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2024 年如何通過幣安賺錢:初學者指南 通過加密貨幣賺錢並不難!瞭解如何開始使用幣安每天賺取 100 美元。本指南簡化了您需要了解的一切。💰 1. 從小處着手並學習: 從少量投資開始。 瞭解不同的加密貨幣及其潛力。 以太坊和比特幣是很好的起點。 2. 關鍵課程: 控制情緒:不要在低迷時驚慌失措地拋售,也不要因爲高峯而貪婪。買入恐懼,賣出貪婪。 獲利:定期將利潤轉移到 USDT 或 USDC 等穩定幣。 繼續學習:即使在低迷的市場中也要對新機會持開放態度。 3. 賺錢策略: 質押:通過持有您的加密貨幣賺取利息。幣安每年提供高達 5% 的收益。 空投和贈品:參與促銷活動並獲得免費加密貨幣。 山寨幣交易:使用 CoinMarketCap 等網站尋找有前途的山寨幣。 4. 恐懼與貪婪指數: 使用此指數衡量市場情緒。在極度恐懼時買入,在極度貪婪時賣出。 5. 美元成本平均法 (DCA): 定期投資固定金額,無論價格如何。這減少了波動的影響。 幣安提供自動投資功能,方便進行 DCA。 6. 保護您的帳戶: 使用雙因素身份驗證並設置反網絡釣魚代碼以獲得額外的安全性。 免責聲明:這不是財務建議。在做出任何投資決定之前,請務必進行自己的研究。 慷慨的捐款支持使命,使勤奮的工作能夠提供最好的投資建議。您的提示有助於更好地服務。👍 敬請期待更多加密貨幣見解!💡 $BNB $DOGE $PEPE

2024 年如何通過幣安賺錢:初學者指南

通過加密貨幣賺錢並不難!瞭解如何開始使用幣安每天賺取 100 美元。本指南簡化了您需要了解的一切。💰

1. 從小處着手並學習:




2. 關鍵課程:


獲利:定期將利潤轉移到 USDT 或 USDC 等穩定幣。


3. 賺錢策略:

質押:通過持有您的加密貨幣賺取利息。幣安每年提供高達 5% 的收益。


山寨幣交易:使用 CoinMarketCap 等網站尋找有前途的山寨幣。

4. 恐懼與貪婪指數:


5. 美元成本平均法 (DCA):


幣安提供自動投資功能,方便進行 DCA。

6. 保護您的帳戶:






免責聲明:包含來自第三方的見解。非財務建議。可能包含贊助內容。 請參閱條款。
到期時間 2024-06-01 09:08:01
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How To Use Binance To Make Money: Quick Guide 🗝 To make money from Binance, you can explore several options: 1. **Trading**: Buy low and sell high using spot trading or margin trading. Utilize technical analysis and market trends to make informed decisions. 2. **Staking**: Lock your cryptocurrencies in Binance Staking to earn rewards over time. Different coins offer varying staking yields. 3. **Savings**: Use Binance Savings, which includes Flexible Savings and Locked Savings, to earn interest on your idle assets. 4. **Dual Investment**: Participate in Dual Investment products, which allow you to commit assets for a higher return, with the potential for conversion to another cryptocurrency. 5. **Launchpool**: Stake Binance Coin (BNB), Binance USD (BUSD), or other tokens to farm new coins listed on Binance Launchpool. 6. **Liquidity Mining**: Provide liquidity in Binance Liquid Swap to earn transaction fees and rewards. 7. **Referral Program**: Earn commissions by referring new users to Binance. You get a percentage of their trading fees. 8. **Airdrops and Promotions**: Participate in various airdrops, promotions, and competitions hosted by Binance for additional earning opportunities. By diversifying your strategies across these options, you can maximize your potential earnings on Binance. ❤️LIKE 🫂FOLLOW 🗳REQUOTE OR RESHARE ⌨️ COMMENT 🫂Remember: A lot of Hardwork goes into for providing you Best Investment Articles.Your Generous Tips would Empower our Mission and help us to work even Harder for you to give Best Investment Advice. #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #Launchpool #megadrop
Notcoin (NOT) was claimed by 5 million people in the first 36 hours after its listing According to the Notcoin (NOT) team, 5 million individuals have claimed Notcoin (NOT) during the first three days after listing Five million tokens were claimed in the first 36 hours after Notcoin (NOT) was listed, according to the company behind the cryptocurrency. With a market valuation of about $1 billion, NOT began trading on May 16 after being listed on numerous exchanges. Five million users claimed NOT in the first 36 hours after listing, according to the team behind the famous project that rocked the crypto sector, Notcoin. They made the announcement via their X account. ON May 16th, NOT was added to several exchanges' listings, including as Binance, OKEx,, Bitfinex, Bitget, and many more. When it first went live, the token's market cap was over $1 billion. Five million tokens have been claimed, according to the release. The project team also said that four million tokens have been staked or transferred to exchanges, and one million have been claimed on-chain. Notcoin has five million claims in the first three-quarters of an hour after its listing. Staking tokens was another way the Notcoin team thanked those who had shown their support and faith. Some of the project's future intentions were also disclosed by them. Campaigns, items, and deals that are due to come in the next week are all part of this category. After the staking time finishes, customers will get one additional week of the given Level at no extra cost. The same article also states that allocations for future launches will be available to Gold and Platinum levels. Also, the company let users know that Notcoin is completely voluntary, so they may unstake their coins whenever they want and withdraw them on-chain. #notcoin #MemeWatch2024 #BinanceLaunchpool #buythedip $NOT


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