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加密貨幣市場概覽 2024 年 6 月 8 日,星期六 🔍 比特幣的周表現: 整個星期,比特幣從 67.4 萬美元 - 67.5 萬美元飆升至近 72.0 萬美元,並在 70.0 萬美元上方停留了幾天。然而,昨晚出現了顯着的下滑,影響了整體情況。 比特幣跌破 68.5 萬美元,達到局部最低點 68,420 美元,很快被買入。此後,它一直在 69.1 萬美元和 69.6 萬美元之間交易超過 12 個小時。 ❓下跌的原因: 關於這次下跌的原因衆說紛紜。 1. 債券收益率和美元指數上升 2. GME 股價下跌 🔄 因素組合: 1. 接近區間邊界: - 比特幣接近 66.5K - 72.0K 美元區間的上限,自 5 月 20 日以來一直處於該區間交易。 2. 阻力位在 71.5K - 72.0K 美元: - 儘管昨天接近 72.0K 美元,但 71.5K - 72.0K 美元的阻力區域在幾天內都無法突破。 3. 美元指數上漲: - 美元指數大幅上漲。 💼市場參與者反應: 鑑於這些因素,許多市場參與者開始獲利了結或退出市場,導致價格下跌。 💸山寨幣影響: 在下跌期間,山寨幣遭受的損失大於比特幣。主導指數曾短暫超過 55%,但現在正在下降。對山寨幣的更大影響是由於交易量較低和受衆較少。在昨天的下跌中,3.61 億美元的清算中,很大一部分是山寨幣。 📆週末預期: 週末,預計比特幣將在 68.8K - 69.0K 美元的下限和 69.8K - 70.2K 美元的上限範圍內交易。或者,它可能在 70.2K 美元以上盤整。 📈即將到來的一週: 下週將是動盪的一週,有重要的通脹數據、美聯儲的利率決定和新聞發佈會,以及重要的加密貨幣市場新聞。比特幣可能會測試 72.0K 美元或 67.0K 美元,並且兩個水平都可能被測試。 #Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #Business #Finance #Money


2024 年 6 月 8 日,星期六

🔍 比特幣的周表現:

整個星期,比特幣從 67.4 萬美元 - 67.5 萬美元飆升至近 72.0 萬美元,並在 70.0 萬美元上方停留了幾天。然而,昨晚出現了顯着的下滑,影響了整體情況。

比特幣跌破 68.5 萬美元,達到局部最低點 68,420 美元,很快被買入。此後,它一直在 69.1 萬美元和 69.6 萬美元之間交易超過 12 個小時。



1. 債券收益率和美元指數上升

2. GME 股價下跌

🔄 因素組合:

1. 接近區間邊界:

- 比特幣接近 66.5K - 72.0K 美元區間的上限,自 5 月 20 日以來一直處於該區間交易。

2. 阻力位在 71.5K - 72.0K 美元:

- 儘管昨天接近 72.0K 美元,但 71.5K - 72.0K 美元的阻力區域在幾天內都無法突破。

3. 美元指數上漲:

- 美元指數大幅上漲。




在下跌期間,山寨幣遭受的損失大於比特幣。主導指數曾短暫超過 55%,但現在正在下降。對山寨幣的更大影響是由於交易量較低和受衆較少。在昨天的下跌中,3.61 億美元的清算中,很大一部分是山寨幣。


週末,預計比特幣將在 68.8K - 69.0K 美元的下限和 69.8K - 70.2K 美元的上限範圍內交易。或者,它可能在 70.2K 美元以上盤整。


下週將是動盪的一週,有重要的通脹數據、美聯儲的利率決定和新聞發佈會,以及重要的加密貨幣市場新聞。比特幣可能會測試 72.0K 美元或 67.0K 美元,並且兩個水平都可能被測試。

#Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #Business #Finance #Money

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Cryptocurrency Market Overview Monday, June 10, 2024 Bitcoin Movement: 🟣Bitcoin traded within the range of $69,100 to $69,900 over the past 24 hours. Market Capitalization and Indices: 🔘Market capitalization: $2.48 trillion 🔘Dominance index: 55.30% 🔘Fear index: 72 Today, there are no significant news events, and China and Hong Kong are not trading. Tomorrow, oil market movements are expected due to the OPEC report, which could impact markets by influencing inflation prospects. Major market events will begin on June 12. Upcoming Economic Events: June 12: 🟡US CPI (inflation) data release 🟡 Federal Reserve rate meeting and press conference 🟡US inflation expectations data 🟡 Germany’s CPI data (minor impact) Other Notable Events This Week: 🟣Inflation data releases for Russia, Brazil, and Argentina. 🟣Potential movements in Tesla stocks as Elon Musk faces a $56 billion compensation cut, which could lead to his resignation. Market Outlook: 🔘The Federal Reserve is likely to transition to easing monetary policy soon, as discussed previously. Despite no policy change, money generation has already started, which explains why indices are stable. 🔘High bond yields, stock indices at highs, and geopolitical tensions suggest potential surprises in the markets. Bitcoin Analysis: 🔘Bitcoin found support between $69,200 and $68,800 after a drop on Friday but struggles to break through $69,800 - $70,000. 🔘Until June 12, Bitcoin is expected to remain within the range of $68,800 - $69,800. After that, it could either drop to $65,000 - $67,000 (short-term) or rise to $72,000 (with a high probability of breaking this level). Market Sentiment and Activity: ⏺Last week, spot BTC-ETFs saw an inflow of $1.828 billion. ⏺Altcoins remain weak, particularly Ether, which has not consolidated above $3,700. Today's Bitcoin Trading Range: ⏺Priority: Bitcoin within $68,500 - $70,200 🔴Alternative: Consolidation above $70,200 🔥 — Useful, keep going ❤️ — Phew, reassured #investment #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #money #finance
Cryptocurrency Market Review Thursday, June 6, 2024 📈 Bitcoin is pushing against the resistance zone of $71.5k - $72.0k and is likely to break through soon. 📊 Yesterday, stock markets saw gains, with NASDAQ and S&P500 reaching new highs . Today, however, they remain flat. The Bank of Canada lowered its rate yesterday, followed by the ECB today . 🚀 Meanwhile, the US national debt and the cost of servicing it are skyrocketing . 📈 Given these circumstances, the Federal Reserve will soon have no choice but to lower its rate. Dollar generation has already resumed, with the M2 indicator rising steadily. 💵 Debt bonds, actively sold by their holders, are being bought back using US treasury funds. Currently, Fed rate futures indicate the first rate cut in September. If it happens sooner, it would be highly positive for the market. The market capitalization is growing, now standing at $2.58 trillion. ⚔️ This growth is mainly driven by Bitcoin, while altcoins lag behind. Ether has yet to solidify above $3.8k, and altcoins are growing selectively. The top performers for the day are FLR, INJ, and Dydx, as the market eagerly anticipates the outcome of the "Bitcoin vs. $72.0k" battle. 📥 IBIT has been experiencing strong inflows for the second consecutive week. News Highlights: 🔹 Semler Scientific (USA) announced the acquisition of 581 BTC as a reserve asset, leading to a 30% rise in its shares. 🔹 MicroStrategy, the first public company to purchase Bitcoin (in August 2020), saw a 438% increase in its shares this year. The question remains: how quickly will public companies realize that buying Bitcoin and announcing it is a sure way to boost their market capitalization, regardless of their core business performance? I believe they will catch on quickly, and many will follow suit. This could become another significant growth factor . 🔹 Gensler mentioned that the timing of the ETH-ETF launch depends on how swiftly issuers respond to SEC inquiries. #investments #cryptocurrency #business #bitcoin #finance
🤖 AI – A New Narrative in the Crypto Market? In the world of web2, the adoption of AI technologies has dramatically transformed everyday life. Tools like ChatGPT, MidJourney, and other neural networks have become integral to our routines, simplifying numerous tasks. Opinions from Industry Leaders 🔐Major funds and analysts, including A16Z and BlackRock, acknowledge the potential of AI in web3. They emphasize its ability to create innovative gaming mechanics and enhance security through decentralization. Here’s what BlackRock has to say: “Future achievements in AI will be exponential as innovations intensify. The entire tech industry, led by a few large companies, is shifting its focus to AI, indicating a probable revolution. Early research shows a potential positive correlation between the increase in AI patents and overall profit growth. We are placing a significant bet on AI in developed countries over the next 6-12 months.“ Key Directions for AI Blockchain Services: From DePIN to Data Service, offering a range of services from data processing to security enhancement. Tool Developers: Tools that simplify code creation and testing. Marketplaces: Platforms for selling services and data, using AI for analysis and optimization. DeFi: Leveraging AI to automate investment and risk management. 🎮Metaverse/GameFi: Creating adaptive and personalized game content. Now, even NPCs in games can adapt to player actions rather than following a script. Conclusion 🚀Artificial intelligence unveils numerous possibilities for web3. As interest in this area continues to grow, we can expect a significant rise in popularity and the emergence of new trends related to AI technologies in the future. Do you believe in AI? Share your thoughts in the comments! #AIRevolution #Web3Innovation #FutureOfTech
What is Coin Burning? Coin burning is a strategic approach, not magic. Imagine reducing the amount of money in the world so that each remaining dollar becomes more valuable. In the cryptocurrency world, this is not only possible but also a popular practice. Similar to how companies buy back their shares to increase their value, and central banks withdraw excess currency, coin burning strengthens the economy of crypto projects. How Does It Work? 📝 Coins are sent to an address from which they cannot be retrieved. It's like sending a ship on a one-way journey. Thanks to blockchain technology, each transaction is permanently recorded. How Do Projects Burn Their Coins? Projects incorporate burning into their economy in various ways, from one-time events to continuous mechanisms. This helps control inflation, boost trust, and encourage investment. There are two main methods of burning: 🏦 Sending coins to a special, inaccessible address 🛠 Using special software that independently blocks tokens Proof-of-Burn (PoB) Technology 🔐PoB is a consensus mechanism in the blockchain, similar to Proof-of-Stake (PoS), where coins support network security. However, in PoB, participants destroy coins, rendering them unusable, to participate in the network's operations. The Purpose of Coin Burning Burning coins reduces their supply, potentially increasing the value of the remaining ones. It helps combat inflation, strengthens investor confidence, and adheres to network rules. 🧐 However, coin burning does not guarantee an immediate increase in value and can be seen as market manipulation, raising concerns among regulators. 🚀 Examples of PoB blockchains include Ripple and Binance Smart Chain, which burn tokens to support network operations and stimulate native token growth. Like if you found this interesting!❤️ #StartInvestingInCrypto #ProofOfStake #BurningTokens




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