Binance Square
去中心化金融能否取代傳統支付 去中心化金融能否取代傳統支付最近有很多關於 DeFi(去中心化金融)的討論。如果人們相信所有的炒作,那麼 DeFi 似乎已成定局——完全去中心化不是是否會發生的問題,而是何時發生的問題。不可否認,事情似乎確實正在朝這個方向發展。潛力、市場需求和技術都在那裡。雖然有些人推斷我們現在就可以做出改變,但這並不樂觀。


去中心化金融能否取代傳統支付最近有很多關於 DeFi(去中心化金融)的討論。如果人們相信所有的炒作,那麼 DeFi 似乎已成定局——完全去中心化不是是否會發生的問題,而是何時發生的問題。不可否認,事情似乎確實正在朝這個方向發展。潛力、市場需求和技術都在那裡。雖然有些人推斷我們現在就可以做出改變,但這並不樂觀。
比特幣 0.15% 反彈已超過61.8%,達到70%。我最近一直在想,隨着減半影響減弱,比特幣ETF通過,之前的四年週期思維會不會變得不合適了?如果真是這樣的話,我們操作起來應該會比較困難。


由於 ETF 後拋售壓力持續,比特幣短暫跌破 39,000 美元:CNBC Crypto World CNBC Crypto World 提供數位貨幣市場的最新新聞和每日交易更新,並透過備受矚目的採訪、解釋和來自不斷變化的加密行業的獨特故事,讓觀眾了解未來的發展趨勢。在今天的節目中,高盛數位資產全球主管 Mathew McDermott 解釋了美國批准現貨比特幣 ETF 對比特幣交易所意味著什麼 銀行。
由於 ETF 後拋售壓力持續,比特幣短暫跌破 39,000 美元:CNBC Crypto World

CNBC Crypto World 提供數位貨幣市場的最新新聞和每日交易更新,並透過備受矚目的採訪、解釋和來自不斷變化的加密行業的獨特故事,讓觀眾了解未來的發展趨勢。在今天的節目中,高盛數位資產全球主管 Mathew McDermott 解釋了美國批准現貨比特幣 ETF 對比特幣交易所意味著什麼

頂級加密貨幣交易員表示,以太坊挑戰者 Solana 正在為兩位數的上漲做好準備——這是他的頂級加密貨幣交易員表示,以太坊挑戰者索拉納正在為兩位數的上漲做好準備——以下是他的目標一位廣受關注的加密貨幣分析師和交易員對以太坊 (ETH) 競爭對手 Solana (SOL) 表達了看漲情緒。這位化名 Bluntz 的分析師在社群媒體平台 X 上告訴他的 237,000 名粉絲,Solana 的價值可能會比當前價值飆升 39% 以上。「我認為 SOL 可能正在準備上漲 140 美元以上。這種下降趨勢已經被測試了太多次,我不能考慮看跌,也不能忽視從高點明顯下跌的三浪走勢,看起來是修正性的。看來過去兩週的區間已經是一個基礎了,發送吧。”

頂級加密貨幣交易員表示,以太坊挑戰者 Solana 正在為兩位數的上漲做好準備——這是他的

頂級加密貨幣交易員表示,以太坊挑戰者索拉納正在為兩位數的上漲做好準備——以下是他的目標一位廣受關注的加密貨幣分析師和交易員對以太坊 (ETH) 競爭對手 Solana (SOL) 表達了看漲情緒。這位化名 Bluntz 的分析師在社群媒體平台 X 上告訴他的 237,000 名粉絲,Solana 的價值可能會比當前價值飆升 39% 以上。「我認為 SOL 可能正在準備上漲 140 美元以上。這種下降趨勢已經被測試了太多次,我不能考慮看跌,也不能忽視從高點明顯下跌的三浪走勢,看起來是修正性的。看來過去兩週的區間已經是一個基礎了,發送吧。”
Kraken CEO David Ripley Says Spot Bitcoin ETFs Will Help Grow the Overall Crypto Industry – Here’s WKraken CEO David Ripley Says Spot Bitcoin ETFs Will Help Grow the Overall Crypto Industry – Here’s WhyThe Daily HodlKraken CEO David Ripley Says Spot Bitcoin ETFs Will Help Grow the Overall Crypto Industry – Here’s WhyRhodilee Jean Dolor January 18, 2024The CEO of US-based crypto exchange Kraken says the introduction of spot Bitcoin (BTC) exchange-traded funds (ETFs) will have a bullish impact on the crypto industry.Last week, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) greenlighted BlackRock, Fidelity, Grayscale, VanEck, Bitwise, Franklin, Valkyrie, Hashdex, Ark Invest, WisdomTree and Invesco Galaxy to offer spot Bitcoin ETFs.In a new interview on Bloomberg Crypto, David Ripley says the launch of the investment product helps with Kraken’s mission to grow cryptocurrency adoption.“It’s yet another access point. It’s an easier path for some to get into cryptocurrency, to get their first exposure to Bitcoin.”He says the development will also have a positive effect on the whole crypto industry as digital asset exchanges offer services that consumers do not get from ETFs such as directly holding Bitcoin in custody.“That’s going to grow the overall ecosystem. Exposure and awareness is going to grow and these things grow the overall industry in total. It’s possible that some newer individuals to crypto may first go and buy an ETF as opposed to going to Kraken or Coinbase, some of our peers, but that’s entirely fine.”Ripley also explains why Kraken has no plan to cut fees to compete with the Bitcoin ETFs.“We view the offerings, the products different enough such that they’re really not direct substitutes, if you will. There’s a different price point for that product, but it’s a different product. and so we don’t have any plans to adjust fees or anything of the like due to this introduction. Like I said, we offer different products and services that differ in a lot of ways from the ETF.”

Kraken CEO David Ripley Says Spot Bitcoin ETFs Will Help Grow the Overall Crypto Industry – Here’s W

Kraken CEO David Ripley Says Spot Bitcoin ETFs Will Help Grow the Overall Crypto Industry – Here’s WhyThe Daily HodlKraken CEO David Ripley Says Spot Bitcoin ETFs Will Help Grow the Overall Crypto Industry – Here’s WhyRhodilee Jean Dolor January 18, 2024The CEO of US-based crypto exchange Kraken says the introduction of spot Bitcoin (BTC) exchange-traded funds (ETFs) will have a bullish impact on the crypto industry.Last week, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) greenlighted BlackRock, Fidelity, Grayscale, VanEck, Bitwise, Franklin, Valkyrie, Hashdex, Ark Invest, WisdomTree and Invesco Galaxy to offer spot Bitcoin ETFs.In a new interview on Bloomberg Crypto, David Ripley says the launch of the investment product helps with Kraken’s mission to grow cryptocurrency adoption.“It’s yet another access point. It’s an easier path for some to get into cryptocurrency, to get their first exposure to Bitcoin.”He says the development will also have a positive effect on the whole crypto industry as digital asset exchanges offer services that consumers do not get from ETFs such as directly holding Bitcoin in custody.“That’s going to grow the overall ecosystem. Exposure and awareness is going to grow and these things grow the overall industry in total. It’s possible that some newer individuals to crypto may first go and buy an ETF as opposed to going to Kraken or Coinbase, some of our peers, but that’s entirely fine.”Ripley also explains why Kraken has no plan to cut fees to compete with the Bitcoin ETFs.“We view the offerings, the products different enough such that they’re really not direct substitutes, if you will. There’s a different price point for that product, but it’s a different product. and so we don’t have any plans to adjust fees or anything of the like due to this introduction. Like I said, we offer different products and services that differ in a lot of ways from the ETF.”
VanEck 數位資產研究主管表示,比特幣何時可能創下歷史新高VanEck 數位資產研究主管表示,比特幣何時可能創下歷史新高投資巨頭 VanEck 數位資產研究主管 Matthew Sigel 表達了對比特幣(BTC)的看漲情緒。Sigel 在 Unchained 播客中表示,比特幣今年可能會飆升至 69,044 美元左右的歷史高點。「所以今年看起來是堅實的一年。我們認為比特幣將在第四季度創下歷史新高,就像在一場有爭議的選舉之後一樣。今年參加選舉的全球公民人數創歷史新高,超過近 50%。這是歷史新高——200 年的選舉歷史為變革、顛覆和更多有利於比特幣的政策提供了許多機會。”

VanEck 數位資產研究主管表示,比特幣何時可能創下歷史新高

VanEck 數位資產研究主管表示,比特幣何時可能創下歷史新高投資巨頭 VanEck 數位資產研究主管 Matthew Sigel 表達了對比特幣(BTC)的看漲情緒。Sigel 在 Unchained 播客中表示,比特幣今年可能會飆升至 69,044 美元左右的歷史高點。「所以今年看起來是堅實的一年。我們認為比特幣將在第四季度創下歷史新高,就像在一場有爭議的選舉之後一樣。今年參加選舉的全球公民人數創歷史新高,超過近 50%。這是歷史新高——200 年的選舉歷史為變革、顛覆和更多有利於比特幣的政策提供了許多機會。”
分析師稱基於以太坊的山寨幣將飆升超過 100%,更新了 Chainlink 的展望分析師稱基於以太坊的山寨幣將飆升超過 100%,更新了 Chainlink 和 的展望一位廣受關注的加密貨幣分析師和交易員看好市值排名前 100 的山寨幣。化名山寨幣 Sherpa 的分析師告訴他的 205,600 X 社交媒體平臺上的粉絲表示,他“非常強烈”地認爲,不可替代代幣 (NFT) 市場和聚合平臺 Blur (BLUR) 的原生代幣將超過 1.40 美元的歷史高點,比 1.40 美元低約 110%目前的價格是 2023 年 2 月達到的。“BLUR 是你可以押注整個 NFT 行業上漲的少數方式之一。看好大量 NFT 基礎設施。” 在撰寫本文時,BLUR 的交易價格爲 0.667 美元。談到 Chainlink (LINK),Altcoin Sherpa 表示,他“仍然非常看好”區塊鏈預言機,將其視爲“可靠的長期項目”儘管由於其相對較高的市值,它不太可能提供“令人心碎的回報”。根據 Altcoin Sherpa 的 12 小時時間框架圖表,LINK 可能在一月和二月的交易區間約爲 13.50 美元至 17 美元.Chainlink 在撰寫本文時的交易價格爲 15.80 美元。接下來是應用程序 (FET) 的去中心化人工智能平臺。據這位匿名分析師和交易員稱,儘管目前正在進行盤整,但 FET 今年似乎“相當強勁”。根據 Altcoin Sherpa 的圖表,周線圖上 FET 目前的支撐位約爲 0.608 美元,而最近的阻力位爲 0.779 美元根據 Altcoin Sherpa 的說法,FET 目前更適合中期交易,而不是短期交易。

分析師稱基於以太坊的山寨幣將飆升超過 100%,更新了 Chainlink 的展望

分析師稱基於以太坊的山寨幣將飆升超過 100%,更新了 Chainlink 和 的展望一位廣受關注的加密貨幣分析師和交易員看好市值排名前 100 的山寨幣。化名山寨幣 Sherpa 的分析師告訴他的 205,600 X 社交媒體平臺上的粉絲表示,他“非常強烈”地認爲,不可替代代幣 (NFT) 市場和聚合平臺 Blur (BLUR) 的原生代幣將超過 1.40 美元的歷史高點,比 1.40 美元低約 110%目前的價格是 2023 年 2 月達到的。“BLUR 是你可以押注整個 NFT 行業上漲的少數方式之一。看好大量 NFT 基礎設施。” 在撰寫本文時,BLUR 的交易價格爲 0.667 美元。談到 Chainlink (LINK),Altcoin Sherpa 表示,他“仍然非常看好”區塊鏈預言機,將其視爲“可靠的長期項目”儘管由於其相對較高的市值,它不太可能提供“令人心碎的回報”。根據 Altcoin Sherpa 的 12 小時時間框架圖表,LINK 可能在一月和二月的交易區間約爲 13.50 美元至 17 美元.Chainlink 在撰寫本文時的交易價格爲 15.80 美元。接下來是應用程序 (FET) 的去中心化人工智能平臺。據這位匿名分析師和交易員稱,儘管目前正在進行盤整,但 FET 今年似乎“相當強勁”。根據 Altcoin Sherpa 的圖表,周線圖上 FET 目前的支撐位約爲 0.608 美元,而最近的阻力位爲 0.779 美元根據 Altcoin Sherpa 的說法,FET 目前更適合中期交易,而不是短期交易。
Veteran Trader Tone Vays Issues Urgent Bitcoin Warning, Says Bigger Correction Looming – Here Are HiVeteran Trader Tone Vays Issues Urgent Bitcoin Warning, Says Bigger Correction Looming – Here Are His TargetsVeteran trader Tone Vays is issuing a warning that Bitcoin (BTC) could soon undergo a much bigger market correction.In a new video update, the seasoned analyst tells his 123,000 YouTube subscribers that Bitcoin could dip into the mid-$30,000 range if it fails to reclaim a key level.“All signs are pointing to a much, much bigger correction. I hope this doesn’t happen. I really hope we go up from here. I don’t want to see us correct. We’ve already dealt with a huge bear market. However, I am going to remain on the sidelines with cash until Bitcoin breaks out above these moving averages. I need to break even the second moving average. I need $44,000. I need a daily close at $44,000 or a move to $36,000. I really need that to go long Bitcoin.There could be something in between. It depends how fast or how slow we go down. It’s possible I may find a good buying opportunity down here at $39,000. But realistically, I am looking for either a move above the moving average of $44,000 or a move all the way down to $36,000 where we have a beautiful combination of the MRI (Momentum Reversal Indicator) support line on the daily chart, the 128-day moving average and the top of the channel.”The trader also says that if Bitcoin soon dips below $40,000 that would not be comparable to the historic dips before pre-halving events, when miners’ rewards are cut in half. The next halving event is expected in April.“Do I think the pre-halving dump has started? No, I wasn’t actually anticipating the pre-halving dump. The pre-halving dump usually happens a few weeks before the halving. It doesn’t happen four months before the halving.”The trader predicts Bitcoin will not revisit the $20,000 range and would only retest the $30,000 level if there was some black swan event.“I don’t see us going into the $20,000s. $30,000 is my absolute bottom low. And in order for us to even get to $30,000 something catastrophic happens.”Bitcoin is trading for $43,222 at time of writing, up nearly 2% in the last 24 hours.

Veteran Trader Tone Vays Issues Urgent Bitcoin Warning, Says Bigger Correction Looming – Here Are Hi

Veteran Trader Tone Vays Issues Urgent Bitcoin Warning, Says Bigger Correction Looming – Here Are His TargetsVeteran trader Tone Vays is issuing a warning that Bitcoin (BTC) could soon undergo a much bigger market correction.In a new video update, the seasoned analyst tells his 123,000 YouTube subscribers that Bitcoin could dip into the mid-$30,000 range if it fails to reclaim a key level.“All signs are pointing to a much, much bigger correction. I hope this doesn’t happen. I really hope we go up from here. I don’t want to see us correct. We’ve already dealt with a huge bear market. However, I am going to remain on the sidelines with cash until Bitcoin breaks out above these moving averages. I need to break even the second moving average. I need $44,000. I need a daily close at $44,000 or a move to $36,000. I really need that to go long Bitcoin.There could be something in between. It depends how fast or how slow we go down. It’s possible I may find a good buying opportunity down here at $39,000. But realistically, I am looking for either a move above the moving average of $44,000 or a move all the way down to $36,000 where we have a beautiful combination of the MRI (Momentum Reversal Indicator) support line on the daily chart, the 128-day moving average and the top of the channel.”The trader also says that if Bitcoin soon dips below $40,000 that would not be comparable to the historic dips before pre-halving events, when miners’ rewards are cut in half. The next halving event is expected in April.“Do I think the pre-halving dump has started? No, I wasn’t actually anticipating the pre-halving dump. The pre-halving dump usually happens a few weeks before the halving. It doesn’t happen four months before the halving.”The trader predicts Bitcoin will not revisit the $20,000 range and would only retest the $30,000 level if there was some black swan event.“I don’t see us going into the $20,000s. $30,000 is my absolute bottom low. And in order for us to even get to $30,000 something catastrophic happens.”Bitcoin is trading for $43,222 at time of writing, up nearly 2% in the last 24 hours.
Stablecoins Remain Blockchain and Crypto’s ‘Killer App’Amid Tech Advancements, Says Circle CEO JereCircle chief executive Jeremy Allaire thinks additional regulatory clarity will pave the way for increased stablecoin adoption in 2024.In a new interview with CNBC International TV, Allaire predicts that the recent approval of spot Bitcoin (BTC) exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the US will act as “the tide that lifts all boats” in the crypto sector.The Circle CEO notes stablecoins remained resilient throughout the crypto space’s turbulence over the past few years.“What I can say about stablecoins and what we’ve seen in the market is really a lot of people were paying attention to a lot of the scandals in this industry, and failures and bankruptcies, but at the same time, we were seeing tremendous progress being made in continued technology development.And this is a little bit like after the dot com boom and bust – people ignored consumer internet e-commerce, but actually the technology continued to develop, and so we saw that happen last year, and we’ve seen stablecoins in particular remain the killer app of blockchain technology and start to see widening usage all around the world.”Circle issues USDC, the second-largest stablecoin by market cap. Last week, the company announced that it submitted a draft registration statement to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) related to a proposed initial public offering (IPO) of its equity securities.

Stablecoins Remain Blockchain and Crypto’s ‘Killer App’Amid Tech Advancements, Says Circle CEO Jere

Circle chief executive Jeremy Allaire thinks additional regulatory clarity will pave the way for increased stablecoin adoption in 2024.In a new interview with CNBC International TV, Allaire predicts that the recent approval of spot Bitcoin (BTC) exchange-traded funds (ETFs) in the US will act as “the tide that lifts all boats” in the crypto sector.The Circle CEO notes stablecoins remained resilient throughout the crypto space’s turbulence over the past few years.“What I can say about stablecoins and what we’ve seen in the market is really a lot of people were paying attention to a lot of the scandals in this industry, and failures and bankruptcies, but at the same time, we were seeing tremendous progress being made in continued technology development.And this is a little bit like after the dot com boom and bust – people ignored consumer internet e-commerce, but actually the technology continued to develop, and so we saw that happen last year, and we’ve seen stablecoins in particular remain the killer app of blockchain technology and start to see widening usage all around the world.”Circle issues USDC, the second-largest stablecoin by market cap. Last week, the company announced that it submitted a draft registration statement to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) related to a proposed initial public offering (IPO) of its equity securities.
硬幣 SKL 0.08393 空頭 短的 #SKLUSDT 15 #SKL/TETHERUS 幣安 嗨朋友們。 硬幣 SKL 0.08393 空頭。 入場形態:水平突破、水平 回撤 空頭止損是必須的! 第一個目標 0.08239 第二個目標 0.07942 第三個目標 0.06978 圖表正在下滑。 今天 15 枚硬幣做多,13 枚硬幣做空。 比特幣指南位於空頭區域。 總是停下來。 #TrendingTopic #TradingNews #trading_tips
硬幣 SKL 0.08393 空頭






硬幣 SKL 0.08393 空頭。




第一個目標 0.08239

第二個目標 0.07942

第三個目標 0.06978


今天 15 枚硬幣做多,13 枚硬幣做空。



#TrendingTopic #TradingNews #trading_tips
菲爾 17.01.24 + 長的 下午 6:38 2.5KB/秒 FILUSDT.P 240 67 F FIL/TETHERUS 永續合約... .. 幣安 在市場普遍向好的環境下,減半臨近,最後討論降息,FIL幣也將獲得自己的份額。 上升趨勢(綠線)將是最好的買入位置,但由於我不想等待,所以最好分批買入,包括這些水平。 當 4 小時蠟燭收於下降趨勢(紅線)之上並重新測試時,它就準備好起飛了。 TP1:7.4 TP2:7.99(心理抵抗力) TP3:8.61 我寫在這裏,算是給自己的一個註記。不包括投資建議。
菲爾 17.01.24



下午 6:38










當 4 小時蠟燭收於下降趨勢(紅線)之上並重新測試時,它就準備好起飛了。




1000pepeusdt 能漲嗎? + 長🟢 1000PEPEUSDT.P 15 #1000PEPE/TETHERUS PERPETUA... #TrendingTopic #Binance 我已經關注這筆交易幾個小時了,它有一定的潛力,它會在我這邊發揮作用嗎?讓我們看看,頭皮爲 1000pepeusdt,幾個小時前持有多頭頭寸。 第一個目標 0.0013496,第二個目標 0.00146,止損 0.0011768,lev 10 倍最大值
1000pepeusdt 能漲嗎?




我已經關注這筆交易幾個小時了,它有一定的潛力,它會在我這邊發揮作用嗎?讓我們看看,頭皮爲 1000pepeusdt,幾個小時前持有多頭頭寸。

第一個目標 0.0013496,第二個目標 0.00146,止損 0.0011768,lev 10 倍最大值
我們找到了下一個 LUNA :) 🔴簡短 注射USDT 1W 注射/Tetherus #幣安 這又是一個瘋狂的未來主義和瘋狂的想法。但誰知道呢? 目前在每週時間線中,我們出現了鯊魚模式。 我們達到了 C 點,但仍然可以選擇加註至 173.484,即 A-B 的 Fib 1.618。 所以如果這種情況發生,我們將在這裏擁有下一個 LUNA。 D目標將在10美分左右。 (%99.75下降) 正如我所說,這是一個瘋狂的想法......請用你自己的研究進行投資......
我們找到了下一個 LUNA :)







我們達到了 C 點,但仍然可以選擇加註至 173.484,即 A-B 的 Fib 1.618。

所以如果這種情況發生,我們將在這裏擁有下一個 LUNA。 D目標將在10美分左右。 (%99.75下降)

Bloomberg Reveals Substantial Outflows from Grayscale’s Bitcoin ETFBloomberg Intelligence has revealed that Grayscale’s Bitcoin ETF is experiencing substantial outflows, with a total of about $579 million withdrawn. This figure is particularly noteworthy in the wider Bitcoin ETF market landscape. In contrast, other direct Bitcoin ETFs have seen a surge in investments, totaling close to $819 million.This sharp contrast in investment trends highlights a critical reevaluation of Grayscale’s Bitcoin ETF performance following its SEC approval. Although the ETF initially saw a high trading volume of over $2.3 billion on its first day, enthusiasm seems to have waned, as indicated by these recent withdrawals, suggesting a change in investor .Analysts had previously predicted that more than $1 billion might be withdrawn from the fund in the following weeks, a forecast that aligns with the current withdrawal trend from the Grayscale ETF. One factor possibly influencing this outflow is the fund’s relatively steep expense ratio of 1.5%, the highest among Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S. Meanwhile, other spot ETFs like BlackRock’s IBIT and Fidelity’s FBTC have witnessed significant initial inflows of $500 million and $421 million, respectively.The SEC’s recent landmark approval of Bitcoin ETFs introduced a wave of optimism in the sector, but it also sparked various debates and concerns. Industry experts have voiced caution over the potential risks associated with Coinbase’s dominant role as custodian for most ETFs.Furthermore, the immediate market reaction to the SEC’s approval has led to considerable fluctuations in Bitcoin’s price, with the premier cryptocurrency oscillating between $41,000 and $44,000.

Bloomberg Reveals Substantial Outflows from Grayscale’s Bitcoin ETF

Bloomberg Intelligence has revealed that Grayscale’s Bitcoin ETF is experiencing substantial outflows, with a total of about $579 million withdrawn. This figure is particularly noteworthy in the wider Bitcoin ETF market landscape. In contrast, other direct Bitcoin ETFs have seen a surge in investments, totaling close to $819 million.This sharp contrast in investment trends highlights a critical reevaluation of Grayscale’s Bitcoin ETF performance following its SEC approval. Although the ETF initially saw a high trading volume of over $2.3 billion on its first day, enthusiasm seems to have waned, as indicated by these recent withdrawals, suggesting a change in investor .Analysts had previously predicted that more than $1 billion might be withdrawn from the fund in the following weeks, a forecast that aligns with the current withdrawal trend from the Grayscale ETF. One factor possibly influencing this outflow is the fund’s relatively steep expense ratio of 1.5%, the highest among Bitcoin ETFs in the U.S. Meanwhile, other spot ETFs like BlackRock’s IBIT and Fidelity’s FBTC have witnessed significant initial inflows of $500 million and $421 million, respectively.The SEC’s recent landmark approval of Bitcoin ETFs introduced a wave of optimism in the sector, but it also sparked various debates and concerns. Industry experts have voiced caution over the potential risks associated with Coinbase’s dominant role as custodian for most ETFs.Furthermore, the immediate market reaction to the SEC’s approval has led to considerable fluctuations in Bitcoin’s price, with the premier cryptocurrency oscillating between $41,000 and $44,000.
SEC 稱“沒有證據”未經授權的人在 X 上發佈內容訪問了機構系統:CNBC Crypto World CNBC Crypto World 提供數字貨幣市場的最新新聞和每日交易更新,並通過備受矚目的採訪、解釋和來自不斷變化的加密行業的獨特故事,讓觀衆瞭解未來的發展趨勢。在今天的節目中,SEC 執法主席 Kit Addelman 與 Haynes Boone 解釋了爲什麼該機構可能會改變對現貨比特幣 ETF 的態度。
SEC 稱“沒有證據”未經授權的人在 X 上發佈內容訪問了機構系統:CNBC Crypto World

CNBC Crypto World 提供數字貨幣市場的最新新聞和每日交易更新,並通過備受矚目的採訪、解釋和來自不斷變化的加密行業的獨特故事,讓觀衆瞭解未來的發展趨勢。在今天的節目中,SEC 執法主席 Kit Addelman 與 Haynes Boone 解釋了爲什麼該機構可能會改變對現貨比特幣 ETF 的態度。
#CFX 準備好進行嚴重修正了嗎? #CFXUSDT 一維 #CFX/TETHERUS #Binance #TrendingTopic 看看 CFX 的日線圖,我們可以看到一個主要的疲軟跡象,這可能表明我們已經準備好迎接更大幅度的下跌。 在瘋狂的 2000% 上漲之後,我們看到了整個走勢的 50% 回撤,此後又上漲了 50%,到達了超級反彈的頂部。 這是一個 50% 的回撤,已經形成了一個較低的高點,有一個明顯可識別的趨勢,但已被打破,現在正在重新測試。如果我們進一步下跌,下一個看跌信號可能會啓動這一走勢。 如果我們看到看跌拒絕 0.20 目標,則將是 0.5-0.6c 區域 2000% 上漲的 75% 回撤。 目前的交易計劃是做空 0.20 的看跌拒絕,並按看漲信號以 1/8 的增量回補至目標區域。高位剎車尋找更高的價格。 交易好....
#CFX 準備好進行嚴重修正了嗎?





看看 CFX 的日線圖,我們可以看到一個主要的疲軟跡象,這可能表明我們已經準備好迎接更大幅度的下跌。

在瘋狂的 2000% 上漲之後,我們看到了整個走勢的 50% 回撤,此後又上漲了 50%,到達了超級反彈的頂部。

這是一個 50% 的回撤,已經形成了一個較低的高點,有一個明顯可識別的趨勢,但已被打破,現在正在重新測試。如果我們進一步下跌,下一個看跌信號可能會啓動這一走勢。

如果我們看到看跌拒絕 0.20 目標,則將是 0.5-0.6c 區域 2000% 上漲的 75% 回撤。

目前的交易計劃是做空 0.20 的看跌拒絕,並按看漲信號以 1/8 的增量回補至目標區域。高位剎車尋找更高的價格。

#SOL BULL GOAL SOLUSDT 240 SOLUSDT SPOT Bitget Alright you can see the target for SOL. Clear out some single prints before a better move :) SOL is primed




Alright you can see the target for SOL. Clear out some single prints before a better move :) SOL is primed
Solana Long Entry using Channels Long🟢$SOL SOLUSD 240CoinbaseSOLANA / UNITED STATES DOLLARSolana is in a triangle between 2 channels, approaching the Apex! It could break either way!Solana could be in a wave 4 of 3 retracement which could last two months from when it started on Christmas at noon if it's length can bet determined by the wave 2, which lasted from July 13th 2023, to Sep 11th 2023 (59 days 20 hours) or we could just be in a calm between two storms! Hard to tell, but the risk / reward on this seems reasonable.To wait for the break, or to not wait for the break? That is the question! You decide!If Solana breaks up, this could be a likely target using Channels, otherwise if it breaks down, probably another month and a half of downward trend to some larger Fib support ($74 -0.238 fib and $53 -0.382 fib)Entry: ~$100 (around)Exit: $180 (around the top of channel)Warning Stop: $90-$92 (Somewhere below the Triangle Bottom, but this could be a fakeout and good entry also) Hard Stop: $84.50 (Slightly below the Jan 3rd Low from the Dump, it's definitely going down if it crosses this)Good Luck and God Bless!

Solana Long Entry using Channels Long🟢

$SOL SOLUSD 240CoinbaseSOLANA / UNITED STATES DOLLARSolana is in a triangle between 2 channels, approaching the Apex! It could break either way!Solana could be in a wave 4 of 3 retracement which could last two months from when it started on Christmas at noon if it's length can bet determined by the wave 2, which lasted from July 13th 2023, to Sep 11th 2023 (59 days 20 hours) or we could just be in a calm between two storms! Hard to tell, but the risk / reward on this seems reasonable.To wait for the break, or to not wait for the break? That is the question! You decide!If Solana breaks up, this could be a likely target using Channels, otherwise if it breaks down, probably another month and a half of downward trend to some larger Fib support ($74 -0.238 fib and $53 -0.382 fib)Entry: ~$100 (around)Exit: $180 (around the top of channel)Warning Stop: $90-$92 (Somewhere below the Triangle Bottom, but this could be a fakeout and good entry also) Hard Stop: $84.50 (Slightly below the Jan 3rd Low from the Dump, it's definitely going down if it crosses this)Good Luck and God Bless!
RUNEUSDT Signal type: LONG Leverage: Cross 20x Entry: 4.772-4.42364 Stoploss: 4.29002 Target 14.82449 Target 2-4.87221 Target 3-4.9247 Target 4-4.96765 Target 5-5.07263 Target 6-5.14421 Target 75.2492 Target 8 - 5.85047 use your wallet only 2% manage sl accordingly #Trending Topic #RUNE/USDT $RUNE

Signal type: LONG

Leverage: Cross 20x

Entry: 4.772-4.42364

Stoploss: 4.29002

Target 14.82449

Target 2-4.87221

Target 3-4.9247

Target 4-4.96765

Target 5-5.07263

Target 6-5.14421

Target 75.2492

Target 8 - 5.85047

use your wallet only 2% manage sl accordingly

#Trending Topic #RUNE/USDT $RUNE
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