Binance Square
🎉鯨魚警報!🐳 新加坡最大的銀行機構之一星展銀行已被區塊鏈分析公司 Nansen 認定爲加密貨幣鯨魚。據報道,該銀行在一個加密錢包中持有高達 173,753 個以太幣 (ETH),價值約 6.5 億美元!💰 Nansen 的分析顯示,這個在 5 月 30 日被標記的地址已經從其以太幣持有中獲得了 2 億美元的賬面利潤。📈 雖然星展銀行尚未正式確認對 ETH 的所有權,但據推測這些資產可能屬於其數字交易所,該交易所面向合格投資者。 星展銀行並不是加密貨幣領域的新手。🌐 它提供各種服務,包括數字資產託管、證券代幣交易交易所以及集成傳統資產和加密資產的投資組合管理應用程序。 自 2020 年推出加密貨幣交易和託管服務以來,星展銀行的加密貨幣部門取得了顯着增長。🚀 2022 年,該行報告其數字交易所的比特幣購買量增長了四倍。 2023 年,該行報告比特幣交易量增長了 80%,將這一增長歸因於 2022 年加密貨幣崩盤後的市場不穩定。 星展銀行還一直在將其數字貨幣業務擴展到加密貨幣之外,參與新加坡政府相關的 Web3 項目。🇸🇬 其中包括 Project Guardian,該項目使用代幣化的日元成功收購了代幣化的新加坡元。 星展銀行顯然正在加密貨幣海洋中掀起波瀾!🌊 請繼續關注加密貨幣世界的更多精彩更新!🚀

🎉鯨魚警報!🐳 新加坡最大的銀行機構之一星展銀行已被區塊鏈分析公司 Nansen 認定爲加密貨幣鯨魚。據報道,該銀行在一個加密錢包中持有高達 173,753 個以太幣 (ETH),價值約 6.5 億美元!💰

Nansen 的分析顯示,這個在 5 月 30 日被標記的地址已經從其以太幣持有中獲得了 2 億美元的賬面利潤。📈 雖然星展銀行尚未正式確認對 ETH 的所有權,但據推測這些資產可能屬於其數字交易所,該交易所面向合格投資者。

星展銀行並不是加密貨幣領域的新手。🌐 它提供各種服務,包括數字資產託管、證券代幣交易交易所以及集成傳統資產和加密資產的投資組合管理應用程序。

自 2020 年推出加密貨幣交易和託管服務以來,星展銀行的加密貨幣部門取得了顯着增長。🚀 2022 年,該行報告其數字交易所的比特幣購買量增長了四倍。 2023 年,該行報告比特幣交易量增長了 80%,將這一增長歸因於 2022 年加密貨幣崩盤後的市場不穩定。

星展銀行還一直在將其數字貨幣業務擴展到加密貨幣之外,參與新加坡政府相關的 Web3 項目。🇸🇬 其中包括 Project Guardian,該項目使用代幣化的日元成功收購了代幣化的新加坡元。

星展銀行顯然正在加密貨幣海洋中掀起波瀾!🌊 請繼續關注加密貨幣世界的更多精彩更新!🚀

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🚀🚀Buckle up, BTC enthusiasts! Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has once again shown his support for crypto privacy, donating 30 ETH (around $113,000) to the legal defense of Tornado Cash developers Alexey Pertsev and Roman Storm. The donation was made via Juicebox, a decentralized fundraising platform. 🎁 🔍On-chain data shows the transaction was made from Buterin's address, vitalik.eth, at 1:58 am EST on May 30. The fund, named “Free Alexey & Roman,” has so far raised a whopping 595.82 ETH, or approximately $2.2 million. 💰 🔐Buterin, along with other crypto veterans, has long championed privacy tools for managing crypto assets privately. This move aligns with his previous actions, including his numerous papers on enhancing Ethereum’s privacy. Other supporters have also shown solidarity by attaching messages of encouragement to their donations. 📝 🔄This isn't Buterin's first rodeo. In 2022, he donated 10 ETH (valued at $30,980 at the time) to a legal fund 'AssangeDAO' on Juicebox, supporting Australian activist and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. 🌏 ⚖️Tornado Cash, a privacy-focused tool that facilitates anonymous crypto transactions, has been under scrutiny due to its potential misuse by criminals. This led to sanctions by the US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) in August 2022. Pertsev was arrested for allegedly facilitating money laundering through the Ethereum mixing service, and Storm was charged with aiding in laundering $1 billion. 🚨 🔒Storm remains detained in the US, with his trial scheduled for September. Stay tuned for more updates! 📡📡
🚀Buckle up, Bitcoiners! We've got a crypto controversy on our hands! 🍿 ConsenSys-backed Layer 2 network, Linea, is backing StarkWare in its denouncement of Matter Labs' attempt to trademark the term "zero-knowledge" (ZK) in nine countries. 🌍 Matter Labs, the brains behind zkSync, is trying to assert exclusive control over this foundational cryptographic concept, and it's causing quite a stir in the industry! 😲 They've even tried to register a token under the ticker symbol “ZK” with exchanges to further their claim over the technology they didn't create. 🤔 Zero-knowledge technology is a big deal in blockchain, as it allows individuals to prove claims without revealing underlying data. 🕵️‍♂️ StarkWare, a software company that develops ZK-proof technology, has called out Matter Labs' actions as an attempt to privatize a public good. They're urging the community to take action against Matter Labs, highlighting the irony in Matter Labs' actions. 📣 Linea has also weighed in, stating that using a legal framework to monopolize a branch of cryptography integral to building permissionless and decentralized L2 execution environments contradicts Ethereum’s ethos. 🚫 In response, Matter Labs has asserted that ZK technology belongs to the community and clarified that their move aims to ensure the term “ZK” can be used freely in the context of their projects. They've also addressed the misconception that trademarks grant exclusive ownership over a word or phrase. 🤷‍♂️ This crypto drama continues to unfold, so stay tuned for more updates! 🎭
🚀🚀Buckle up, Bitcoin enthusiasts! While meme coins are stealing the spotlight, our good old Dogecoin (DOGE) is making some noise in the background. Despite a 4% drop over the past week, DOGE whales have been busy, gobbling up more than 700 million DOGE in the past 72 hours alone. That's a cool $112 million at the current price of $0.16! 🐋💰 DOGE's recent performance has been a rollercoaster ride. It's up by over 17% monthly but has seen a dip over the past week. But hey, every cloud has a silver lining, right? These price fluctuations have opened up opportunities for whale buyers, with holdings in the 100 million to 1 billion range seeing a significant increase since May 29. 🎢📈 This accumulation trend isn't just a flash in the pan. Singapore-based crypto-trading firm QCP Capital has noted a shift in focus to legacy meme coins. And it's not just DOGE that's getting love. Tokens like Shiba Inu (SHIBA) and Pepe (PEPE) have also been turning heads, with double-digit gains between 10% and 20%. 🌟🚀 In the past two weeks, over 4 trillion SHIB tokens, valued at approximately $103 million, have been transferred to crypto exchanges. This suggests a surge in trading activity and a trend of investors looking to capitalize on SHIB’s recent price movements. Meanwhile, PEPE has been on a tear, gaining almost 130% over the past month. A whale made nearly $5 million in profit from the PEPE token within a month, achieving a 52% return on their initial investment. 🤑🔥 So, while the crypto market continues its wild ride, DOGE and other meme coins are making waves. Stay tuned for more updates! 🚀🎉
🚀Hold on to your hats, BTC enthusiasts! European Bitcoin exchange-traded products (ETPs) are facing a bit of a rough ride this year due to increased competition from across the pond. 🌊 According to data from Morningstar, European Bitcoin funds have seen over $500 million in net outflows since January, despite the rising demand for Bitcoin itself. 😱 Why, you ask? Well, it seems the launch of US Bitcoin ETFs in January has stirred up the waters. Pierre Debru, head of quantitative research and multi-asset solutions at WisdomTree, said that while client interest in European crypto ETPs has “greatly increased” since the US Bitcoin ETFs went live, these same ETFs have also brought in unprecedented competition. 🥊 This has created a new fee environment, forcing European issuers to lower their fees. Big names like BlackRock and Fidelity, the asset managers behind the 1st and 3rd largest Bitcoin ETFs, now offer 0.25% annual management fees, with even greater temporary discounts for early buyers. 💸 In response, European Bitcoin ETP providers like Invesco, WisdomTree, and CoinShares have all dropped their previous fees from rates above 0.9% to below 0.4%. 📉 However, not all funds have been so lucky. The Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC), which charges a 1.5% fee to investors, has already lost over half of its Bitcoin since the US ETF approvals. 😲 Despite the competition, VanEck’s CEO in Europe, Martijn Rozemuller, remains optimistic, stating that European crypto ETPs are still relatively larger than the spot bitcoin ETFs in the US. 🌍 So, it's not all doom and gloom, folks! The crypto market is ever-evolving, and this is just another exciting chapter in the Bitcoin saga. 🚀🌙




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