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Vitalik Buterin 爲狗狗幣 (DOGE) 社區提供戰略支持。 #Ethereum 的創始人 Vitalik Buterin 在社交媒體上表達了對他的 #Shiba 犬科動物 Kabosu 去世的悲傷,Kabosu 成爲了互聯網現象和狗狗幣的代言人。Buterin 的推文“Kabochan 安息吧”,是對 Kabosu 的主人 Atsuko Sato 宣佈她 19 歲的狗去世的帖子的衷心迴應。Kabosu 的形象在 2010 年走紅,導致 Billy Markus 和 Jackson Palmer 在 2013 年創建了狗狗幣。從那時起,被稱爲“狗狗軍團”的狗狗幣社區發展迅速,Kabosu 成爲了一個可愛的吉祥物。 Kabosu 的死在加密社區引起了深刻的共鳴。埃隆 #Musk 和官方狗狗幣賬戶等知名人物也表達了敬意。馬斯克在推特上表示,Kabosu 正在“昇天”,而 #Dogecoin 創始人比利·馬庫斯 (Billy Markus) 分享了一張 Kabosu 與死神對話的表情包,死神告訴這隻狗,“我被告知你是最棒的。”這波悲傷和敬意揭示了 Kabosu 對加密貨幣世界產生的重大文化影響。 這次最新的致敬並不是 Vitalik Buterin 第一次表達對狗狗幣社區的支持。過去,Buterin 曾多次向狗狗幣基金會捐款,該基金會致力於狗狗幣的開發和推廣。20​​21 年,Buterin 以成員身份加入該基金會,並提出了多項發展加密貨幣的舉措。他的一個著名建議是讓狗狗幣從工作量證明 (PoW) 算法轉換爲權益證明 (PoS) 系統,這將提高其效率和可持續性。 隨着 #Dogecoin 社區對 Kabosu 遺產的評價,人們重新關注加密貨幣的未來。正如 Buterin 所建議的那樣,切換到權益證明系統可能是重要的一步。這一變化不僅可以減少採礦對環境的影響,還可以提高網絡的安全性和可擴展性。 $BTC $DEGO

Vitalik Buterin 爲狗狗幣 (DOGE) 社區提供戰略支持。

#Ethereum 的創始人 Vitalik Buterin 在社交媒體上表達了對他的 #Shiba 犬科動物 Kabosu 去世的悲傷,Kabosu 成爲了互聯網現象和狗狗幣的代言人。Buterin 的推文“Kabochan 安息吧”,是對 Kabosu 的主人 Atsuko Sato 宣佈她 19 歲的狗去世的帖子的衷心迴應。Kabosu 的形象在 2010 年走紅,導致 Billy Markus 和 Jackson Palmer 在 2013 年創建了狗狗幣。從那時起,被稱爲“狗狗軍團”的狗狗幣社區發展迅速,Kabosu 成爲了一個可愛的吉祥物。

Kabosu 的死在加密社區引起了深刻的共鳴。埃隆 #Musk 和官方狗狗幣賬戶等知名人物也表達了敬意。馬斯克在推特上表示,Kabosu 正在“昇天”,而 #Dogecoin 創始人比利·馬庫斯 (Billy Markus) 分享了一張 Kabosu 與死神對話的表情包,死神告訴這隻狗,“我被告知你是最棒的。”這波悲傷和敬意揭示了 Kabosu 對加密貨幣世界產生的重大文化影響。

這次最新的致敬並不是 Vitalik Buterin 第一次表達對狗狗幣社區的支持。過去,Buterin 曾多次向狗狗幣基金會捐款,該基金會致力於狗狗幣的開發和推廣。20​​21 年,Buterin 以成員身份加入該基金會,並提出了多項發展加密貨幣的舉措。他的一個著名建議是讓狗狗幣從工作量證明 (PoW) 算法轉換爲權益證明 (PoS) 系統,這將提高其效率和可持續性。

隨着 #Dogecoin 社區對 Kabosu 遺產的評價,人們重新關注加密貨幣的未來。正如 Buterin 所建議的那樣,切換到權益證明系統可能是重要的一步。這一變化不僅可以減少採礦對環境的影響,還可以提高網絡的安全性和可擴展性。


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Breaking: Elon Musk's xAI Partners with Oracle for AI Supercomputer, Boosting Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) Prospects. The partnership between #xAI and #Oracle is designed to build what is called the “Computation Gigafactory.” This initiative will focus on building a supercomputer that will be the backbone for training and developing Grok. In April, Musk was seeking to raise $4 billion in funding for xAI at a $15 billion valuation. Investor interest increased and Musk increased his funding target to $6 billion at an $18 billion valuation. Additionally, these funds are expected to significantly increase xAI's GPU count. The goal is to increase the number of GPUs from approximately 10,000 to 100,000. This expansion is not just a quantitative increase, but also strategically aims to combine these GPUs into a powerful supercomputer architecture. Thus, #Grok will reach new heights in AI efficiency and capabilities. Recently, xAI introduced its AI chatbot Grok to the European market. This launch is part of a broader strategy to make advanced #AI tools accessible globally. Despite widespread distribution, Grok is not yet available to all users in Europe, reflecting a gradual approach. Linda Yaccarino, CEO of xAI's parent company, X, highlighted this expansion as a significant development. According to Yaccarino, the launch of Grok in Europe is an important milestone in xAI's strategy to expand its market presence outside the US. This move is expected to encourage broader adoption and integration of AI across various sectors and is likely to potentially influence global AI strategies and policies. $BTC $ETH
Dogecoin (DOGE) Community Responds to Robinhood's Farewell to Kabosu: An Emotional Farewell. Robinhood's official X account shared its condolences for the cute dog, who won the love of millions around the world, with the message "RIP 2005-2024." This gesture from Robinhood, a major platform for trading Dogecoin, highlights Kabosu's cultural impact beyond the meme world. The #Dogecoin community, known as “Shibes,” also paid tribute to #Kabosu . While social media platforms were filled with condolences, many people stated that Kabosu's memory would live on. Dogecoin co-founder Billy Markus, aka Shibetoshi Nakamoto, published an emotional lament that was widely shared and received positive feedback from community members. As a sign of respect for Kabosu, the value of Dogecoin rose. The cryptocurrency gained as much as 6% in the last 24 hours before rising to $0.165, an increase of 1.6%. This market reaction reveals Kabosu's emotional connection and influence on the Dogecoin community. Wide Impact on Internet Culture Kabosu's influence has extended far beyond the Dogecoin community. His photo has become synonymous with humor and positivity, bringing joy to millions of people around the world and symbolizing the playful spirit of the internet age. Robinhood's commemoration of Kabosu's death is significant given the role the platform played in #Dogecoin transactions. This step reflects Kabosu's broad influence in the internet and technology world, where it has gone beyond its beginnings as a meme and become a cultural icon. Kabosu's death marks the end of an era for the Dogecoin community and internet culture in general. The Doge meme and his legacy, immortalized by the cryptocurrency it inspired, will continue to bring smiles and spread positivity. All the tributes that come in remind us that Kabosu's memory will live on and that a simple image has the power to make a lasting impact on the world. $BTC $DOGE
Institutional Investors Are Flocked into Bitcoin (BTC) ETFs, Signaling a Major Shift in Crypto Investing. Recent analysis reveals significant adoption of Bitcoin among leading financial institutions. According to a study by a leading Bitcoin app called River, many large institutions in the US have integrated Bitcoin #ETFs into their investment strategies. The research shows that 534 institutions, each managing more than $1 billion in assets, currently hold Bitcoin ETFs. This trend reveals that various financial entities such as hedge funds, pension funds and insurance companies are increasingly adopting #Bitcoin . Key Statistics Highlighting Bitcoin's Institutional Adoption A striking statistic from River's report reveals that more than half of the 25 largest hedge funds in the US have adopted Bitcoin. Millennium Management, a notable example, has accumulated $2 billion in Bitcoin assets. This pattern continues, with 11 of the 25 largest Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) and several smaller advisors also investing in #Bitcoin . River CEO Alex Leishman emphasized the strategic importance of holding Bitcoin assets. He warned that selling Bitcoin to major financial entities like Blackrock could result in permanent loss of access to these valuable assets. This statement once again reveals the increasing importance of Bitcoin in corporate portfolios. There is a growing trend for businesses to include Bitcoin in their financial reserves. Thousands of companies using the River platform currently hold Bitcoin in their reserves. The amount of Bitcoin held by these firms has increased dramatically in the last year, with the average holding rising from 2.5 BTC (worth over $70,000) to 4 BTC (worth over $280,000). This adoption trend is not limited to large corporations but reflects a broader shift, with smaller businesses across a variety of industries also accepting Bitcoin as part of their financial strategies. #Bitcoin has begun to be recognized as a valuable asset on corporate balance sheets. $BTC $ETH




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