Binance Square
Crypto PM
- 法律學者、風險投資家和 #blockchain 倡導者提交非當事人意見陳述,支持 Coinbase 反對 SEC。 - 簡報質疑 SEC 對“投資合同”的解釋,警告加密行業的後果。 - 美國商會此前提交了一份簡報,強調了對 Coinbase 和更廣泛的 #business 社區造成的經濟損害。 - SEC 於 6 月起訴 Coinbase 未能註冊,專家認爲 SEC 的解釋過於寬泛。 - 知名學者 #law 呼籲將 Coinbase 等平臺上的代幣作爲未註冊證券進行審查。 - 參議員辛西婭·盧米斯 (Cynthia Lummis) 認爲 SEC 的越權行爲違反了憲法,阻礙了國會的監督。 - 風險投資公司對更廣泛的影響和障礙表示擔憂。#innovation - 區塊鏈倡導者,包括加密貨幣創新委員會、區塊鏈協會等,強調對創業計劃的損害。 - 不斷增加的非當事人意見陳述反映了 SEC 面臨的壓力,以及對 #crypto 監管和創新的潛在影響。 - 法律鬥爭的結果將顯着影響加密貨幣監管和行業創新的未來。 $BTC $ETH $BNB

- 法律學者、風險投資家和 #blockchain 倡導者提交非當事人意見陳述,支持 Coinbase 反對 SEC。

- 簡報質疑 SEC 對“投資合同”的解釋,警告加密行業的後果。

- 美國商會此前提交了一份簡報,強調了對 Coinbase 和更廣泛的 #business 社區造成的經濟損害。

- SEC 於 6 月起訴 Coinbase 未能註冊,專家認爲 SEC 的解釋過於寬泛。

- 知名學者 #law 呼籲將 Coinbase 等平臺上的代幣作爲未註冊證券進行審查。

- 參議員辛西婭·盧米斯 (Cynthia Lummis) 認爲 SEC 的越權行爲違反了憲法,阻礙了國會的監督。

- 風險投資公司對更廣泛的影響和障礙表示擔憂。#innovation

- 區塊鏈倡導者,包括加密貨幣創新委員會、區塊鏈協會等,強調對創業計劃的損害。

- 不斷增加的非當事人意見陳述反映了 SEC 面臨的壓力,以及對 #crypto 監管和創新的潛在影響。

- 法律鬥爭的結果將顯着影響加密貨幣監管和行業創新的未來。


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Hey there, crypto enthusiasts! 🚀 Let’s dive into the latest on XRP and give it a bit of a personal touch. 😊 So, XRP is kinda like that friend who’s trying to stay above water at the pool party 🏊‍♂️—it’s currently floating above the 50 EMA at a cool $0.52. But, oh boy, it’s facing some headwinds with resistance at the 100 and 200 EMA levels. It’s like everyone’s chilling on the sidelines, not sure whether to jump in or not, which is why we’re seeing this sideways shuffle in the market. 🕺 And the RSI? Sitting at 51, it’s pretty much saying, “I’m good, thanks,” not leaning towards a splash or a dash just yet. 🤷‍♂️ Now, if XRP slips below that comfy 50 EMA floatie, we’re looking at the $0.50 mark as the next big thing to watch. If it goes under that, we might see our buddy XRP taking a dip to $0.48 and maybe even $0.45. 📉 And let’s not forget, the whole Mt. Gox drama could stir the waters even more! 🌊 Here’s the lowdown for my fellow investors: That 50 EMA at $0.52? It’s the line in the sand. Keep your eyes peeled there. 👀 If XRP trips and falls below $0.50, we could be in for a bit more of a tumble down to $0.48 and $0.45. Ouch! 😬 Looking for a ray of sunshine? The 100 EMA at $0.56 and that sweet spot of resistance at $0.60 could be where the party starts. 🎉 And remember, market vibes and those Mt. Gox funds are like the unexpected guest who could totally change the vibe. 😲 Keep tracking those #XRP moves around these key levels, folks. It’s like keeping an eye on the DJ at a party—you wanna know what’s coming next! The crypto world is a rollercoaster 🎢, so strap in, do your homework, and let’s navigate these waves together. 📚 In a nutshell, #XRP is at a crossroads 🚦, and it’s all about holding onto those crucial support levels. Watch that $0.50 line like a hawk, and don’t forget about the resistance up at $0.56 and $0.60. With Mt. Gox in the mix, it’s anyone’s guess which way the tide will turn. Stay sharp, do your analysis, and let’s ride the crypto wave with style! 🏄‍♂️💼 $XRP
Whoa, it sounds like the crypto world is on a rollercoaster ride again! 🎢 The big move of 75,021 BTC (that’s a whopping 💰 $5 billion!) from MtGox’s wallets to an unknown destination has certainly caused some ripples in the market. 😱 The transfer, which took place between 01:41 and 02:54 UTC on May 28, involved a series of 21 transactions, with many moving 2,000 BTC at a time. 🔄 And then, bam! An additional 32,137 BTC joined the party at 04:11 UTC, tipping the scales to over $5 billion in Bitcoin. 📈 It’s like a mystery wallet just hit the jackpot, and now Mt. Gox is sitting on a treasure chest of approximately 138,000 BTC, valued at over $9.36 billion! 🏴‍☠️ But here’s the twist: the trustees, Nagashima Ohno and Tsunematsu, are keeping mum about the why’s and wherefore’s of this Bitcoin bonanza. 🤐 Meanwhile, Bitcoin took a slight tumble, dropping about 2% post-transfer, and is currently trading at $67,875. 💸 The analysts at K33 Research had their crystal balls out last month, predicting that such a move could spook the market. And with Mt. Gox’s final refund date looming on October 31, it’s no wonder everyone’s on edge. 😬 The trustees have been busy since January, reaching out to creditors to confirm identities and get those repayments sorted. It’s like they’re saying, “Don’t worry, we got you!” while the rest of us are biting our nails. 😅 So, keep your eyes peeled, crypto enthusiasts! With the market this jumpy, who knows what’s next? 🧐 Remember, always stay informed and cautious, especially with those big numbers flying around. 💪 #StaySafe #CryptoCraze $BTC #MtGox
Hey there! 🚀 Let's break down what Fed member Kashkari's comments mean for us in the world of finance and crypto! 🌐 ### **Inflation’s Chillaxing**: Inflation has been pretty steady, not spiking or dipping dramatically. 📉🛤️ This stability is crucial for a healthy economy, as wild swings can cause uncertainty and panic. ### **Stability is Key**: Everyone’s hoping for a calm and predictable market. 🧐🔍 We’re all on high alert for signs that prices will remain steady, which helps maintain investor confidence. ### **Patience is a Virtue**: Before tweaking monetary policies, the Fed is taking a cautious approach. 🤔⏳ They want to be absolutely sure about the direction of inflation before making any changes. ### **Every Detail Matters**: When it comes to setting policy, no stone is left unturned. 📚🕵️‍♂️ Every piece of data is scrutinized to ensure that the best decisions are made for the economy’s health. ### **No Hurry to Cut Rates**: There’s no rush to lower interest rates just yet. 🐢✋ The Fed is moving slowly and deliberately, making sure that any rate cuts are truly necessary and won’t disrupt the market. ### **Why This Matters for Crypto**: For the crypto space, these cautious steps are a good sign. Stability in traditional markets can help stabilize the volatile crypto market too. 💡💰 When traditional markets are steady, it often translates to increased confidence in digital assets as well. In summary, Kashkari’s comments highlight a careful and measured approach to monetary policy. This careful approach is essential not only for traditional finance but also for the burgeoning world of crypto, where stability can be a game-changer. 📈👀 Hope this helps add some clarity to the financial lingo! Keep those eyes on the market trends! 📊👀 #FED #bitcoin #ETH #Binance #Ethereum




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