirmation of a new support level before entering. What's Your Target For ORDI??

ORDI Feeling the Bear Squeeze: WHERE'S THE BOTTOM? 🟥

#ORDI is feeling the market heat, dipping below its key support zone of $39.44 - $40.76. Technical analysis suggests a potential drop to the next support level around $24.0 - $25.0.🔻

While buying now $ORDI might be risky, some see this as an opportunity to average down existing positions.

Here's the key takeaway: 🔏

Short-term #bearish trend: Price is likely to continue downwards.

Potential support zone: $24.0 - $25.0 might act as a buying opportunity.

Cautious approach recommended: Wait for confirmation of a new support level before entering.

What's Your Target For ORDI??

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. وهذه ليست نصيحةً مالية. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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