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#ETHEREUM CHARTS WHISPER BULLISH POTENTIAL 🔥 Ethereum $ETH is taking a breather after a strong surge, finding support in a newly discovered range between $2,850 - $2,870. This could be a launchpad for the next leg up, with potential resistance at $3,250 - $3,275 in the coming days. Here's why this might be #Bullish 🚀 Support Established: The $2,850 - $2,870 range could act as a springboard for further price increases. Resistance in Sight: The $3,250 - $3,275 area presents a clear target for bulls to aim for. Altcoin Boost: Declining #ETH dominance may signal potential growth for alternative cryptocurrencies alongside ETH's rise What's Your opinion on This.


Ethereum $ETH is taking a breather after a strong surge, finding support in a newly discovered range between $2,850 - $2,870. This could be a launchpad for the next leg up, with potential resistance at $3,250 - $3,275 in the coming days.

Here's why this might be #Bullish 🚀

Support Established: The $2,850 - $2,870 range could act as a springboard for further price increases.

Resistance in Sight: The $3,250 - $3,275 area presents a clear target for bulls to aim for.

Altcoin Boost: Declining #ETH dominance may signal potential growth for alternative cryptocurrencies alongside ETH's rise

What's Your opinion on This.

إخلاء المسؤولية: تتضمن آراء أطراف خارجية. ليست نصيحةً مالية. يُمكن أن تحتوي على مُحتوى مُمول. اطلع على الشروط والأحكام.
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